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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Except for the fact that he leads both Scrivens and Rask in save percentages.. top 3 either are or were leafs..love that stat too.
  2. Darn right..Go Leafs Go! Dion has been huge so far this year..Must be contract year...lol
  3. Wow James Reimer now leads the NHL in save percentage with a.947 Atta boy
  4. I call Bull on that..The leafs were outshot yes but go to NHL.com and look where those shots came from..35 of those shots were from zero chance areas (from the boards and the blue line)..Its the way the leafs play.The do very well at forcing it to the boards and the outside..I keep saying it but no one seems to see it..Keep going boys your making the goalies job very easy...Its a different kind of D but its working well so enjoy it
  5. lol im not so sure mine would agree..Funny stuff right there..
  6. Here is a full length film made in part by the film board of Canada..Educate yourselves
  7. Art IMO this should be locked..The Old timer here is not going to play nice, nor will I
  8. Money talks...I have no clue what goes on in the White hose but it sure is all over the world wide web..Keep deflecting facts with spew Time will tell who is right and wrong..I don't plan on being a statistic 20 years down the road nor will my family..We all know organic wont pollute or kill us in the long run..
  9. This all starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate influence over policymakers via the “revolving door”. One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for Monsanto as an attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto, becoming the company’s vice president for public policy. These are the people that feed you your information. So am I to take the word of a man from Ontario Canada that's its ok to feed this garbage to my kids?lol I think not.
  10. Ya good luck with that..Very few can afford to successfully sue Monsanto..
  11. Yes it is glycophate I have seen the test results with my own eyes..But, .Yup peeing into the wind defiantly comes to mind..Im done..Use your own heads folks..Not someone that thinks he knows it all..I wouldn't argue with my grandfather for same reason..
  12. lol my parents were maybe 12 at the time so i think its safe to say I wasn't even a thought
  13. As grapes said a couple of weeks ago. Coach Randy has completely thrown Reims to the wolves. He has started every game against the top teams in the NHL Bernier get the softer teams... I suppose when you toss the kind of cash at an unproven goalie you wan to see what he has.. i dont get it myself.. Optimus for Prime Minister.. lol Kidding of course
  14. Lol I have tried with the intelligent come back but when you know everything and were nothing more then "activists" that know nothing , an intellectual debate is like peeing into the wind my friend.. I mentioned the Roundup or Glyphosate showing up in ground water on my Grandparents old farm, you say nothing other then "Your reply is full of emotion but lacks any truth other that spouting off anti GMO reteoric and lies. Not to sound arrogant, but I am vastly more qualified in both experience and education to comment on this issue then anyone else that has posted here. Have a good day." witch to me translates to laymen terms ,I know it all your you know nothing. So please explain to me this ever rapidly growing list of contries that are opposed to GMO? I wont go on all day with you on this but its something im extremely passionate about.. So i could. The information is out there folks learn for yourselves and think outside the box. Here's a list of countries (and U.S. counties) that have banned genetically modified crops in one way or another. In the United States: Only the California counties of Mendocino, Trinity and Marin have successfully banned GM crops. Voters in other Calilfornia counties have tried to pass similar measures but failed. In Australia: Several Australian states had bans on GM crops but most of them have since lifted them. Only South Australia still has a ban on GM crops, though Tasmania has a moratorium on them until November of 2014. In Japan: The Japanese people are staunchly opposed to genetically modified crops and no GM seeds are planted in the country. However, large quantities of canola are imported from Canada (which is one of the world's largest producers of GM canola) and there is now GM canola growing wild around Japanese ports and roads to major food oil companies. Genetically modified canola such as Monsanto's Roundup Ready canola have been found growing around 5 of the 6 ports that were tested for GM contamination. In New Zealand: No GM foods are grown in the country. In Germany: There is a ban on the cultivation or sale of GMO maize. In Ireland: All GM crops were banned for cultivation in 2009, and there is a voluntary labeling system for foods containing GM foods to be identified as such. In Austria, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria and Luxembourg: There are bans on the cultivation and sale of GMOs. In France: Monsanto's MON810 GM corn had been approved but its cultivation was forbidden in 2008. There is widespread public mistrust of GMOsthat has been successful in keeping GM crops out of the country. In Madeira: This small autonomous Portugese island requested a country-wide ban on genetically modified crops last year and was permitted to do so by the EU. In Switzerland: The country banned all GM crops, animals, and plants on its fields and farms in a public referendum in 2005, but the initial ban was for only five years. The ban has since been extended through 2013. In India: The government placed a last-minute ban on GM eggplant just before it was scheduled to begin being planted in 2010. However, farmers were widely encouraged to plant Monsanto's GM cotton and it has led to devastating results. The UK's Daily Mail reports that an estimated 125,000 farmers have committed suicide because of crop failure and massive debt since planting GM seeds. In Thailand: The country has zigzagged in its support and opposition of GM crops. The country had widespread trials of GM papayas from Hawaii but reversed its plans when the seeds got wild and began contaminating nearby crops. Several countries such as Japan moved to restrict the importation of Thailand's papayas as a result, not wanting to import any GM foods. Thailand is currently trying to embrace both sides -- producing organic foods for some countries at a high price while moving towards embracing more and more GM crops. The country has also tried declaring some areas GMO-free zones in order to encourage other countries to trust their foods.
  15. Yup as I figured..Cant teach an old dog new tricks..Thank god your at the end of your career..
  16. Order next years wood this winter and split when its frozen. Its a great workout and I find its easier to split frozen.Plus you don't work up such a sweat doing in the winter months. What kind of wood is it your splitting? IMHO Wood wedges are for felling trees not splitting wood..
  17. Cool pic I liked it.. Had a good laugh at a few others too.. Its the look on their respective faces that make me laugh
  18. Wow this type of thinking is whats wrong with the Agri industry. No offense Old Man but your wrong on so many counts..I can clearly see who has been signing your pay. I can post up hundreds of links of what is wrong with GMO. There is a reason the majority of Europe has either limited or out-wright banned them.. If GMO's are so good for us then , please by all means tell me why "they" (monsanto, dupont ect ect) fight so hard to keep GMO's off the labels on our foods. Untill there is actual proof that GMO is indeed not harmfull im not willing to risk my children's future health on what Monsanto says.. Label the foods let us decide for ourselves..Yes I grow organic no my family has not been sick. As a youngster I helped my grandparents farm what we called cattle corn. There was no sprays what so ever and you know what? The grain bins were always full come October. Now these same farm fields are being sprayed 2 to 3 times a year by the new land owner. Roundup is not biodegradable and its now showing up in the ground water in the same area. So please pay close attention as to whats really going on here..If your really an "Old Man" Your grandkids future depends on it.
  19. Man were stinking up the joint now..Bernier still looking solid..Looks like Reims will fave Ovechkin and the Crapitols sat night
  20. Well hey roommates for the first season seems ok but to live together for 4 or 5 years now?
  21. This depends on what side of the coin you look at..
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