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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Thanks guys
  2. Any recommendations as what to use there would be great.Im pretty well covered spoons,jigs etc, I recently picked up some lindy darters and buck shots.Thanks again
  3. I beleive its 2 lake trout and 12 whitties if im correct.I need to get the regs but just checking to see if anyone knows for sure.Zone 16 right?Or is simcoe a seperate zone.Oh and how far of a walk to 1oo fow at innisfil.Planning to go there saturday and never fished there.Thanks in advance.
  4. There are pike in there, some big ones too.Lost a monster last year.They also sell minnows in the park at the parking lot,give them a call or google it.
  5. your right ,its not as good as it was a few years back.
  6. ok
  7. That gent has nver toubled me ever.The house at the entrance to the dam right?
  8. Its not his property,it belongs to lpca.Its where people are parking on the lpca property blocking a rear fenced off access to his property.A little grassy area by a bridge.Just a grassy area and a fence 6 feet high or so from what I recall last year.
  9. Everyone is allowed there legally.Its a coservation area.I personally have not come across this guy or had any issues.Its were some park on lpca property that blocks access to the back end of his property.Its from friends and people I chat and fish with.This place is great,quite,a nice walk,you name it.It will settle your mind(very tranquil),nd I want my girls to enjoy it like I do.Except for this year.Theyve never been and I promised.That didnt happen.A few years back the same issue arose below hwy 24.Then the red dots were posted leaving enough room to access shoreline.All dots posted at 6 feet in clear view.No issues after that I know of.
  10. Sure got your attention on this one eh steelie hunter.I talk to a few while out fishing and the same issues have come up.What really drove me to add this topic is that I broke a promise to my daughters.And I really wanted to take them there as I promised them before season closer. Now that spot at the bridge aparently is an access to his property.From what I understand Its owned by lpca,and no signs or red dots are posted by the fence at his property.What to do,do I chance a walk and fishing with my two and hope hes not there or not go at all?I do on occasions hunt there,knowing where people are fishing of course.But where I hunt is close to the two property lines and facing the landowners(there is a steep hill between the two properties).The creek and trails always behind me for sure.As for this land owner,he should be glad for some of us to be there.We clean up and respect the area and clean up after some that dont.Apack I made with some other regs way back when.
  11. It was late,and I was tired.This still bugs me to this day.I had to break a promise to me girls for safety reasons.
  12. I will make a trek down to a place I enjoy to fish soon for a hike.Its closed for fishing as of dec31.When the lower lot is full then we park under the tree by the bridge or long the road side.Now my dilemma is that a few were fined,me myself never.Now this area is mapped and posted as a conservation area.where the issue lies is where some people park under the tree at the lower bridge in vittoria on ryerse creek.I have never seen a no trespassing sign there,or a red dot,hunted on ocassion on the north end of the property all the way to 24.No red dots etc.Apparently a land owner this year as a problem with people down there.Its probably the same guy from below 24(both with longguns in hand to ward off evil fisherman) or the guy that bought the property where the old little bakery shop(general store) was in ryerse.No matter, to those gents in question, put your guns away seriously.We all respect the area and clean up after others.Its a great place to get away for fishin and some hunting.Seriously put you fn guns in the house.I want my kids to enjoy the area and not worry about some gun totting landowner shooting it off in mid air.I havent had the pleasure to bring my girls down there due to this reason.another gun swingin landowner.Went threw that last year with poachers up in dorset area.I told her it was a holiday and it was fireworks going off in town.Ya right.Just my 2 cents,if anyone else has an opinion on this ,esp good i would love to hear it.thanks V
  13. At least you were told that mine tells me to go somewhere warm thats not to my liking. and when im stable to come back upstairs.
  14. I started with a fish finder and now I use it for depth and structure.And then I bought an aquaview.I use them in conjunction with each other.I prefer the view when im set up at a hole.My next is a vexlar never used one but I would like one beside my view for comparison.I prfer to see what the little buggers are actually doing with my bait.
  15. Thanks tj and dave
  16. My dads 79 impala landau 305 4bbl.The needle was bent and I showed him how I bent the needle.Took him to an ice patch in a parking lot and stopped.Showed him actually what idid for a joke to freek him out.He bragged off to my uncles and his friends that he burried the needle finally.Mind you I came close a few times myself in that car.Too young and inexperienced.I drilled a little hole and fished the needle over to bend it..
  17. At puslinch its checked,groomed,maintained and spotter watching for us ice fisherman crossing the lake to go fishing.
  18. The ones I got from princess I bought 2 for 16 bucks.3 yrs later took them back in they were discontinued and got 49 bucks back.Hows that for a princess auto deal.They stand behind everything.Probably knowing most of it is, well you know.
  19. Hospitals use the same battey for their bed lifts.Quoted my nieghbour $500 plus for battery replacement incl instilation.2 of those batteries cost her $76 my price without cores.I replaced them no charge.Better to go to a battery supplier,that deals with the dealerships.The 7amp batteries are all the same size and rechargeable.My interstate on the ice lasted 7 hrs on my aquaview,then we packed up.
  20. Go to one of the truck dealers on 11 in northbay(altruck or mack,petebuilt,kenworth),ask them who their battery supplier is.If its interstate then go there for the battery or who ever.Shouldnt be more than 35 bucks.I have an interstate in my aquaview.Lasted longer than expected in cold temps.No waiting or shipping.There should be a battery supplier in northbay for sure.
  21. A fish that big, my left hand would under his belly.Wouldnt you think.Nice try bud.
  22. Im not sure who likes racing their sleds here on OFC. but you may want to go to puslinch lake in cameridge.They time and race them there,every weekend.Some of the top sleds hit over 125miles per hour.AS told to me by the keeper a year ago.Love watching them race while ice fishing.Sometimes the dirt bikes and enduros come out to play on the ice.Just an FYI for yas out there.cheers
  23. Only hurts when I piss my self laughing watching wee harry run.
  24. Neck of the woods,thats what I meant to say.On my throat,once in a blue moon and its wee harry.I tell him that glasgow sucks for a joke.Well doesnt he get furios.The other scotts love to see him get mad.
  25. I kinda in a jiffy here.Me and the girls loved watching dave on wfn.We recently switched from cable to expressview.I specifically told the wife to order wfn and the rest of the kids learning channels.To my dismay on day wfn is cancelled as to why.The better half told me it was a promo and she forgot to tell me.Damn.Guess what I cant watch or comment one the show for the contest.JUST HEAR ABOUT IT.For the shows Ive seen Dave,from the past I lovem.Very refreshing and a little different view on things in my mind.A spirit rekindled in me from red fisher,and when we say izumi drive by our place wayback when and us at the bus stop with our rods in hand 25 yrs ago orso.I guess im stuck watching reruns,thats okay.Cheers to you Dave Mercer.
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