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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Definitely Lakair Dan and you know where the first stop is that you're making, in that houseboat, in July! You could also call in your position reports and I'll come find you during the week as well ! It's pretty close Paul...most of the skins are only .020" and bulkheads are only .025". Amazing what you can do for strength with the right shape. ..and Thanks Dustin...you heading for Fushimi again?
  2. Tony...give Temagami another Kick. Campsites are prepared all over the lake and are FREE. Launch free at the town dock and park you truck for FREE across the tracks behind Dad's and the mini golf park. Head as far up the lake as you can the first day and then work your way back...switching campsites as you go if you don't like the fishing where you are. You could even drop in at my dock....or into Temagami Marine and DROOOOOLLLL all over serial #1 of the limited edtion 2025 !
  3. Another parlimentary leader with a presidential brown nose and weak knees....
  4. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...&storeID=11
  5. Up to $40 off starting Saturday during the BPS camping/boating sale. Page 23 ! Sale is 12th to 21st. May be cheaper places though...do your homework. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...&storeID=11
  6. Nope..if I did I'd never get the place renovated!! I'll be back on the 25th till about June 8th. Then gone for the summer/fall with the odd trip home to post my adventures!
  7. A few of the ones I've rebuilt were used that way Jack!
  8. All depends what the customer wants Don. This guy just wanted a jump start to get him done. He has his wings and tail feathers built and I did the bare fuselage hull. He can now finish the interior floor, install the controls and engine and go flying. Others I have completely finished (about 1000 hours of work) and in that case yes I do the test flights. I will only test fly stuff I've installed the engine in. Many others come in as wrecks and I rip them apart and make them better than new again.
  9. Complete airplane of this type...18,500. This fuselage hull I think there's about 700 rivets left in the box that was 10,000 A set of floats like I did last winter 13,200 give or take a hundred or two.
  10. Now we just have to get it to Seattle Washington somehow Paul...anyone going that way? I don't wanna build a crate.
  11. ...since I was such a good little boy I can have until October off if I take her with me! WOHOOOOOOO It's time!!! Couple of customers float planes to get flown out of here thru the week and then off to the lake on Monday! Can't wait to blast around the lake in my new toy.
  12. I've bite my tongue many times as well Camp Chef, as don' t want to jinks myself. I've never had an impellor failure in my life on everything from 4HP to 5.7 Litre Merc Cruisers. The old 9.8 Merc in the boat house probably has the original impellor in it and it's a 70's unit. The 2003 25HP Honda I got with the cottage was pooched though...but the orignial owner had run it out of the water to show people it ran fine (and it sure was melted). I'd suspect if you run clean, rocky lakes not such an issue. Weeds, sand etc I'm sure cuts their life short. Problem with Muffs from say CTC...they may not cover all the water intakes letting the engine suck air while doing those laneway runs. Be sure to read the ops manual fully for water intake locations. The other killer is all these people I see start their motors quickly on the ramp before launching. NEVER do that...get it in the water and give it time to fill the pump before firing her up.
  13. That's good that you''ve given it the good for fishing blessing malcolm...I'll be there by noon on Monday!! That's the one nice thing about Temagami. The lake's water level is nicely controlled. Almost bought a place on Cassels and thank god we didn't...after finding out Hydro has the right to vary the water level 18 feet every season. That's fun to make docks for !
  14. From the reports lately Bernie...getting far and few between that do it right these days.
  15. I keep looking at the back of that Tracker and it has almost no splash well. I don't even see drains in the well that is there. I'll lay 95% odds it was swamped and 5% that a livewell pump fitting blew off below water level. Last year when the 150KPH blew thru Temagami....15 boats were swamped at the town dock from wave action in a protect harbour. I see a LOT of lake behind those docks in your pictures. Wouldn't take much to blow up waves large enough to go over that low transom...especially with it being as shallow as you say at the docks (prop in the sand with the boat dropping 16")
  16. Hope I'm still on the water at 86! GREAT stuff David, I'm sure your father was thrilled for sure...even with everyone else getting the skunkeroooo. Fresh air, burning fuel and out on the water...what better way to spend the day.
  17. TOTAL fireban in Muskoka for sure. And that includes NO FIRES for warmth or cooking. Not sure how far the ban extends. Sounds like we're in for another summer of '05 when we couldn't even have an evening fire on our island. Didn't want anyone caught dependent on camp fires for cooking.
  18. Okay..just let me know and if planned right we'd have room for your family as well, if they're travelin with you.
  19. Hope you're making a trip thru Temagami and getting off the train as well Drew !
  20. Great stuff Rickster...thanks for sharing. Great to get the young lads out with you.
  21. Once again Bud....GREAT stuff. Them waves not for the weak stomach types, that's for sure.
  22. Great stuff Mike and truely love your OFNcommunity.com sign !
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