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About S.M.05

  • Birthday 04/03/1976

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    Ten acres lane
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  1. Congrats on the new P.B. What a Beau-T! So jealous. Still waiting on some consistently cold nights, first ice specks are what winter is all about.
  2. Would be awesome to have a tiger trout fishery here in Ontario. As well as an organization similar to Flippr to help set up and manage several trophy lakes. As a destination for sure, met several guys that traveled from Ontario, Alberta and the U.S. while up there. Thanks Joey. The fishing was alright.........................
  3. Thanks for that fix of beautiful trout. Should help hold me off till ice up. I think you should wear you toque down there while sipping your rum, just so they know your Canadian eh!
  4. The Tigers are awesome Chris and truth be told although I caught some beauty tigers, I was after big colorful male and that would require a return trip. Last trip at least two days I had the lake to myself, probably in part due to the weather. This year was totally different with lots of people out each day, all types of weather. I think I counted 13 people or so the one day and it made accessing certain spots a waiting game some days. With the crowd growing and few nice tigers under the belt it will be sometime before I would consider the trek again.
  5. Dave there are few other oddball hybrids out there but I assume the fact that tiger trout occur naturally in some areas may have encouraged the process. John your right about them being sterile both in the wild and the stocked triploid trout. Glad you guys think there just as cool looking as I do. They are also a very aggressive and fun fish when they turn on. Working on the 2nd part of the report from this year where I drove the 2700km to fish them again along with auroras on the way home.
  6. Been really busy in life and although this is the one fishing forum I visit daily, it's been quite some time since I have posted anything. Well Drew (Moosebunk) has been asking me for a while to put up a report about a trip I did to Manitoba for tiger trout. With his help getting my photos uploaded and a kick in the pants here it is. Hope you enjoy! http://bunksoutdoorangle.com/manitobas-trophy-tiger-trout-by-mikey/
  7. You guys smuggling fish in or what? Wild ride for sure. BTW Don't post here much now but have enjoyed your last few reports Chris, keep them coming.
  8. Second day reading this report just to soak it all in. Drew you have truly hit the next level with your photo skills and you words as good as ever. Those six brightly colored buildings in a row followed up by those glowing char......just awesome! Thanks for taking the time to write this for us.
  9. Out of all the trophies you have reeled in Drew, she is the one that you wont top. Great read as always and looking forward to future Bren and Drew reports.
  10. Looks like an Aurora to me. Congrats on catching a couple of those cool little trout. A few years back MNR accidentally stocked aurora fingerlings in a speck lake. Can only assume you guys where fishing it, in which case there's no problems since the stocking lists clearly states that brook trout stocked lake regulations apply to it. BTW lots of fun rules regarding the Aurora trout and their lakes. Reminds me of playing card games with my cousin, he made them up as we played. If its not in the regs its probably its probably not a rule. (check with MNR when in doubt)
  11. It just goes to show that pigs don't fly, but they do swim! Still thinking about those pics of up north you shared with me after your return, just incredible!
  12. I knew you were back and there would be a report kicking around somewhere. Awesome slobby laker dude, I'm jealous! Tried grabbing that laker for you as it popped off at the hole, but my computer screen got in the way will just have to follow you down next time.
  13. Bunny quick strike rig........ Don't worry no rabbits were harmed during my adventures. Glad you guys liked the concrete sink and red cedar base, possibly more than the fish. Was a lot harder to build it right than to build it quick. Matt with all the great comments on it maybe an instructional post someday, but for now I have a couple more reports to finish first.
  14. Good stuff Simon, your son has really grown since your early reports. That pike must have been a lot of fun!
  15. Nice thick laker! Makes all the trips worth it when you stick it to one like that.
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