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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Lol I often wonder ya know..But of course its none of our business.. Not like it matters
  2. Rob Ford for PMO...lol All kidding aside that video made me realize how much i actually missed Chris Farley..Man its almost like Ford life was scripted just so this video could be made.. From the running over the lady the camera crash to the football wipe-out..Incredible..Also very well done
  3. I agree, His only plus side was his faceoff abilities, that has also gone now..Never liked him or his new deal..
  4. Here watch this and decide for yourselves..
  5. Big Cliff , if you eat vegetables you better google GMO's and educate yourself.. Its a total new war on the food we eat.. Start by reading this.. If this doesnt get you interested I dont know what will http://isupportorganic.blogspot.ca/2013/11/failed-monsanto-gmo-corn-pushed-on.html
  6. Im not to sure how you would go about this.. Just about all corn grown around here is GMO. The only way you could guarantee yourself of non GMO is to purchase heritage seeds and grow it yourself or ask a local organic grower to do it for you..Good luck with your search and please by all means keep us in the loop as to what you come up with.
  7. Great game tonight..Clarkson finally gets his first! Smith with 3 points! Kessels shot has improved somewhat from last year..Very impressive. Out-shot once again, seems to be working..Ill say it again its OK to be out-shot with all the shots coming from the boards and blue line, with goalies like Bernier and Reimer its a good feeling to not have to worry about the net. Thursday should be interesting We get Bozak and Naz back for the Nashville game. I cant wait to see what Carlyle decides to do.. Were fighting Tampa for first with 3 of our top centers out. Go Leafs Go!
  8. Clearly he doesnt shoot what he eats as his wife was present at the last press conference...lol
  9. Ya Rob Ford showed up at the Cats Argos game after half time..Argos blew a large lead to the cats..Cats to the cup finals..Oski Wi Wi go Cata Go!!! Thanks Rob Ford! ha ha ha
  10. 30? yikes didnt know that but I stick to what i said about pounding the habs into submission.. Dont really care who does it as long as its done...
  11. Great game considering 3 of our top centers are either injured or suspended..Proud to be a leafer now lets get healthy!
  12. He is young. Give him a few years to fill out a little..I personally like anyone that can pound any hab into submission...
  13. Ha ha Security at ACC may find a monkey wandering around the arena, but Kulimans back is sure feeling great...
  14. Staubitz is a good grab.. 4th liner 3 min a night pounding the crap out of anything in the opposite teams colors.. Holland looks good, good setup man
  15. Ouch Sens loose Bobby Ryan another dirty head hunter took out yet another star player...
  16. I like both these moves..Holland is a big center and from Toronto..Staubitz is a big boy the next ORR
  17. One thing about the man he will always come out on top no matter where he ends up Hollywood would love him..lol Tommy boy 2 and sat night live here he comes...lol All kidding aside I dont really care what he does as long as he does his job.. From what im hearing he does a very good job..I cant complain about that..
  18. Dont use rocker guard..for reasons mentioned above it rusts under..If it a good clean boat trailer (painted) wax the paint and keep it clean..you will get a good 20 years or more out of the finish if kept clean!
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