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Everything posted by just2manylures

  1. I didn't see the post, but I think your policy is 100% dead on. There is no place for that here. Great job keeping on top of things.
  2. Letpikego, welcome to our board. You may want to introduce yourself as people 'round these parts are a little more friendly and helpful once we know a little about you. If you do go up there be sure to post a report with pics, we love that here as well. Welcome!
  3. I bet Rich is getting excited seeing those pics. The Rock Bass King!
  4. I don't know the answer....but...uh...where do you live? Sounds like a hot spot! hehe
  5. Hi All I just wanted to say that this time of year really gets my motor running. All the great fishing reports start coming in and we get some great pictures from some talented OFC photographers. I have not got the smoker craft in the lake this year yet, but you guys are making me really ichy. Thanks to all who have got me fired up this year already and I look forward to the reports that are to come. Rich if you are out there somewhere on the information super highway we call the internet, I can't wait for some new shows.
  6. I think you only needed 1 option in that poll hehe thats how it seems anyway. I run a Eagle 320 color on my boat its made by lowrance! I was checking out there website and they have a VHF radio now too. I don't know the price but you can't go wrong with that name
  7. dog gonit! I had fun fishin at the Tourny held in Barrie last summer.
  8. Joey The debate lives on.
  9. My fav is smoke with purple flek
  10. Here it is 1-800-661-3983. I don't know his extension number. He helped me with my fisheasy and set it up properly like the pros do. I tried it on the ice this past february and it picked up my jig and I could see fish all over the bottom.
  11. Wasn't there a giant lunge that came out of Nippissing this fall?
  12. That sounds good. I think I might try contacting the MNR before I do this, just to make sure.
  13. I have been using these maps for a while now for fun but started noticing a lot of water within an hours drive of my house. I couldn't believe how many small ponds there were around me. Does anyone know how you could tell if there are fish in them without actually fishing them? Also how do you know if you are allowed to fish in them?
  14. I spoke to a young guy at Eagles office in Toronto about my fisheasy 320 he was really helpful. His name was Allan or Alime I can't remember which. He knew his stuff, I will dig out the phone number for you
  15. Lew the warm weather is right around the corner. Bring on da spring.
  16. Let me be amung the first to say welcome aboard to our board..hehe. A little boat humor there.
  17. Thanks for all the help guys. Even though a few of you don't see a purpose to this thread you have settled a debate that has been going on between me and splitshot for a while now.
  18. Personally I haven't tried it, but as you can see there are mixed feelings.
  19. Sorry to hear about the camera. We have all done something like that
  20. I had an old Ultra portable on my 12 footer back a few years now. I would stick the transponder about 6 inches above the bottom of the boat. That way when I was going faster the transducer would come out of the water and it wouldn't fly off from the water pressure. It works good, but you have to know where you are going because she ain't going to work out of the water
  21. Well after several hours of debate over the phone with my old pal spiltshot, we couldn't come up with an answer. I figured the best place to turn was to the might OFNCers. The question at hand is (insert drumroll) how do you pronouce RAPALA? I say it is Rap-a-la. Splitshot thought it was Ra-pal-a. Then I mentioned that I had heard a fellow at the Sportsman's Show call it Ra-pel-a. I need some help to settle this friendly bet, there is no money on the line of course.
  22. I seen a product on TV called sticky weight. You stick it on your line like silly puddy and it is weight. Maybe worth a try
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