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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Very good point!!! I would have no problem with closing the inland rainbow trout season from January 1st to June 1st. It's a shame that this post has turned into another one of these wars. Let's just congratulate them on a good "lawfull" catch.
  2. Those regs if followed by the majority (and you are breaking the law if you aren't) should do wonders for the walleye fisheries. I've mentioned this before, but, wish they would do the same thing for south-western ontario...up to the grey-bruce area. Some of the walleye lakes that were decent when I was a teenager have been decimated. With some stocking and some decent management they could once again be what they were.
  3. Don't know why somebody always has to throw in a negative comment?
  4. Looking for opinions on the park, it's fishing and facilities from anybody that has been. We are booked for Restoule for our late August trip, but, are looking for another possible camping trip for two or three nights a little closer to home. Taking my 14 ft aluminum Legend if we go. Thanks!
  5. Yeah, saw it on Lloyd's boat, that is a sweet item to have. Have fun with it Wayne!!!!!!
  6. Way to go Nestor!! I'm definitely going to have to try to get out with Lloyd for some chrome!!!
  7. Great stuff! Lloyd knows his salmon/trout as well as Quinte walleye. Some really nice bows and a "beauty" King!!
  8. Awesome report, great lunch time reading here at work !! I am so pumped for another shot at my first musky this weekend after reading a bunch of musky posts over the last week!! Can't wait for Saturday.
  9. Agreed, except for the Pflueger Arbor combo I picked up earlier this year. Great braid specific combo for walleye for $89.99 on sale.
  10. If you get the chance watch the episode of Aaron and Barry's show on fishing that lake!! Had me pumped for musky opener!
  11. The shows we are watching now were all done, prior to his heart attack. Love him or hate him, he has never been afraid to speak his mind and push some buttons with our ministry.
  12. Yup, me too!!!! There are a couple of people on the forum that have extensive knowledge of the lakes in the park. I'm sure they will chime in and give you some help with a PM.
  13. One of the reasons I asked the original question. Why need proof of ownership if your name is on the license form???????
  14. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHH Maybe we need to contact the OPP, or Ministry to try and get a straight answer...the pleasure craft license document seems to have all the necessary information. If they are checking to see if a boat is stolen.
  15. Thanks, Wayne! Was second guessing myself on this one. Now I've got to dig up my trailer ownership...think it is buried in my glovebox somewhere.
  16. In my case my motor is 15 hp...so definitely the pleasure craft license permit, but, I could have swore I read that the ownership was necessary as well. Now I'm looking closely at this document and it does have the hull ID # of the boat, the length and description plus my name on it...however it also states that it is not a title document.
  17. That is what I thought as well...is a bill of sale proof enough?
  18. Okay, guys...somebody clear this one up, please. When boating is it necessary to have a proof of ownership, as well as your pleasure craft license and boaters card? Thanks!
  19. Some very nice browns!!! Lots of effort put into that post, well done!!!
  20. Sorry for your loss, Jamie. Sounds like an inspiring woman, nice gesture with the tatoo.
  21. Nestor, if it wasn't for musky opener and wanting to get out in my own boat (only used it three times this year, so far) I would have gladly joined you guys. Maybe another time. Good luck out there!!
  22. Not what it was twenty years ago for any of those species. Still some decent bass fishing in some of the smaller lakes within an hours drive. If water levels are high enough, the Maitland can be good for bass as well.
  23. Agreed and well said!!!
  24. 65!!!!!!!
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