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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. It could have been a big issue if it had of gone worse... we were on a back lake and 28 miles from the ambulance in town...
  2. Ask him about his "lifting" experience Shayne!!!! .. and where the hair went on his arms...
  3. Actually the judge threw it out and lambasted the parents and their lawyer! She had a 1/2" scar and alive to live her life out. Other option was DOA...
  4. Okay.. Dano and Lloyd it is! lol
  5. I hear ya Charlied.. but if people are going to start worrying about if they are insured before helping someone, we have to wonder what the world has come to. 1976.. when I was 14 and my brother was 21, with us doing ski patrol at Sydenham (sp) in Kingston.. we found a girl blue on the hill. She fell down and the wad of gum she was chomping on blocked her trach. Brother did a small incision tracheotomy and used his bic pen as a tube. (he was a Queens med student at the time). The girls parents launched a civil suit against my brother for assult and the cosmetic damage to their daughter. Guess they would have rather had her dead...
  6. You two clowns.. and that other one from Orangeville.. not got any pictures to add to the thread I put up???
  7. Been certified and current since 1982...
  8. Yah.. I forgot to tell them you also toasted your brand new HDS5.. and other stuff! ..and the little hut "raising" experience you had.. but I'll let you tell that story !!! Add some pics and maybe post the video over here as well...
  9. LOL.. I made them pay their share for it Mike! Works great... I didn't use the 6 volt D cell pump.. used a 12volt 360 GPH that you see in the picture and my marine booster pack to run it as it has a nice off/on switch. Works great.. have a shower and just plug the booster pack in to recharge. You get about 5 minutes out of that 4 gallon square pail..
  10. Invited the usual suspects to the lake. Started out that I had invited them for a Thursday to Monday affair.. but Lloyd said “well if you’re going Thursday I’ll go up Wednesday night and just live in my hut overnight”. Me not thinking that was a good idea said... “we’ll all go Wednesday instead then”.. which of course was followed by “well I’ll go up Tuesday after work then”. Inmates running the asylum I say!! So since Monday was Family Day I suggested to Terry that he didn’t want to go to work for just one day of the week.. so we left Monday am instead, to give us 8 days and 7 nights at the lake. Unfortunately Dano couldn’t go Monday and had appointments to keep Tuesday.. so he would have to drive up alone Tuesday or Wednesday. The plan was for Lloyd to leave early and do some fishing close to my camp before Terry and I arrived. Terry was to be at my place for 7am…. we’d be loaded by 7:30 and up to the camp before noon. Well that WAS the plan anyhow. Awoke to my cell phone ringing at 6 and missed the call. Checked that I had two text messages from Lloyd from 5:20am.. so I knew whom to call back. He hit a big hole and blew the tires off his trailer at 11/169 and needed another spare. Did I say it was Family Day !!! Terry found him the number for Walmart in Orillia.. which amazingly was going to be open as Orillia is a “tourist zone”. Security even answered the phone at 6:30 am.. told Lloyd the store didn’t open until 9, but the manager came in at 7am. Lloyd abandoned his trailer and headed for Orillia. They didn’t have any 12” wheels.. but they had a trailer on sale on the floor that did. The manager let him take a wheel off the trailer to use, to get his trailer at least back to Orillia and off the highway. Couldn’t sell it to him.. as he didn’t have a skew number for it.. as they don’t sell 12” wheels…but the manager went out of his way even calling his wife to see if she could call around for Lloyd while he went to fetch his trailer. Turned out CTC was going to open at 9 as well. I had my stuff loaded up and waiting for Terry to arrive. Terry was prompt.. we got his stuff all loaded up and got on the road. We arrived in Orillia just as Lloyd was taking the borrowed tire back into Walmart about 8:40. We brought Terry’s spare along with us, from his trailer, and bolted it on temporarily to get over to CTC and arrived just as they were opening the service doors about 8:50. We slipped into the store through there and found 8 x 12” on the shelf BUT on 4 bolt rims. Dang… so Lloyd grabbed a tire and took it to service to see if they could install it to his rim. “Our machine won’t go small enough to do a 12” tire” WTH !!.. but the counter women found a 5 bolt in the back and we were finally on our way North. Terry and I only 45 minutes behind schedule! Lloyd FOUR hours! Our hats off to the Manager at Walmart, that went way out of his way to help Lloyd out. Thoughts of keeping the tire went through Lloyds’s head…. But that bad karma would bite you in the ass, after everything this manager did for him. By the time we got to the lake, the walkway and deck shoveled and our gear unloaded it was about 3:30. Gave us a couple hours to get out and mark some fish and let the cottage heat up. Nothing caught, but it was great getting the gear ready to go for a full 7 days of fishing. Back inside.... Lasagna for supper and some beverages and off to bed early.. because Lloyd o’clock comes real early (although I think Terry is worse!). 