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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. From what I heard on the radio(vhf) this morning, they are still searching from my understanding. sad.gif

    I kept thinking about it today while fishing in an area. Seeing something floating around, I dread it esp if it looks our worst fears. Even the life jacket that I found 6 miles out last week in the shore shores.

    I hope the person is found soon.

    But I do fear the worst unfortunitly.sad.gif

  2. This was a misfortune for the person that went missing on saturday. I heard the call from prescott this morningsad.gif There was another in my vicinity while trolling that was stranded, two on board a vessel stranded. I heard the replies to assist them.thumbsup_anim.gif

    I was ready to go without hesitation. To all here on OFC , if im out there, I will assist in any manner possible.Ive been there and its not fun at all. And I listen in.

    For some of you guys for future reference. Bronte harbour has had a call out for assistace, a charter captain from another board did assist untill the ccg arrived, venturing out of port weller. Time of arrival within1.25 hrs.

    Half way in between there is another 2 vessels that should of assisted, and should of been on alertmad.gif

    Sorry for my little rant.

  3. Nice pic Vince. Glad to hear you got out with E&S - good on ya.


    My results were similar with G. I knock off. Highlight of the day - listening to a pan pan distress call for a yacht that hit the rocks off Oakville harbour. Turned out well, shortly after CG called off the pan pan - someone nearby had pulled them off.


    Jordan is a clean screen dude - from 110 - 35 we probably only marked 10 hooks all day, and none wanted play. Headed out to Port D and they were staging everywhere - some great screen shots, but they had lock jaw. Watched the FF show the spoon in their face - Nutin. Charter dudes had a little more luck, but not much from the sounds on the radio - Still- what a beauty day to be out on the water. We decided to finish the outing off with a 15 minute run WOT down the shoreline and back for some fun and to give the motor a work out after a summer of trolling.


    Time to try some different stomping grounds. LPB is up next I do believe



    I heard the same while I was pulling my lines up, told the gals to stay quit so I can hear. I was ready to go there. Then another was on their way to help themthumbsup_anim.gif

    Also on a sadder note , there is a missing fisherman/boater between toronto and oshawa area. That i did hear early in am, went missing saturday, a call out today as well from prescott . I hope him/her is ok, keeping my hopes up in the meantimesad.gif

  4. I dearly wanted to fish the usuall area for chromies, instead I opted for the west end lake O. My girls were with me and I figured, why not hit two birds with one stone. So off we went to see this schooner that was setting sail today. Then we ventured off to some known stomping grounds. Sadly enough all I managed was a line twitch, thats all.

    My favorite lure that have produced were dedicated to mooching set up.

    Anyhow, upon that twitch I seen, I pulled the rod up to unclip it.wallbash.gif It broke immediatelywallbash.gifNo fish eitherwallbash.gif So I swithed that reel to another rod in hopes for a lunker, that didnt happened either.


    So all in all, it was a fantastic day on the water and very relaxing as wellthumbsup_anim.gif


    schooner in hammy harbour.jpg

  5. I remember that day to a tee, correct me if I am wrong. It was a thursday, early in the morning. I was starting all over again, my oldest was 2 1/2 weeks old then as well. I was preping for my 2nd day of class of my aprenticeship. I had the tv on, on low. Samantha was beside me in her seat. I was studying and my now ex was sleeping as usuallmad.gif

    I looked up and saw the footage on chch, holy cow, I was almost in tears. Then came the second crash. No need to disclose how I feel, but what the inocent folks dealt with that day. I cannot put into words. I show my girls a few vids from you tube once in a while. Yes, they were in tears alright, particularily for all that suffered that day.

    So to all that lost a friend, a family member, a coworker, my sincere condolences to you all. It just seems like it happened yesterdaysad.gif

  6. just heard today that there was a chain pickerl caught off of wopus (sp ) island today .. another invasive fish coming our way



    I havent read any of the replies yet, but I did ask about the same thing not too long ago, We did catch them on a regular basis on an erie trib way back when. They were common and small, very tasty as well. I still pitch a line to this day in a particular hole to catch one, once again. With no luck at all since thenwallbash.gif But there were other picks to be had in lieu of itthumbsup_anim.gif

  7. I have an aqua view scout underwater camera, with 100 ft of cable. I do know they sell the hardware to rig it up to the down riggers as well. Has anyone tried it/have one. View points are needed as to the hassles I may fear while doing this. Cable drag, keeping the camera straight while its swimming in reverse.

    I do know I have to let the cable out and retreive it manually, thats is a pita on its own. But other than that, any input will be apreciated.

    Thanks a ton

  8. While driving around Don't pass up even the most unsuspecting trickle coming from a culvert, especially during periods with zero rain activity, in most cases this equals spring feed water that is just the right temp to hold the brookies you are hunting.

    Good luck.



    Never know what can be found at the culverts and ditchs. Last season, i seen a lady fly fishing at a ditch, yes she was fishing, I ventured further up stream, 2 conscessions upwhistling.gif

    I wasnt disapointed that day, for brookies.

  9. a buddy of mine picked one up a couple weeks ago, he paired it up with an 8' rigger rod with pretty good action. so far its only been christened with one small laker though. snapped a pic to show his boss who thought he was dumb for buying it lol





    good.gif Thanks Miller, but the reels im looking at are much bigger, for the sole purpose of catching a big runner sort of speak with fury in himwhistling.gif

  10. I will need new rods to go with it, thats a definite. Im just not sure as to which ones as of yet. I dont want to spend a ton of $ on a twin set up as of yet. The rods do need to be over ten feet long, it is a 1 to 1 ratio reel. The longer the rod the better.

    Any input as meantioned would be apreciated, no matter. Just another tactic to have on board just for the experience, thats all.

  11. I watched the BC guys doing this for Salmon. I really dont hear of anyone on the great lakes doing this, trolling for salmon. I hear its fun to do, possibly fatiguingdunno.gif If its the same as a float reel including a drag systen, shoot why not try it.

    Only reason I am asking is because, Ive seen a few mooching reels at the local shop, at a reasonable price. I know they are a 1 to 1 ratio reel. But it would be fun to try anyway.

    Any expierenced input would be valuedgood.gif

    Good or badgood.gif

    Thanks in advance

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