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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. If you are not fishing.. you don't need a licence. Just like listening to that VHF radio. (insert Women in boat full of fishing gear..reading a book joke here) No doubt a CO took that tact though (since they all seem to have a personal rule book), epecially in Jedi's case where the guy was fishing and his licence was ashore. CO probably figured if he left they'd both go right back to fishing. I had both daughters, a boyfriend and myself out last year. We had three rods out, because one daughter forgot her OD card in Toronto. CO came along side and we showed him 3 licences and I told him the daughter was our official photographer for the day because she was dumb and forgot her licence behind. He had no issues.. said we were only running 3 rods and he'd seen only 3 rods for quite some time. As a coincidence... she took the pic in my avatar! Showing she wasn't sitting in a "fishing" chair, but the forward passenger seat.
  2. Yah Phil.. but only from Pretty girls.. Have fun up North lad !!
  3. I see you've been to the BOQ in the fall Fisherman! Peter...The way I read thru the IC site last night you need the specific certificate for each application. There is none that covers them all. I just happened to have a Marine.. before I had to get an Aeronautical and why I have both. If I only had an Aeronautical I wouldn't be running out to get the marine, I'd just be showing them what I had if requested. We've been taught to say Mayday.. Mayday.. Mayday with better urgency!
  4. I'd better be at the lake by the weekend. Rob brings up a great point. Your boat.. your riggers.. rods.. holders and a guest with no licence and they just lifted a king into the boat as the CO pulls up.... ???
  5. They are on the hook for their own licence. Becomes a gray area if said fella, sans licence, has a daily limit of pickeral in his possession ON YOUR BOAT. If the CO wanna seize it.. they very well could ruin your day. It's a pain.. but I've started verifying all on board are legal before leaving the dock. Remember anyone (Ontario Resident) over 65 still has to be able to provide proof of age even though they don't need a licence. Many people, like me leave, my wallet behind when out in the boat. ..and I forgot to check that Jose fella before letting him on back in December...
  6. Pretty sure they recinded that for 18, Roy, thanks to angler uproar!... We still have it on Lake Temagami though in 11
  7. 12 volt item on a 24 volt supply... releases the magic smoke. It's called magic smoke because everything works while it's still hidden inside.. but nothing works when it's released! Like Roy said.. plenty of 24 volt batteries out there... they're actually called 28 volt in the Aircraft world.
  8. Thanks bigbuck.. that's exactly what we're waiting for, but hopefully we can head North Friday am.
  9. I always wonder who starts these rumours! lol Do the OPP have the power to charge for something under Industry Canada control? (many here probably remember little IC cars and trucks running around, with antennas on the roof, trying to catch illegal CB use 30 years or more back) Also they'll have to see you key the mic.. because you don't need a licence to "listen" to a VHF Marine Radio. All mute points to me.. I have both a marine and an aeronautical... but I'm just throwing the above out there as thoughts to ponder..
  10. You called that BENT ! Exploded maybe.. kinda like breaking pasta for the pot...
  11. Ah.. okay, he can do it his way ( I know what he's saying at $90/hr shop rate), but no reason to do so for the guy in his yard DIY. One tongue plug $5 and maybe 35 feet of (aircraft) wire... oh and 2 #194 bulbs for his side lights and it's as bright as it could be. And yes Fisherman.. each light has it's own ground strap bolted to the frame.. not slipped under the attach bolt like Easy Hauler in North Bay does...without scrapping the paint off under it I might add!
  12. Yep... luckily for me I was too lazy to scrub the scum line off from last year ! lol
  13. 9 minutes ! ... and I can see the whole way there...
  14. The middle large unit is a brand new Garmen map unit and it's speed sensor to the left.. the other on the right some old fishfinder. He thinks they work fine... I'm not asking any question! lol
  15. Definitely.. but I promised her a bought coffee.. from the fancy coffee store.. lol
  16. My f-in-law bought himself a 16' Keylargo last season to play out on the Sound in. I'd never seen it 'till last night. Not a bad little unit.. Couldn't think of anything for him for Christmas.. so stupid me bought him a Mag 10 Cannon Downrigger for it from North East Shark (thanks for the deal Darrell). Only issue with that is of course I get stuck installing it. I forgot all about it 'til the f-in-law shows up with the boat last night and says how come you haven't installed this yet ! Noticed the trailer lights weren't working when he brought it over. Not surprising with the Dutch man... but figured I might as well have a look and sort that out for him now... cause it'll just be me later anyhow! Step one is always GROUND. Slap a set of booster cables on and usually the problems disappear. Nope.. gonna be a long day. How many times can you splice the tongue wire?? Heck... #12 house wire and some marretts Well why not.. I guess it works 'till those solid wires break from vibration and the marretts rott off. Why you should use some chafe protection.. bare wires sparking in the frame. What it should look like... just need to hook the white ground to the frame. Now with that all done I can finally get onto what I was supposed to be doing. Swivel base didn't fit the gunnel area... so whip out the router... it's not my boat! Spot all ready to drill the holes. Two outer right thru the gunnel edge flange for bolts/washers/nuts and the inner two holes received well nuts/rivnuts/threadserts... which ever you wanna call them. Drilled a hole thru his battery box area.. hooked that up (fused) and he's good to go. Figured the day was toast at this point anyhow.. so I drained and refilled his lower unit and then proved a small household garbage can fits a 50 merc just fine. Started right up and peeeeee'd great. Now I can get it out of here and pray he has nothing else for me....
  17. Amazing how those "I wonder" spots sometimes work out !! NICE !!!
  18. Thanks for the ice report Dave. Now get out the flame thrower and onto open water....
  19. Yah.. but where do I sit now.. lol
  20. Thanks Tiz.....knowledge is something to be shared. Stuff like this may help the "light" come on for someone else. Speaking of lights.. time for my next post on just how many times can you splice trailer wiring between the plug and the tongue... lol.. from todays assigned work.
  21. Welcome John! Beerman might have been there...........
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