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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. If your brave enough as me, you can give that pin a spin and castaway. One issue, birds nest if your not paying attention. You can google the wallis cast, there are a few good demonstrations, videos etc on the net. Ive gone as far as two. I dont use my float set up as much as I should, or to its fullest potential.

    What I do for line twists if the room is available, at the end of the drift, I let it sit in the current to unravel itself. Less drifts in the long run but it works for me with one swivel for my leader line.

  2. I wish my oldest the best 10nth birthday ever, she is a blessing as well as her sister.thumbsup_anim.gif

    She loves reading all thats said here on OFC, and has helped out termendously with the fishing for tyler.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHMOOthumbsup_anim.gif

    The Pic was taken a few years back and its still my favorite to this daybiggrin.gif

    happy bday sam.jpg

  3. Well just a quick update on my wife... Seems now she has to go through Radiation treatment to try to get rid of the dam Cancer.. Seems that they still found some in the limpnodes(spelling) then after that see how it is then back in for more Chemo.. Sorry for the rant.

    I as well as others im sure, are praying for her wellnes. I said it once, I said it twice, If theres any thing you need my friend dont hesitate to call and ask. And I do mean it sincerely.

    My father never had a fighting chance, your better half does.

    We are here for you if need so, Kelvin.

    Even if its a shoulder budgood.gif

  4. Hey guys,


    I'm asking for my sister in law and her boyfriend. They want to go somewhere "up north" camping for a weekend in september. She mentioned Frech River area...but aren't stuck on that. They do the tent thing, like to fish but I don't think they NEED to catch fish...they'll be boat-less and fishing from shore if at all.... mostly relaxing and just taking it all in... Do you guys have any great spots, parks etc. in that general area that you could suggest?


    Thanks a bunch - much appreciated!






    Bruce national park comes to mind. Theres shore fishing to be had. A few trails to stroll along. And the scenery at the end of the trails is amazing. I just watched an episode of great canadian parks that featured BNP, I really want to go back again and see the shore line by boat with my girlsbiggrin.gif

  5. Pretty simple to figure out, as stated before, and as dave have said as well.

    White wire - ground

    Yellow/brown- left side running lights

    Green /brown- right side running lights

    Green- right turn and brake lights

    Yellow- left turn and brake lights


    You can splice the wires to a four wire plug. Check with a test light and make sure the auto end was wired up correctly.

    Keep this in mind for future reference, yellow is always left side and green is always right side, hench the L and R in yellow and green.

    Come to think of it, I do have to rewire a 53 ft trailer in the am, lights, abs system and allthumbsup_anim.gif I love these jobsbiggrin.gif

  6. Roping off an area to provide a safe swimming area for people is no crime.



    In my own opinion, roping off an area dedicated for swimming and having fun,disturbing spawning beds, esp in a spawning area is wrong. Would that be considered as an infraction, in the mnr's eyes? Im sure most of us wouldnt consider doing that, while crossing creeks, rivers etc.

    I did ask a close family members husband if there was any public access to the lake(they have a cottage there). The answer was a strict absolutely NOT! Now I do see the attitude that is there.

  7. Can anyone recommend any books, videos or DVDs on how to catch lake Ontario salmon? I have some fellow OFC members booked on trip trades this weekend and would like to at least look like I know what I'm doing.

    Any tips on lures and tackle would be helpful too. Would worms and bobbers work?

    Where would be a good place to rent a boat? Do you need a license?

    Where should I fish? It looks like a kinda big lake out there! GSP thingies would be appreciated.


    Any help is greatly appreciated and advice (no matter how bad) is welcome.


