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Everything posted by toca

  1. Hey there fellow fisherman and fisherwoman. Kinda excited to put my first post about Rice lake with my first White Fish And Speckle Trout I Ever Caught. They aint monsters but it was sure fun catching them after catching a majority of dinky perch. So I had the day off wednsday and thought I head to Rice Lake With Better Equipment(Last time I went up I had medium heavy rod with 15pound braided with 10 pound fluro leader with fake worms). So half of my day at Rice was catching average size perch throwing most of them back in the water. The rest of the afternoon kinda surprised me because I ended up catching a speckle trout and white fish. Anyways enjoy the pictures. Cheers, Retodd
  2. Figured Got That Inflated And Saw That I Could Stretch My Legs With Gear And Stuff. Two People Would Be Cramps Thank God For My Fisher Price Tackle Box.
  3. Thats Still Bartering.......
  4. I Agree With Drifter On This One, Just Better To Let The Other Fisher-Person Know what he doing wrong first then Call The Authorities/Conservation Officers. Another Thing What I Liked About What Aile_Goby Told Me Was To Take A Video Or Picture Of The Person and Show It To The Authorities. Hear Lots Of Stories About Confrontation Becoming Fist Fights. Although I Almost Threw A Friend Of Mine Off The Dock When I Was In Huntsville For Wanted Keeping A Baby Pike. Eventually He Threw It Back But Caught 3 Footer An Hour Later. Also Raise Your Hands If You Find It Annoying When A Fellow Fisherman Comes Up To You And Starts Looking At Your Gear And Setup Without Asking? I Only Ask This Because Its Targets One Specific Race. Regards, ReTodd
  5. If The MNR Could Throw The Book For People At The Humber In The Evening. Saw Some Pretty Wild Stuff There Especially The One With This Old Foriegn Dude. He Litterally Comes In With A 1-2 Oz Weight With A Hook And Rakes The Waters. Another was the drive by where one person would catch thier limit and some random Dude Just Shows Up And Grabs The Bag And The Guy Goes Fish For More. I Think In The Last Three Hours He Bagged Like 10 Salmons. Then Theres This Other Time When I Was Wading In The Water And This Salmon Looked Perfectly Fine and then just bellied up with its belly Cut Open For The Roe. Anyways, Thought I Share My First Time Experiences In The Rivers
  6. Hey People, Thanks for the feed back. Very Much Appreciated. The Canoe And Small Boats Are My First Choice But The Fact That I Dont Have Any Storage For A Canoe Or Small Boat. However I Did End Up With A Sevylor 4 Person Boat. Wanna Try It Out On Simcoe(anyone know where I can find parking at cook's bay?) Or Rice Lake. Tired Of This Shore Fishing. Also I Can Finally Fish Around The Humber Bay To See Whats In There. Thanks, ReTodd
  7. Just Wondering How These Sevylor Inflatable Boats Are. Bought This 25lbs Thrust Trolling Motor Last Summer But Never Got Around To Getting A Boat Or Canoe. Was Thinking Of Getting One Of Sevylor Fish Hunter Series But Wanted To See If I Should Wait A Couple More Years To Get A Real Boat And Figure Out Where To Store It In Toronto. Any Info Would Help. Cheer, Ted
  8. Let Me Know How It Goes. Unfortunately I Gotta work tommorow

  9. Where the hell are you guys going to catch these things?
  10. MikeTheBassFisher Check Out The Company Called "COCOONS" they got various sizes that can fit over your perscription glasses comfortably. Price is pretty decent I think i paid mine for 45 bucks after taxes.
  11. Im only lurking to find spots to fish.... Other than that since im pretty fresh anything you post I probably wont recognize unless its part of the humber and credit river. Like all trees, rivers, waters, they all look the same to me. Cheers, Ted
  12. stoopid work. would so be asking to join but a customer asked the job to be done before monday. Oh well. Have Fun Guys
  13. Wouldnt mind learning a thing or two for carp Always like to epand my knowledge for fishing.
  14. Hmm Wanted To Do Some Carp Fishing South of Old Mill. Wouldnt Mind The Rivers Too.
  15. You forgot to mention the light fixtures. Style(flush, recessed) Type ( pots, low voltage, etc) What kind of switch mechanism are they on Etc. ReT0dd
  16. Who do you think im talkin about?
  17. You Gotta Love The Wanna Be's Electrician Answers. Just Call An Electrician. Or stop doing your own electrical work.(just kidding) Anyways just read ur post and I think there is a lot of missing information for example. whats the house like area wiring copper alunion knob and tube etc etc etc if you want free help then you gotta be more detailed Cheers, Todd
  18. I went out on simcoe by myself. It worked out pretty great as long as you use the fastners. The only problems was the when the wind started to change directions and came to the front of the hut and thats where the trouble happened. what i did notice was there was two other holes in the front. Its possible to anchor them in the front as well but then it would be a pain in the arse to go in and out of the hut all the time then.
  19. Thanks Sinker, Ill take that into consideration. And yes the same to everyone. Have a safe and happy holiday. Cheers, Todd
  20. Interesting Ron, let us know about it. Also for a new guy for ice fishing whats the most common and general spot to go ice fishing in bewdley?? Thanks, Ted
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