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Posts posted by fisher

  1. Fished a lot before I got married. Once married, with the new house, I was lucky to get out once every month.


    But now that my son is 3 years old :clapping: , he has become a perfect partner to go fishing with. How can the wife get upset when she sees her son (and husband) come home with such a big smile on his face (of course that is after he wakes up from the ride back home). Now we try to have an outing at least once a week.

  2. With tomorrow's forecast looking good, I am thinking of heading to Lake Simcoe at my first attempt at whitefish (and if they are there... some lake trout). :Gonefishing:


    I am planning to go to the Willow Beach area but have no (and I stress No) idea of what I am doing. Never done this before. :dunno:


    I have heard a set up consisting of a Meegs? jig, tipped with a minnow just off bottom would work.


    Questions are:


    Is there a launch near Willow Beach and how early does it open?

    Can I buy minnows near by?

    What test line should I use?



    Thanks and looking forward to your replies (either on the forum or PM'd ;) if you'd prefer).

  3. Thanks Terry. And I hear ya...some people have no shame and ruin it for the rest of us. Just like a parent who lets their child toss their klenex out the window of a car without any regard!!? Really bothers me.


    Now, back to the task at hand...finding a place to fish tomorrow.


    I took 98's suggestion and began internet searching on Keswick fishing spots and found Adeline Park, Mossignton Pier and a couple others.


    Does anyone have a recommendation as far as which park/area would be best for some perch action?


    Thanks again.

  4. I finally have some free time tomorrow to take my son fishing. I'd like to go to Lake Simcoe for some perch fishing (and crappie if they are around). Problem is that I don;t know where exactly to go.


    Ideally it would be in an area where he can run around a bit (like a park/grasssy setting) without the fear of falling into the water (like he almost did at the Barrie docks last year).


    Anyone have any suggestions...you can pm me if you;d like.


    Any bait suggestions would also be appreciated.





  5. Definitely not row.


    Definitely not what Big Cliff posted - what I saw was much smaller - unless what i saw was just starting to grow.


    It was more like the grub posted by Keram, description is of the same size (only a few milimeters round), although I only noticed it within the filet (it was embedded on the meat) and not on the skin.


    Thanks everyone for your posts.

  6. First time out ice fishing this year and we went out with Love to Fish Simcoe yesterday on Cooks Bay.


    My buddy and I caught over 100 perch, kept about 1/2 with some big perch, not many though. We fished with a plain line, hook and minnow, with a sinker on the bottom. Action was good all day from 7 am to about 2:00 pm.


    Anyway, I fileted them last night and noticed some small orange ball-like things in the meat. Does anyone know what these are?Not many of the fish had them, only about 2 or three.


    Thanks for reading.

  7. Leave it be...I enjoy reading the "non-fishing" related posts as much as the fishing related ones and if it moves elsewhere, I will likely rarely visit that section, PLUS...


    I like helping out others when non-fishing topics come out - those are the threads that I can usually contribute something useful to...makes up for my fishing related questions.

  8. Once again, the information from this board and its posters is soooo invaluable and very much appreciated. In the old days, it would be a hit and miss, unless you were fotunate enough to know someone who fished a certain lake you needed info on.


    Since my dad and I are looking for some decent fishing (while also trying to find a half decent cottage for the women), I think we will pass on this one. I was thinking of the option of boating to Balsam, but we need a lake where we can fish in and around the cottage with some success for the sake of my 3 year old ... my son's enthusiasm about spending his time on a boat can change from one minute to the next - so I would hate to be far away and have to leave on account of him every time.


    So the search continues....

  9. My search for a cottage has now lead me to Mitchell Lake for mid-July. Has anyone fished there during this time (or any other time for that matter). Can you give me an idea of what to expect - depth, species, ease of catching fish, etc... - the cottage is on the north shore of the island on the lake - facing away from the Trent system.



  10. I have a 1997 Jeep Cherokee and the first time the battery got drained I reboosted too no avail. After boosting it a few times and then having it die right away, I called my mechanic.


    He told me that my car sometimes needs to "learn" how to stay idle again, after the battery is disconnected or drained completely - something to do with the computer.


    So I was told to keep my foot on the gas after it is boosted and then without letting off the gas (where the idle would not drop below 1000 RPM), drive it around the block and after a hundred feet or more, then let off on the gas.


    So off I went, skeptical of the suggestion keeping my foot on the gas and occassionally using the brake with the other foot to slow down, I finally let go of the gas after half way around and low and behold, the car stayed running.


    True story and it has happened to me a few times - son tends to play with the interior lights alot and many times I have gone to bed only to wake up with a dead battery.


    This is a bit more difficult to contend with if you are alone, -- you have to disconnect the boost while keeping your foot on the gas - so now I carry a piece of stick at an appropriaate length that allows me to wedge the gas while I disconnect the booster pack.


    Strange but true..

  11. Thanks to everyone who answered my questions about Lagoon City, Lake Simcoe. We are also thinking about renting a cottage on Canal Lake near Kirkfield. I think we have narrowed down our search to these two areas. :thumbsup_anim:


    I like Lake Simcoe because of the variety of species, but don;t like the big lake and the waves that come with the wind :( . Canal Lake is a much smaller lake, with a less likelyhood of losing a days fishing because of wind.


    Does anyone know the kind of fishing we could expect at Canal Lake in mid-July-- ie species, general structure of the lake, any particular area of the lake that I should visit while there, etc,,,? I understand there are some pike in this lake :thumbsup_anim: ? - my dad and I enjoy catching Pike and have not caught one in a couple of year since we went to French River.


    As alaways, thanks,


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