    Thx in advance,



    Dont frete, just steer the boat and watch the ff.I think I can manage to drop the cannon ball in the water for ya, no strings attachedsarcasm.gifrofl2.gif

  8. I woke my girls up early this morning for an outing. Chancing what laid ahead of us, we ventured out for chromies. We had got as far as the end of the pier after a few miles and turned around due to the waves. No problem as I told my girls, we will go fishing for another big boy called the toothy critterbiggrin.gif We tried very hard indeed and decided to call it quits in the mid am due to the storm that may aproach uswallbash.gif All I told them was maybe next time we can try again, they were happy as gleesmile.gif

    Anyhow, I was here on OFC at mid day and received a pm from an invite I proposed a while back. So off I went to meet up with live2fish85 after lunch and hit lady O again.thumbsup_anim.gif This time it was east bound, and still chancing the weather. Off we went to my stomping grounds. After setting all the lines up, within 20 minutes, at the corner of my eye I saw a twitch on the rigger rod.

    Well as he was my guest I told him to grab it. Sure enough a bow was landed and returned safely to its eldersbiggrin.gif After that we went on to troll for the mamas and papas.


    Sure enough I decided to turn on the vhf and guess what, time to pull the lines in head full tilt for shore. A major storm was aproaching. We made it back safe and sound thank god.


    We did not get skunked and it wasnt anything to write home about. But I had a great day a fishing with a great gent, thats all that countsgood.gif


    Heres the monster of the daytongue.gif

    live2fish85 1.jpg

  9. Hey Vinni,


    Try this guy, lakesidetrader.com


    I'm not sure if your weapons will fall under his line of expertise, but he can probably lead you in a direction. He is a class act and knows his stuff!


    Good Luck



    Thanks, its worth a shot for info on themgood.gif

    Anasshat.gif almost sent them off to the scrap metal recyclers for beer moneywallbash.gif Good thing I saw them. Im not a collector by any means but they will be great in a coat of arms plaque.

  10. As your last two words, it truely is quite enjoyable. The fish are there but some effort must be placed to attract them(bass wise). It is heavily weeded but the park is small, nice and great for the kids to enjoy. I do recommend it for the kids sake, they wont be disapointed if they were fishing from the deckwhistling.gif

  11. About a week or so ago over a pm, I hailed out the other two muskateers for a nomination meeting, for a fourth to join our group with recognition that will prevail in time.wink.gif Well hes has earned his wings and he will prevail as an outstanding fisherman.

    The energy and enthusiasm that this young lad has just amazes methumbsup_anim.gif

    Well Gman, I offically welcome you aboard as the fourth muskateergood.gif

    You have earned it little buddygood.gif

    This is him cranking in the big one of the day, to give me a break on 9 colours of lead corebiggrin.gif


    fishing with rick and gman aug 13 021.jpg

  12. I recently picked up a pair of daggers and one sheath. I personally do not want to polish them up yet, before varifing that they are antiques, and if they hold any value.

    I do beleive they are brass with copper, hence the green corrosion.

    The sheath is hand made from the looks of it.

    They are heavy and aproximately 10 inchs long.

    If anyone at has seen something similar or the same, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks a ton



  13. Hi guys my male plug on the trailer is damaged. I need to replace it. I went to canadian tire to buy a new plug. Got home and I was going to cut the old plug off and solder the new one on. Only thing is the new plug has 4 wires and the old has 5. Is there a way to wire this or should I go back to the store and see if they have a 5 wire plug? Thanks and any help.



    Male and female spade connectors will get you out of a jam, or wire it directly. Most packages come with both plugs anyway.

    Question for you, your 5th wire, is brown or black? If so dont fret, the 4 wire plug you purchased, just add an extra wire to it. Most likely its the running lights wire. One for the left side and the other for the right side. I just recalled telling another member to pick up the split harness before I rewired his trailer a little while back.

  14. As mentioned Kelso would work. Also Mountsberg is not too far of a drive, and there are some shore options there.



    Kelso is good as near by. There are a few ponds not to far away on a senic route as well. But as meantioned mountsberg is a good option and not to far away. I hear there are some good size bass therewhistling.gif Go to team 1 2010 OFC entrywhistling.gifbiggrin.gif

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