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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. newer shyheim, good track but kinda depressing though
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRFu51YGXM8
  3. mighty healthy is one of the best GF tracks haha, is the "uggh" a good or bad thing
  4. 15C today here in EDM, 20C tomorrow.. time to throw on the shorts and hit the river!

    1. Acountdeleted


      Let me know how those Arctic Greyling are biting. (One of the few things I miss from Edmonton)

  5. RA the rugged man is awesome
  6. Really wanted to see that show. I have seen a lot of Wu on their own or in pairs but never all together, and missed out on ODB. Method man and Redman is always a good show.
  7. .64 cents here
  8. that's incredible! nice work
  9. Anyone have any Alberta fishing suggestions? I just moved here about 2 weeks ago from ontario and I'm itching!

    1. Joey


      Where in Alberta?

    2. Acountdeleted


      If in the north end (Edmonton) Jackfish lake for walleye and pike. The Pembina river for Greyling and Whitefish and Cold Lake for world class lake trout. PM me if you want more info about the province.

    3. jbailey
  10. Toronto - June 14, 2015 - Bob McKenzie of TSN has reported that Phil Kessel’s 8 team trade list going into the NHL Draft this month will consist of: Montreal Canadiens, Philadelphia Flyers, Pittsburgh Penguins, New York Rangers, Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Los Angeles Kings and the Minnesota Wild. This was Kessel’s list at the trade deadline and it is believed that it cannot be changed until June 30th. He would be great on the majority of those teams i think. Pitt is a good landing spot for him.
  11. moving to edmonton!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      If you need info let me know. I lived there for a year. Check out jack fish lake in the parklands.



      get ready to start calling Pike Jack fish for that matter!

    4. jbailey


      thanks! i'll have to check it out!

  12. cigarette butts tossed on the roadways always end up in the catch basins which go directly to the storm sewers/creeks and eventually to the lake. Seeing someone toss a butt out the window is so frustrating.
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