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Everything posted by archer379

  1. try looking on kijji i had to paint part of my truck and found a guy there who was cheap
  2. try any where in the kawarthas so many lakes to choose from
  3. thats cool whats it worth if you don't mind me asking
  4. Wondering if anyone knows anything on tire sizes if so my boat trailer has a 175 80 13. there is a member with a 180 80 13 for sale. Would this tire be close enough for me to use as a spare?
  5. thanks for the help guys my daugther is so pumped for this should be a blast
  6. Some of you may know there is a trout derbie this weekend for kids in peterborough I ha?e always had to work and haven't been able to go and don't really know how to fish for trout with a bobber could someone give me an idea for bait and such
  7. up until about 3 weeks ago i was 20 to 30 cans of coke a week. Quit cold turkey
  8. sounds like punks just checking doors here is a tip i learned a few years back after it happened to a house up the street. Ever forgot to lock your car your with remote for your garage door clipped on the sunvisor its a easy way to get into a garage, i keeep mine in a different place i can bet my truck and van are checked on a regular bases by kids looking for a quick score.
  9. thats great and so true
  10. i bought a cheap rod and reel last summer was like 69 bucks at canadian tire didn't realy no any better this year i bought a bass pro carbon lite by no means top of the line but have played out in the back with it and haven't had a backlash yet and its a dream to cast with can't wait to get it out in the boat.
  11. do you need your boat smart card lol looks like fun
  12. i have a week at bon echo at the end of aug. haven't been there in years but was one o the nicest parks i have ever been to. Also have 2 weeks a Emily but theres not much there except fish
  13. i bought a roll to put on my newbaitcaster so when i am practiceing in the back yard and get it all messed up i am not wasting a ton of cash lol.
  14. I had a minkota powerdrive on my crestliner fishhawk and just mounted a similiar motor to the one your looking at except my is a motor guide cable drive and had no problems
  15. i had one last fall when i was looking for a boat great price on auto trader emailed the seller. the responce was that she won the boat in the divorce and she wanted to sell it cheap to piss off the x. the boat however was in the states and she would ship it back here. Didn't even bother to respond back
  16. don't blame me the carpet was to be here last thrus
  17. i brought the boat home yesterday. Just finished installing the new trolling motor the old floor is out cut the new wood today and wait or the carpet to get here and then with a bit o luck on to the water in 2 weeks
  18. wow 2 of april and i have a sunburn and muusquito bites crazy what a great day
  19. wow lucky with the opp they aren't know for there leanacy. Sounds like you had a great day
  20. just wonder ing if i van get a explnation on rod tips. I the past i have always just bought what ever canadian tire has had in my price range. this year i bought a bps carbon light 7'6" heavey probaly the first somewhat quality rod. So i have been looking and comparing my other rods to this one, i quess i have some more money t spend lol. There are fast, extra fast tips and then there a are soft tips. can someone explain to me the differance between say fast tip and a soft tip? Whe isn't it a slow tip or a hard tip. hope that all makes since as to what i mean. thanks all
  21. thanks everyone for there answers. I will try it on the boat in morning then will have to wait a few more weeks until i can get into the water. | guess i better try and fix the tach in the boat lol. I did a quick search last night on the web and was surprized how little info there seemed to be on the subjuct of which prop would work best.
  22. i was given a prop today and was told it would work but the numbers don't match. i have a 99 Johnson 70 horse the prop i have on the boat is stamped 13x19. the one i got today is 13.5 x17. What are the difference between the 2 and will it work thanks
  23. a guy at work was telling me he heard the program on draining the lake and that some guy called in and blew a gasket saying he runs a boat rental company and how was he going to survive. to funny wish i heard it
  24. i have used crappy tire batterys in cars they have a good warrenty and there is a store almost everywere
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