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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I do Tom... but considering his success I"m always looking for new contractors!
  2. ..and ta think I just have to look out my window ! lol
  3. Issue becomes Kris.. IF they are fishing within the rights of their license then the MNR have already spoken.
  4. I missed this while away Joey... but I think it's a great time to bring it back to "life"! So close to home for me it's just unreal and I know the smiles from the fishing trip will help you along the path of life now and in the future.
  5. Just picture that smile in the first picture Hun and you'll sleep just fine.
  6. Jesus Joey... give me a ring if you need anything (and or estate advise) and let us know the details if there's a service. Keep your chin up hun... an uncle and your Father two weeks apart.. just not right.
  7. Come on Joe... don't make it so easy....
  8. You mean there's still salmon left out there??
  9. Unfortunately no grandfather clause on this one in Canada. Nonsense with many of us driving boats since we was knee high to a grasshopper...
  10. YES JACK !! Those are the junk that started the whole mess !
  11. Guess ya missed the part about him driving one Glen??? I've seen it... he drives a Ford with the Triton in it. It's a damn ugly colour... but what can ya do.. lol
  12. Changing boat registration to an Ontario Corp # = Free Rental agreements.. 2 pieces of paper and some ink.
  13. But trout like them big Len Thompson spoons... it's my go to lure ! (downrigging!)
  14. One of each size... always be prepared for the variance in recipients.....
  15. Someone asked this earlier this year. I was dumb and left mine in all summer... so here's a picture to show you how. Spray penetrating oil if you have it and then chain to tree and drive away. Note... use a neighbours tree if you can... as it's hard on the bark!
  16. Terry's got it down.. not like we haven't argued about this at least three times this year, on here!
  17. Ahhh quit lying.... you go with Lloyd because I haul his boat home for him after we're all done and we get to bust all his equipment instead of our own ! Now if we could just get him to stop banging on our motel window at 5am.... .
  18. Thanks Leechman....Just what it says on my Father's (now also Mother and sisters) tombstone. "There are better days ahead" My Mother, after the fact, was never sure why she put that on it at the time... but I truely know why!
  19. Well we got back to the lake, after dealing with my Mother's passing, on the 4th of September. Lloyd knew I needed a "pick me up" after attending Mom's funeral and told his boss he was taking the week off. Showing up in Temagami on Sunday the 6th and staying for a full week! The only problem with that Lloyd fella... you need another holiday after he leaves!!! Up at 5:30 and fish 'till dark... Thankfully I told him to bring his own darn boat so if I didn't feel like getting up he could head out on his own, which he did more than once! We started out the first day downrigging in my boat... with some success. Then Lloyd wanted to show me how to fish and use his boat... I think we should have stuck to downrigging! LOL Leah was out with us a few times to share in the laughs... cleaner jokes.. but still some good laughs! Found out just how big the Lake Herring get.. 'tis what it looks like at "Lloyd o'clock" ! Lloyd with the big thumbs up after I had him down safe and sound on Eagle Lake. We paddled around for about 3 hours taking in the gorgeous scenery... . but never saw a minnow. So we loaded up the canoe and blasted out of there and headed west. "Hey.. that looks like a neat lake"... Okay ! Landed and anchored.. and unloaded the canoe.. It's lunch time. Now lets go fishing! We couldn't keep these hammer handles off... numerous double headers hoping we'd find Gramma sooner or later. Then we found the footballs.. But our cramped up legs needed a stretch so we went walk about for a bit. Now Lloyd's desktop picture! And a couple more footballs. After all the flying, 10 hours of being in the sun and paddling... Lloyd was a tad sore. We can fix that... And he was out for the night ! lol Next day Lloyd wanted to do Kokoko Lake. Took us 2 hours to get there on sleds in the winter..... dock to Kokoko.. 9 minutes! Supper! We named him Charlie and held a hook in front of his nose so he would pull when we wanted to move !! Shore lunch courtesy of Subway! Mercer would be proud! lol Ended up with 3 pike between us and filleted them up before heading home. After hours of paddling around Kokoko... the ride home was still where we left it. Next day we decided to motor up the lake by boat and walk into Brown's lake, that is stocked with Specks. What a beautiful place... but the fish didn't cooperate. Stopped on the way back to jig for lakers... Lloyd MISSED 4.. I did much better and missed none ! lol Captain Lloyd heading for home. and a ragging inferno on Bear Island that had many locals racing home in their boats. Never did find out what was burning. That's a wrap on Temagami for 2009 ! It's Musky time now on Georgian Bay...
  20. Well we were gone for just over three weeks to deal with my sisters passing and her effects. Back to the lake just in time for a scheduled visit of our nephew's and Leah's sister on July 30th. Our younger daughter also tagged along with them for the ride up from home. (I think she's in need of a stiff drink!) You've never seen two lads happier to be fishing in your life! ...and our daughter looking for a meal. Went through a full tank of gas hauling the younger nephew around... he wouldn't stop ! Visitors gone.. time to get to work again. Back entrance (and wood storage room) was starting to sink and fall off the cottage. Jack and dig new post holes before the next company arrived. CO's off to keep others on the straight and narrow! Our son and his girlfriend were next up and I found them each a couple of fish. She's allergic to fish.. hense the gloves! Making fun of the kids hat! ..and they left so back to work! Mix cement and pour new posts down to bedrock. I got that all done and leveled up just in time for our older daughter to come in from TO on the train on August 21st. Her fun was short lived with a phone call the next morning at 7am that my Mother had died in the night. BUT.. her train ticket home was for the next day so we made the best of what Mom would have wanted us to do. My older brother and sister were both in Wales anyhow so no huge rush for us to pack up. So we went fishing.. what else ! Enjoyed the rest of the day.. and even went across to the island next door and gave my neighbour his very own hat to congratulate him on passing his Captains exam. This allows him to be the pick up boat for the ambulance calls.. and drive barges etc on the lake. Put Jen back on the train.. and then faced reality and headed home to find this time we're over run by turkeys! A few days later headed to Smiths Falls to bury my Mother and to pass time between visitations took the kids fishing at some old haunts. September I'll get up tomorrow is up as well!
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