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Everything posted by lakerguy

  1. Nice That looked like alot of fun
  2. Thanks for sharing that trip with us We stayed in the cabin beside that one in the pic about 6 years ago.It was my sons first long drive and had such a blast up there too. Caught a ton of walleye also Gonna plan another trip up there one of these years again
  3. That looked like a whole lot of fun :thumbsup_anim:
  4. I had no idea walleye were a salt water species
  5. Thats a sweet set up
  6. When we flew with Nakina air to Eddies Im pretty sure it was a 100lbs per person
  7. I will try to get some pics up sometime,for some reason I cant figure out how to bring pics here from photobucket...what code do I copy?
  8. Great report Rob Mepps Cyclops spoons with orange worked well for us....well Joel
  9. Smokercraft for sure We sure like ours
  10. Haha I hear ya... Cheers Thanks all for the help
  11. LOL I been there a few times This run is with my son,hes 12
  12. Thanks for the help fellas I just found out the place in trout Creek isnt very close to a trail. Will give the Callender a try
  13. Ok Thanks Roy
  14. Would anyone happen to know if there is a motel in Powassan? Close to snowmobile trails would be great Or that general area Any help would be great Thanks
  15. I sure agree about the weather up there for sure,I fished in my shorts one year and snowmobile suit the next.Ive been going to that area for years and just love it. Chuck white double-tail mister twister tails at the beaver dams and you will catch smallies and snot rockets till your arms fall off
  16. Ronda Camp is a boat in camp,have access to another portage lake(s) that have pretty good fishin. Up the rd a ways is another lake(Duncan) which also has 1 maybe 2 boat in camps.
  17. Spending a week with my son at Eddie Norths camp for sure was my best trip to date http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=56504&hl=eddie%20north&st=0
  18. x2 on Klim gear
  19. It certainly was
  20. Thanks for the kind words Rob.It surely was a great time sharing the camp with you guys.
  21. Great pics Gord thanks for sharing
  22. Haha he was our cabin boy on Bateau lol sorry Craig
  23. That looked like a cool trip guys How was the water level?,where you able to fish the other water bodies above or below?
  24. Looks like a great time
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