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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. I drove down to my usuall area for chromies, looked at the waves and said no way, its not looking good out there. So I hung a right and ventured on. thumbsup_anim.gif I launched and headed to the stomping grounds that very few spoke about. My target was walters. I found them, seen them on the ff, had them follow as wellwallbash.gif For what? None of them to nibble at allwallbash.gif I ran one line on a rigger and the other was lead core. The rigger line twitched a few times so I brought it upblush.gif A little wee smallie on a lure its own size.blush.gif

    At least I didnt get skunked and I know now some tails are actual truths in a manner of speaking.

    The waves told me another story, so it was time to get out.

  2. The bass and pike I did expect, but as for the kittygood.gif That surprised me for that sizegood.gif

    The bass i catch are in the hot times of the season and they are big. Im surprised that no crappie were caught.In good faith here is something Ive been dealing with for a while, frustrating but fun as well.

    Cant find the pic but im sure this will intice you, pic is a little crappy though.

    binbrook crappie 1.jpg

  3. Heres one that I posted a little while back, not to far from lake O(in a trib). I have lost another ski in open lake O not too far from shore, not too long ago, that was a fluke incident.


    The crank bait is 4 1/4 inchs long, the ski was just under the surface. No need to do the math, because it was hugesmile.gif

    niagara muskie 5.jpg

  4. What a great day out on the water today, calm winds no waves made an enjoyable ride out for me and my darlings today. Starting off for the long weekend on the water I couldnt ask for anything more. esp meeting up with a friend and his boy out therethumbsup_anim.gif


    We started out at 90fow 2 lead cores and 2 on on the riggers, right away the rods are dancing biggrin.gif Then when reeling in nothing was to show formad.gif blasted fishwallbash.gif At this point it happened 4 times and I promised my gals fish, yes fish for them to landangel.png

    Rod went up and guess what, I turned to my youngest and said reel it inbiggrin.gif

    Again another rod goes off, if passed it off to my oldest , she faught and faught only to lose it to the side of the boat, oh well. things happen. blush.gif

    We eventually managed to hook 2 more that were landed afterwards. Nothing spectacular but they all faught with a furythumbsup_anim.gif My Girls includedthumbsup_anim.gif

    What a great start to the weekend, everyone catching fish etc, and esp seeing spincast and gman out there on the waterthumbsup_anim.gif




  5. How come the three most active threads since 2:57 this afternoon are about dead fish?


    1- Dumping fish remains into the lake.

    2- Bowmanville Creek salmon run and

    3- Bronte.



    whistling.gif And let the fist fights begin at the one you didnt mention Roywhistling.gif

    Just for the heck of it, I may go down to flyfish for the last time with a rod im giving to a young lad soon. That sure will baffle a fewrofl2.gif Using marshmellows and ear plugs on the hookrofl2.gif

  6. Oh Oh! Seems somebody might be getting a little obsessed now? Dan, let me know if you want to borrow any equipment, rods, reels, dipseys, secret vinnimon spoons etc.

    I'm right off the highway on your way to the launch. I'll be stripping the boat on Monday and transferring to Seguin next week for some homeless pike.


    BTW, Mom said thanks (actually 'Praise The Lord worthy.gifworthy.gif - Food!!!'). She's selling the fish so she can put a door on her shed for the winter. Thx for making that happen Dan.thumbsup_anim.gifthumbsup_anim.gif


    Cheers, it was a blast!!



    What no nemo rods in hand, what the heck Dansarcasm.gif

    That sounds like an awsome day with dan in the boatthumbsup_anim.gif

    Simon you keep those spoons vewy, vewy quite, Or Its gonna be wabbit season vewy soonwhistling.gifsarcasm.gif Maybe notninja.gifrofl2.gif jkgood.gif

  7. Just watch the weather and the spoons flying toward you and you will be fine.



    To add to dans point, watch for darting lines heading towards your boat. And listen to all the screaming from shore. Thats why I like spoonchucking when every one is at workwhistling.gif When the regular gents and relaxed folks are there.

  8. Hey vin fyi pat no longer working in parts dept. Thx for the info



    Patdunno.gif There are two Dans that work the counter. One is yourger the other is older. I like the younger one, hes more energetic to please the customers at the counter or over the phone. All I do is say its Vince over thew phone and wham, they are on top of itthumbsup_anim.gif

  9. Out of curiosity, what # line are you guys using as your main line? I like the 8# line. Last year I switched to the raven line, havent had too many issues but I feel its a little limpy for my likings. Mind you I havent soaked it in warm water and it hasnt broken on me on a hook set.

  10. Across the street theres an inn with a restaurant, from what I remember. If its the same owners that I spoke to way back when. Its worth a shot to ask them. They were very polite and helpfull to me. I recall a floating dock as well.

    I never did fish that lake, but I did go to another just north of itwhistling.gif The Bass fishing was fantastic. Pm me for info if you like

  11. Ok so I call merc dealer (thx vin) and they tell me plugs on above chart are suggested alternatives..now the stock plug for that engine is an NGK BUZHW... I am still on fence with this as all my research does not show this plug...here is a pic I found on net but I cannot confirm accracy as the ngk site makes no reference to this plug.. To weird ehh!

    Try calling barton auto supply in hamilton with the merc #. You may be surprised. I was on many occassions for merc parts(cross referenced etc)Merc # to bosch and so on. They even found the listing and a supplier for my cannon downrigger motor.thumbsup_anim.gif

  12. Please tell me it's not beginning... NOT YET FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    (btw, I've got bulk marshmellows and earplugs for sale if anyone is interested)



    Your too far for me to purchase the items, but im sure every pioneer along the lakeshore will be stocked up. Ear plugs I get for free anyway.

    But like you said, for the love of god NOT YET!!!!!

    Need to net a king in the boat. Not the shore

  13. I received the same letter as well.

    What burns me is when it was registered at service canada, they took copies of the invoice. So why the letter now? Taxes have been payed on the trailer at the mto office.

    The boat was free( ididnt want it to begin with). I had the boat with me for their viewing pleasure anyway, my last statement to them was, Do you want it? If so take it, its for freebiggrin.gif I was serious.

    She chuckled for a bit. Then back to business.

    So, the way I see it is, the government accepted the fact in hand and didnt ask for a dime. Acceptance, acknowledgement on their part, have a nice day ottawa.

    Guess what, 0 times 7 or 8% equals 0.

    Enough is enough, they keep digging deeper and deeper into our pockets for what?


    On top of that, I received a letter asking to confirm that I have insurance on a newly purchased vehicle and as well as one that I sold recentlyblink.gifOK, ask my insurance agent for it, Im on billable hrs right nowwhistling.gif

    Emotionicons only have 4 fingers for a reason. mad.gif

  14. Oh yes engine was bought used so I jhave no paper work for it and this is first time I took out plugs



    The make, model and serial # is all thats needed. There is a forum online that can help you out on the engine etc.Pm me for the info, they have been a great help as well as OFC.

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