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Status Replies posted by jbailey

  1. 2 hours of fishing, 17lbs of smallies, and a 20lb pike...dece morning

  2. Halp everyone! Have tomorrow off and need a spot to fish out of a kayak that is 90 minutes or less from the CN tower. Not island lake (bass tourney just happened) and not heart lake. (Worked there all weekend.) PM suggestions please?

  3. Finnally!! Account activated after only 4 months. Strange there is no valid way contact admin about sign up issues. Looking forward to partaking in some of the great conversations.

  4. Anyone have any Alberta fishing suggestions? I just moved here about 2 weeks ago from ontario and I'm itching!

  5. going to blow off chores for the day. I'm going fishin. Live in Mississauga, any suggestions on where to go that is not a 2 hr drive

  6. anyone work in water quality and know of any positions available or opening soon?!

  7. Seems the only trigger for lighting up a cig is when I BBQ. I find that strange. Still stick free.

  8. Nice cool morning, deer in the field, mushrooms are out, eating fresh squash, partridge are scattered, leaves slowly turning

  9. Lew oclock has past and no musky report. Might as well go fishing. SIGH.

    1. jbailey


      woo sounds like a good way to pass the time!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. had great time in the top50 pike tournament yesterday.. got a nice sunburn and my legs feel like jello! wooo!

  11. had great time in the top50 pike tournament yesterday.. got a nice sunburn and my legs feel like jello! wooo!

  12. Anyone coming to the show tomorrow or sunday coming from east Toronto?

  13. Something got lost in the shuffle?

  14. shared a cab with another man and woman.. a street before my drop the man lays a haymaker into the woman...

  15. START THE CAR,START THE CAR,,,,,,LOL Man got a couple of sweet deals today.

  16. pneumonia sucks

    1. jbailey


      haha and not feel guilty about wasting time doing it! thanks pal

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Wish I got an message informing me of why my thread was deleted and what "rules" I have broken.

    1. jbailey


      especially because all i did was say Ford Ford is Canada's Marion Barry and posted a link to the news. Nothing more.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. He has no reason to resign??? Really????

    1. jbailey


      he had many reasons to resign, and now he has 400 pages of reason to resign

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  19. He has no reason to resign??? Really????

    1. jbailey


      the sun? try every major news paper across north america.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. He has no reason to resign??? Really????

    1. jbailey


      the sun? try every major news paper across north america.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21. He has no reason to resign??? Really????

    1. jbailey


      apparently certain mods do not like conversation revolving rob ford

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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