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Everything posted by Afraz

  1. Thanks a bunch i shall google that place which you have generously provided. In the U.S maybe, but nothing like Potomac river anywhere in Ontario that i could see.
  2. LMAO !!! ahahahhaha sounds like a great idea, heck the next time one of the fisheries officers pulls up i might just throw some his/her way, and den spend the next 20 years of my life in prison, for assualt with a biological weapon ahahahah. Wow this thread just got out of hand, but seriously though. No one has secret carp roe recepies eh.
  3. I dun get it ? whats going on XD
  4. Dang it, i was lookin al over for "rick" mercer while people were crowded around mr Dave XD
  5. my bad, umm yes you can "have some" while you can "give me some" of your cutbait
  6. MMM channel cat cutbait, and an exotic one to boot
  7. If you can't help, no point in mocking someone for trying not to waste fish Parts. I know what most of my buddies do with carp. Yep they make the grass greener. Or they trade carp for tackle with their asian buddies lmao. I have enuff tackle and no lawn. So that leaves me with either cook it or dump it back where it came from so it can continue destroying the habitat feeding of gamefish eggs and uprooting plants.
  8. I tried Goers day before yesterday, horrible wind and the water level must havebeen like 2 feet deep LOL. I don't think there's any fish at goers LMAO !! As for Harwood its only a smallie/walleye/crappie fishery. I dun want these fish, since two of them are OOS anyway. I want big cats and carp
  9. No idea about Oshawa, but P-H they were going insane on worms on a pickrel rig. I think teh trick is to get there late i always fished for suckers during the night. Anywhere from 8 pm - 11 pm.
  10. Hey Guys, I was wondering what bodies of water other then teh Grand hold viable populations of Channel cats, i am tired of making super long driver south west every weekend i was hoping to find something up north or better yet east ward. Does the BOQ or trent severn system hold any cats ? Are there channel cats in Simcoe and rice lake ? I am not looking for peoples hot spots just a general direction, lol any place other then the Grand. Thanks
  11. Umm so yeah, i am thinking of hitting up rice lake, but as usual i am lazy and i don't want to fish for crappies and hustle them into bitting, I heard there is a pier in rice lake great for channel cats a huge carp. If this is true can someone direct me towards this location. I want to be able to land something with a bit of weight to it, oh if there are opportunites for large bluegills/perch i wouldn't mind getting into some of those either. I hope i can get a reply within the next couple hours causethats when i'll be leaving. Thanks
  12. Alrite before people freak out, and say its a trash fish why would you eat eggs of trash and what not. Bear with me, i googled Carp Roe Recipies and the results i got were for something called "taramOsalata" a Greek dish apparently which is simply fish roe usually Carp or Cod all mashed up mixed with herbs and spices. Now my problem is how do you remove the skein from the roe ? and for myself personally the black colored eggs really put me off unlike Salmon or trout Roe which at least look good to eat but is probably laden with DDTs and what not. So yeah, is carp roe edible ? and if so what can you make with it, how do you prepare it ? On another note what about panfish roe ? Say if you catch a mess of crappie/bluegill/perch and you find those yellow jewels inside could they be put to good use ? Bait or for table fare ? Thanks
  13. You and me both brotha, i have been stockpiling sucker from the rouge for a while now. So i can get into massive channel cats in dunnville ha ha. Other guys on teh forum have been wondering why are you keeping your suckers. Wait till teh wind dies down then they'll know why. The run of suckers in the rouge has died down, they are probably up by Glen and Rouge. I was at port hope last week, and the suckers were biting hard. I guess using mackrel or whole sardines for cat bait would be good too since they are oily fish. Afraz
  14. I OWN A SEVYLOR FISH HUNTER 360 THE 12 FT RATED FOR 1200 LBS Best investment i ever did make, i have been looking for a 3 Hp to put on it, cause that it is what its rated for. Only problemis its retarded to row liek a huge bath tub in the water. My buddy owns a Sea Hawk with a 30 lb thurst, we had 5 guys, 3 on my boat and 2 on the seahwak. He towed us out of Fishmasters so we could fish the grand. Thats right a 30 lb thrust motor towed 5 guys in 2 inflatables to catch some kitties at night, If you can't afford the storage or want something small and versatile, Sevylor all the way. But why bother dumping 300+ on an inflatable when u can get a used aluminum or fibreglass for that much. If money is an issue i suggest u stay awya from sevylor cause they do get expensive and just buy a walmart / crappy tire brand. it will work just as well. We now have 2 walmart boats and 1 360 in our crew. Hope this helps Afraz
  15. MMMMM Gotta love them Perch, Good to see you had a nice day out.
  16. If not Steve's place there are other locations nearby. But Steve's place by far out performs all the others. Like BBQ island (water level way too low).
  17. Yea whats teh deal with the yellos and greys, are they two different species or what ? anyone know about this ? maybe steve knows XD
  18. More often than not, any ad on kijiji wihout a phone number posted is probably going to be a scam, and this isfrequent in the auto's section.
  19. I have a bunch on uncured fish roe, Chinook roe to be precise. I was going to make bait for trout opener but this year has been so retarded i dunno if its even worth making roe sacs anymore.
  20. Are these carp from ontario ? there are grey and ornage fish in there, how the heck did that happen ? All the carps i have seen here are golden / brownish never seen any grey and orange ones.
  21. I was at Gagnon's yesterday. That isn't dave mercer, i thought it would be that funny guy from this hour has 22 mins LOL.
  22. Yup thats commercial alrite, unless a certain ethnic group is involved in which case its just another normal day. LOL, enuff fish in the freezer for least a week. But yea a couple years back i recall hearing about 2 azn fellas from Scarborough who ended up catching carp and tried to sell em to Soon-Lee on markham and lawrence. I think it endedup with jail sentence and a hefty fine, not too sure about the details.
  23. If you are there for saturday night alot of our guys will be there, fellas from OOD and maybe this site, come out and say hello. There may be two inflatables out so someone can give you a ride a lil bit out. Given that they are inlatables i think you'll have to itch in for paddling lmao ! Oh and ya FM has tonnes of place for you to fish from, and we wanted to fish below the dam but couldnt figure out what technique to use, maybe sliding floats ? If you are out there tommorow night look for a dude dressed in black with facail fuzz dat'd be me
  24. Oh snap worms in our bellies, are these fish parasites dangerous to humans ? last thing i like watching is a creepy crawlie moving about in the flesh of the panfish i keep. I promise dmyself never to fish in Montreal ever again for this exact reason. Every single fish (perch, Bluegill, Bass) we caught from that one location had some trippy crap inside em, after we gutted and went ahead to filet em these things started moving. Freaked theheck outta me. All went in the garbage.
  25. Pound for pound (if you manage to land a 1 lber lol) i would take a sunfish/bluegill over a crappie any day. Better den crappies but not as good as perch, WORD !!!
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