5:30 am came way too quickly…..up…. have breakfast and out the door we go. Not long before Lloyd has the first fish on.. Not long after that.. me with a 22” slot size pickeral. Air bladder sticking out of it’s mouth and no choice but to shove it back down the hole into the 70 feet of water it came from. The slot needs to go in the winter time… when you start pulling these up out of Laker and Whitefish depths. Shortly after that Terry’s Lake Temagami curse was lifted.. with this beautiful 30” Laker. A few hours later after a considerable move.. Lloyd mumbled something over the radio about “this thing’s peeling drag!” I didn’t even know he had a fish on. I walked over with the camera expecting to get a quick shot and he couldn’t move this fish. He would gain a couple feet on it.. and then it would pull 50 or 60 feet off his reel. Lloyd ate his entire Mr. Noodles during the fight… as did Terry after walking back to his hut for his soup. I then walked back to my hut for my hat and mitts and came back with plenty of time before the Laker as on the ice. Total fight time on this fish was 27 minutes. I measured it using my boots and based on me thinking my normal boots are 12” long I estimated a 45” fish in Terry’s video. When I sat back down in my hut I measured my boots.. they are 13.5” long and this was a 47 to 48 inch Laker without a tail pinch. Laker calculator estimates this fish at 41 to 43 lbs!!! When I realized we were going to be there for a week without running water… I went on line and ordered this portable instant hot water shower. Man did it work great!! Dan managed to get away from home around 3 PM on Tuesday.. and called us from North Bay to give an ETA. We were starting to wonder where he got to when he called.. “stuck on the lake”… mistook the sled trailer for the road to my camp. Told him that’s all right Lloyd did the same damn thing in daylight! Took some muscle and tugging with our sleds, but we got him back to the ice road and back on track… unloaded and settled in. Wednesday I started with a nice little laker. Then another slot pickeral. This guy came out of 55 feet.. and managed to keep his air bladder inside. Seemed to release healthy.. but no choice either way. 3000 miles of shoreline.. and the four of us are fishing a spot on the big lake when this truck comes along and pulls up 80 feet past Terry and starts drilling holes. Not another fisherman for 5 miles.. but he had to fish there! Guess it doesn’t matter what season it is… they’re around!! Joke was on him.. as no fish there! Thursday we made the trek up into Brown’s Lake for Brookies. Busted some stuff up going in .. as very little snow and the brush is grown up. Terry broke his auger a tad, but was lucky the toggle switch broke off and jammed in the run postion! A few fish caught, like this little lake herring, but I lost a bruiser brookie that swam by.. . snapped off my first line and then nailed the second. Had his head coming out of the hole when he opened his mouth and spit my hook back at me! The four of us coming out of Browns.. next stop Kokoko. Another little laker.. this little pig spit out a 5 inch minnow. Relaxing after a 12 hour day on the ice and 70 miles on the sleds! Keith and Ron were supposed to join us Thursday night late, but unfortunately Keith hurt his back on Monday and Ron decided that after trying to find a fill in for Keith and striking out, that there wasn’t enough appeal to drive up alone. Friday started with a nice 21 inch laker. Terry with a little laker. Can’t beat the scenery fellas! Chief Dano… flipping the 1.5 “ thick steaks !!! Lloyd with a nice Sunday Whitefish! There were many, many more fish caught. We were spread out at times, more than a mile apart making contact with 2 way radios. Lloyd, Terry and Dano have many pictures of their own fish and others that I’m sure they’ll share or put in a thread of their own. Weather was warm for the first time we’ve done this trip. Generally we look at –30C each morning.. worse case was the last day on Monday that was –16C when we got up. So temps were nice.. snowy/sleating wasn’t so much Monday to Thursday BUT the fishing was great during this period. The sun came out on Friday and the fish shut down… not even marking them on the finders and working hard to get a few. Dano saw something swim past his hole on Sunday, while in 60 FOW. He threw a line in 2 feet and nailed his 21” laker that was cruising under the ice! Note that almost all the fish we caught were released, except for a small Pickeral Terry got and a 15” pickeral that I kept. Dano kept a 21” laker and Lloyd the Sunday Whitefish. Video that Terry put together...
  11. Lloyd... Guide.. what...who do you think took him there in the first place! As for which lake.. and where... I'll just say it's accessible to anyone that wants to do some travelling.....
  12. Hope to find time tonight Nemo to get a post together... Terry has it up in his video thread though!
  13. After measuring my boots... that fish was 47 to 48 inches long... Laker calculator estimates it at 43 lbs !!!
  14. So does Dano Shayne.. through 22 inches of ice he had his two holes done and fishing before we had our augers off the sled holders, fired and the first ones drilled.
  15. Yep.. a lot of short hits.. we trimmed the tails/frills etc off our baits and had stingers on a few designs we were using. One of these years we have to have a G2G at half lake or something! lol There were other OFC'rs up there as well... I called one of them from the ice on Kokoko on Thursday... just to tell him how much fun I was having pulling Lakers and 'eye's up through his holes... while he was still working in the big smoke at the time! lol Our monster this year... estimate 43 lbs... a 4 footer!
  16. Did you ask Lloyd if you could post his patent pending redneck thermal shelter???
  17. You do have to set the hook ! lol Monday to Thursday were great... shut down Friday through Monday.. but even in that period we still managed a few fish.
  18. Was a great fish TJ and alive and well swimming below the ice ! We had many good fish, but I don't have the energy to put a post together tonight. Forgot to look at the speedo.. but we did about 200 miles or so on sleds.. back lakes..etc. Wait 'till you see what Lloyd spent 27 minutes reeling in....
  19. Yah.. well you're not gonna get me up at 5:15 tomorrow for a ninth day in a row, I'm sleeping in!!
  20. Congrats Terry ... the Lake Temagami curse is finally lifted for you. Now who the hell are we gonna pick on...... .. oh yah... we still have Joe!
  21. From the East .. brings out the Beast !
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