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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. Just a little advise. If your buying a Humminbird Depth Finder GPS Combo and have a VHF Radio, the Humminbird will cause static on your VHF radio. Should have the warning on the box. I bought the unit thinking all was good but not so. After trying 100 different ways to stop the static with no results with some ideas from Humminbird and some electronics shops. 2 weeks later, pulling my hair out. Humminbird tells me to send it to their service depot in North Bay by Purolator because they know whats wrong. The service tech says he has the Part for unit, and when you get it back the static will be gone. So off to Purolator it goes, $32.00 it cost ME to ship. 3 days later I got my machine back. Great fast service, but why, in the first place. If they new what the problem was, why the run-around. Should be a call back on their machines. I called Humminbird to see if I get reimburse my shipping cost and they said sorry,they can't. Seems like, we the consumer, are tackle testers for there products at our expense.

    Would I buy another Humminbird? rofl2.gif


    OH, and yes, no more static.



    AHEM, Cough, choke! I see waranty if they (hummingbird)buggered with it and corrected the issuewhistling.gif Consumers and tackle testers? do you pitch your lures at your ff Dave?whistling.gif Not! Ask them the samedunno.gif Bull walks on both sides of the street I say, esp on the marketing end to save a buck or two.

    Dave send those good folks this thread, Geeze would I buy another one, not on gods earth again. My 535 portable lies to me in gin clear water. I see bottom and no fish but the screen says that they are there in 10fowblink.gifgood.gif Not the right finger but you know what I mean.

  2. Lol u guys are all crazy! Albert you're part of the family now... The wife loves you... Maybe a little to much.... Thanks again everybody! Dano...... Ur a'aight to I guess... lol worthy.gif No worries Ron hope to see you and dutchie out next year!



    Sorry I missed out this year, i had important matters to attend to, I was kicking myself in the meantime. I thought about about the whole event all daywallbash.gif

    Im glad it was a success againthumbsup_anim.gif

    As for Albert, Ryan this man and his family is A1 in my booksgood.gifthumbsup_anim.gif

  3. A childhood friend finally sent me a message via email.thumbsup_anim.gif

    He did say they were expecting when I last talked to him in person,

    I recieved the message today, they have a happy bouncing baby boy named Carsonthumbsup_anim.gif

    And I know for a fact that this boy will be a fisherman and a hunter, knowing his dadwhistling.gif

    Congrats Buddy all the bestbiggrin.gifgood.gif

    The happiest news ive heard in weeks and I wanted to share it with everyone herethumbsup_anim.gifgood.gif

  4. That's awesome Rick! By the way I did catch the bigger fish....nothing to write home about, but, it was bigger.

    Ryan asked me to put up a post tomorrow...Juli was designated photographer for the event, so we have about 300 photos to go through tomorrow.

    Great (hot/muggy) day!!!



    Thats awesome ! I thought about the event all day and kicking myself in the meantime.Then again after seeing your post that im replying onwallbash.gif I was rooting for the fishing queen again and she lost this yearblush.gif Frank congrats, but in some manner you will be back on track again very soonwink.gif After the 300 photos that isbiggrin.gif

    The wimmins always finds the way to do it alrightoops.gif Geeze I spoke out load again didnt Icool.gif


    Everyone needs more George Carlin in their life



    We have a driver thats the twin to george carlingrofl2.gif Im not kidding yourofl2.gif voice, stories, the way he speaks, etc. He could be living a glamorous life in miami, but he wont have it. He loves the road and traveldunno.gif No joke

    Since I replied I will add one thing I found today, its stetchy but what the heckblush.gif


  6. ? Care to translate?


    So... you know an auto tech who sells cars and doesn't bother with the Emergency brake? Or does a terrible job repairing/installing the Emergency brake?


    And you bought a car from them and now learnt that the guy doesn't care about Emergency brakes and so now you're concerned about the Emergency brake on your newly purchased car?


    Is that what's happening?



    Post makes little sense at all...



    It makes perfect sense if you reread the first two sentences.

  7. Thanks Frank and Albert, Mike that was the exact reasonsarcasm.gif JK. I was asked today to come in on monday for overtime, so I accepted. Now I have to push 3 days of work into 2 at homewallbash.gif . I told my girls this as well and a chance thunderstorms as well. They took it well. My youngest made me promise a morning of fishing on sundayblush.gifgood.gif

    Best of luck to all of you that are attendinggood.gif

  8. Nothing wrong with your rant, for me, brakes are those things that prevent the splat or in other words, lack of ability to come to a controlled stop.


    So why screw around and advise bad info?

    E Brakes have been usefull to me to me in 2 situations in the past 10 yrs. Well worth the money indeed

  9. For the folks that are licensed auto or truck techs, im sure we all have swung things threw to a degree. I have no problem with this to a certain point. But when it comes to the mere safety to us, our kids, others on the rd. Then it needs to be done properly!!!

    I purchased a vehicle knowing what it needed, no probs on my part. A complete brake job regardless including emerg brakes is always done for starters. Even if what is new/brand new. I do it for my sake and my childrens sake.

    Yes Im speaking out only because one I know should know better. Quote You dont need emergency brakes, who cares anyway end of quote. I was so peed off, That in return I said, spending a ton of $ rust spots is a safety concern for your new born, and it flew threw at 350 ksmad.gif Fly by stickers dont corispond to meblink.gif


    As Im typing, Im taking a break to finish off the brake job( e brakes)

    Sorry folks, I had to get that one out of me. Safety and compliance are my#1 things regardless.

    Pm me if you dont want to post it.

    Be safe and play safe

    Keep our kids safe, they are our futuregood.gif

  10. Did i speak too soon? stretcher.gif




    new bearings, races, bearing buddies. I saved the spindle thank god, an hour of intense agonythumbsup_anim.gif Going to PA for a new hub.thumbsup_anim.gif

    After that a 4 wheel complete brake job, extra bolts for the hitch and im done for today.

    Theres fishing to be hadangel.png

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