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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. I think Terrys luck went my way todaywallbash.gif I did manage to launch the boat and trolled for a while, with no luck. thumbsup_anim.gif So heres what happened after putting the boat on the trailer. I go to pull away and my front calipar seizes upwallbash.gif Ok I will drive slowly home.

    After 5 minutes of driving I feel a tugblink.gif I looked back and I see the trailer wheel smokingwallbash.gif I did nurse it home only to find out that I have a coolant leak now.

    Good thing I have a decent parts car and plenty of new parts to add today. 37 deg celsius and 6 wheels to pull.wallbash.gif

    I feel your pain Terryblush.gif

  2. biggrin.gif

    I purchased this new to me junker biggrin.gif last night and brought her home. I tinkered around for a bit, but is was late. So this morning I woke up at 4 am as usuall. With only one thing in mind, GITIRDONEsmile.gif. Temp plates, insurance run, parts run etc, etc. I swapped the hitch from the old to the new one, what a pita that was. A quick wiring job for the trailer lights and voila, finally I can rest now for a tad. There is more work ahead of me but shes in tow mode for the next 2 daysthumbsup_anim.gif

    ps, my youngest made a little something for my hard workgood.gif

    my jeeps first tow 1.jpg

  3. Welcome aboard Gmangood.gif

    One thing I can really say is that your a trooper, well mannered, and fun to have on board. Ok thats three things.


    Keep up the good work, and for gods sake, dont outfish your dad too oftenbiggrin.gifgood.gif

  4. sad.gif

    The poor jeep has done me so well in the past 3.5 to 4 years, it almost seen its doom then. I reserected it with mininal work to be done. Its taken us to tomagami, tobamory, port hope, lindsay, All along lake eries south shore, lake Os south and north shore, bell lake many times, g bay a million times and many more areas and lakes for a trip.Towed my boat without issues as well.

    The one thing I will not forget is trusting it on the ice last year at the fishing for tyler tourney and the next daysmile.gif I had trust in her and now its time to have her put downsad.gif

    So if anyone needs parts for a 94 cherokee 4x4,pm me.Frame is cracked(5 cracks) just so you know.

  5. It was a promise I made to a friend of mine, to take his girlfriends boy out for a day of fishing. Yuppers, it made me happy alright. As for the lad, I didnt realize till a few days after how much it meant to him.blush.gif So polite, he asked the captain if he can step aboardhuh.gifgood.gif

    Hes going to make a great sea cadet one day, in my books.good.gif



  6. I had made a promise to take a young lad, to go out trolling for chromies last monday.So I did accompanied by his mom and her betterhalf.lol My good friend miller allowed him to take the first fish that hit on our second run outthumbsup_anim.gif I personally didnt care to land a fish myself as long as some of the company did. Within dropping my 3rd line we struct chromebiggrin.gif I made sure it was hooked and let the young lad hawl it in. Once it was close to the boat both I and miller handled the landing. I didnt want to disapoint the lad and made sure he had a pic of himself with the biggest of the daythumbsup_anim.gif

    That there in itself made my long weekend complete.good.gif

    HE can continue on once he joins our wacky world of fishingbiggrin.gif

    angies son ben, first ever bow trolling.jpg

  7. I don't know about port maitland but they are on fire in pt burwell right now lots of guys doing really well but the eye's are way out there in like 65-68FOW some guys are getting them in closer but no numbers all the double digit catches I have heard are way out. Origanal raps on dipsies and spoons in ugly colors most body baits will work to you just need to get them down to the fish. Oh and the steelhead will hit all the baits ya throw for eye's to.



    I agree with shawn, ive hit maitland to crystal beach with no success on the eyes.

    Port burwell is the place to be Albertbiggrin.gif


    (And who said Newfoundlanders weren't romantic?)


    Of course I loves ya darling

    You're a bloody top notch bird

    And when I say yer gorgeous

    I means every single word


    So yer arse is on the big side

    I don't mind a bit of flab

    It means that when I'm ready

    There's somethin there to grab


    So yer belly isn't flat no more

    I tell ya, I don't care

    So long as when I cuddle ya

    I can get my arms round dere



    I'm tellin ya the truth now

    I never tells ya lies

    I think its very sexy

    Dat you've got dimples on yer thighs


    I swear on me grannies grave

    From the moment that we met

    I thought you was as good as

    I was ever gonna get


    No matter what you look like

    I'll always love ya dear

    Now shut up while the hockey's on

    And get me a nudder beer.



    Doesn't it just bring a tear to the eye?



  9. I went out for the first time this season on the grand for some evening casting. The bite was slow until i switched up baits to a mepps spinnerbait. I hooked into two pike at about 15 inches long and missed one on a skitter pop. I'm amazed that i caught a pike in the grand. It was a fun outing that i'm gonna repeat tomorrow with some pics.



    There are tons of pike in that river. In caledonia esp, guys keep taking home the little guys which makes it hard on them to get to a decent size ,as Ive seen years back in plentifull numbers. On thing I will say, there are some decent sized ones in there, I relaesed a 30 incher not long ago.whistling.gif

  10. Im not sure if this make you feel any better but here goes. I bought a boat 3 seasons ago knowing this issues and at a good price. The engine was shot, no problem at all. I wanted to rebuild it any way. So I did, a total rebuild. Everything was perfect on 2 outings, the third I had to be towed inmad.gif I found out my cam gear went. Keep in mind I had a merc dealer press on the new gear to the new cam. Ok so I pulled the engine and fixed it( gear was pressed on by the same people),and again this time on the 5/6 outing it went on memad.gif Except I was 10 to 13 miles away from a port. Thank god I bought a kicker.

    As Ive shown everyone, I did pull the cam out again, went back to pick up the gear and have it pressed on, so they did.

    As I walked out the door, one of the techs stopped me and wanted to see the cam shaft, fine. He noticed the thrust washer was missing. Now Im fuming mad, he did add one at no charge, and a repress at no charge.

    Now since I pulled the gear out with the engine in the boat, I have oil leaks to deal with.

    My engine is coming back out in the fall to repair the leaks.

    Thank goodness all the labour was done by me

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