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Everything posted by DMASSE

  1. Looking to go tomorrow. check HOOK UPS
  2. what kind of camera was that
  3. Hey Was thinking of ice fishing tomorrow (jan 16) if anyone would like to join... I was thinking Keswick for perch, or whatever.... Willing to pay for the gas and other expences.... I have a 2 man hut and all the gear so let me know Home number is (416) 536-8209 or PM me as I will check quite often Dave
  4. I had the privledge to dry fly fish for steelies in early winter with RICK WORWOOD (FFF MAster) and BILL SPICER (FFF MASTER) and we ALL got some good hits on WHITE MILLERS. They hatch when the temps are starting to drop but not freezing. Penn. rivers and with good colour water. I even say a guy get a chromer on a hopper-dropper , but i think it was taken when the hopper was being dragged under the water... Dave
  5. Your right It was another pike thAT grabbed the one being released, VERY cool Dave
  6. TJ I am willing to tie and donate 50 steelhead flies and 50 Small Stream Trout for your auction to help out with rick Let me know Dave
  7. count me in again.. give me a job if needed Dave
  8. Hey Have the day off last minute and looking to go fishing for some steel. I was out on the weekend and had a great time. So if yiou want to go PM me or call (416) 536-8209 I will be up untill 1 am so call Looking to go out east on some of my fav water or even home waters l;ike the humber or credit CALL Dave
  9. Hello A friend asked me when the lakes and rivers close in the Kawartha's He was asking about Cameron and Balsam. Can anyone tell me any help would be appreciated Dave
  10. Bill Dont forget the micro plastics llike 1 inch tubes in white and Pink and berkely grubs I usually hit tons of fish on the geen with these when nothing else is happening. Also you might want to bring some botton bouncing gear to work the botton by the Indian reserve. I cant tell you how many fish I hit there using a walking sinker and roe.. If you want more PM me and I will help more if needed Dave
  11. Hello I got the day off, so I have decided to go fishing tomorrow. The usual thing, float or fly fishing for late salmon and targeting steelhead and browns... Was thinking of heading to the credit or might head out east who knows for sure. If your interested call me or PM me here (416)536-8209 Dave PS sorry for posting it here MODS but last minute
  12. TJ Thanks to you and your team for another great year on OFC Best regards Dave
  14. The tagged fish may have been one of the tagged fish from the Orillia perch festival... Or a id tagg for the MNR.. Call Wil Wegman at the Auroura Office, he will know. Dave
  15. Hey Mike Why dont you leave it to do its thing. LOL just joking. great going.. You should see the BROWNY PIG I caught yesterday. Probally a cool 16+ Hen Waiting for my friend to send me the pics.. Say Hi to Ken for me Dave
  16. YA I love her smile here as well She is asking to go out again on thursday I love fishing with her
  17. I would think that fishing with a longer lead would be easier to line fish. FIDEL you dont fish for steelhead in the late fall or the spring. Arent they "doing there thing" What about Walleye in the spring, I know they are still doing there thing on opener, and Crappies and perch Ice fishing in Feburary, You fish the credit and the only reason to fish there is to catch Salmon, browns Coho's and steel. So I guess its wrong to fish there unless you fish there in JUNE.... Not the upper credit of course "you dont fish there" along with the other 100+ people pounding on a few hundred residents..That sounds wrong as well... Anyway The trib in question has tons of pools and its up to the fisherman if he or she wants to line or fish with some pride.... DO as you wish with your own sense of judgement. As I know my personal decication to the sport of migratory fish and the water that they habitat... All the best Dave
  18. Fidel IF you know the river that we were fishing then you probally know that there is a deep pool probally 10-12ft deep where that brown and alot of salmon where caught. The tail outs are always a hot spot for feeding fish, like browns and rainbows... In the afternoon we fish at the Cedar pool and the deeper pool behide the houses. Most pics are taken to protect the area with generic water in the back grounds ( usually) Where our leaders are 5 1/2 ft long and a small tippet taking us to 6- 61/2 ft, Indicators at 4ft .. All on flies and all fish released taking the time to revive... WE DONT USE 10 -15 ft leaders in hopes of linning a fish. As a dedicated flyfisherman I dont fish redds, and dont fish a foot of water We observe the spawning fish but ALWAYS move on... I have personally seen salmon and others follow a spey fly weither they hit on hunger or aggresion who knows. We have known and fished together for for many years, and you as well as many other know how I fish and my dedication to the sport... I have passed on that spirit of fishing to my daughter, and she too will pass on the conservation spirit to hers in the future... Dave
  19. Hey So after my post on "Anyone want to go fishing " There waere no takers for a day of fly--float fishing on one of my fav creeks. My 14 Year old daughter Katrina said that she would love to go fishing with me, as her school schedule wasnt a hard one today. So we decided to break in a new 7wt Loomis for her and My trusty 8Wt for me. So we started off real early setting up our gear. Right away at the first pool, Katie noticed atleast 15 salmon and trout sitting in a tail out rapid. So she started to cast and hooked into a monster. She after 10 minutes loses it but the thrill will never be forgotten. After about 3 other fish hooded and lost we decided to move to a deeper pool She hooked and landed a nice coho, She was freaked out trying to lift it for a pic ( girly Girl) and it escaped before I could take a pic.. On the other hand I hooked and landed 9 fish out of this pool, one of many pics At around 12 we decided to sit for a break and eat, watching fish jump a ladder when out behind us a cool animal snuck within 4ft of us. never seen anything that close to us.. So after dinner we decided to drift some rapids and she hooked into her personal best Brown. All in all a great day, High 20's in fish count, good DADDY--DAUGHTER time and good weather and conditions Thanks Dave
  20. Call me back pls
  21. Hello Going fishing tomorrow, looking for some fresh fish after the rain, Probally out east. anyone one want to come and float or flyfish for some Salmon- hopefully browns and some early steel Let me know Dave (416) 5368209 PS> Sorry mods for adding this here but last minute
  22. One of our favorite show in my house. I love the fact that its mostly TO Keep up the great job. Thanks again dave
  23. I have personally taken roe from dead fish in the past. One time I was at Bowmanville and Mitch ( the MNR Officer) in that area saw me, he came up to me and asked me what I am doing, I explained that a dead hen was in the river and I was taking the eggs, doing so that I didnt have to kill a fresh fish knowing that I wasnt going to eat it. He thought it was a good idea and he liked the fact that I wasnt just killing for eggs. The only thing was he suggested that I keep the carcuss, or bury it somehwere just my 2 cents worth Dave
  24. I have personally taken roe from dead fish in the past. One time I was at Bowmanville and Mitch ( the MNR Officer) in that area saw me, he came up to me and asked me what I am doing, I explained that a dead hen was in the river and I was taking the eggs, doing so that I didnt have to kill a fresh fish knowing that I wasnt going to eat it. He thought it was a good idea and he liked the fact that I wasnt just killing for eggs. The only thing was he suggested that I keep the carcuss, or bury it somehwere just my 2 cents worth Dave
  25. Hey I know this should be in the HOOK UP section but was lst minute I have the day off tomorow last minute and I am going fishing. The salmon season is amazing right now and I am looking for someone to have the same fun and experience as I do. So I know its late so if your interested my home number is (416) 536-8209. I will be up untill 12 midnight so Call if you would like to meet up. Dave
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