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Everything posted by boston

  1. bummer G, seat open in my ride anytime for yah bro. J.
  2. again nice fish,
  3. have a good one girl, J.
  4. A buddy would lend them their boat.
  5. Thom, you beat me to it, I was gonna quote that one as well.
  6. I'd could be persuaded, Roger, pick a date, nice new ride btw bud. I like it. boston.
  7. Angling Outfitter's, 577 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ontario, 1-519-539-5494 It's a hidden Gem Wayne. no webiste, just tackle.
  8. I am not 100% positive on that one Wayne, but I do know that Pursuit rod holder's fit the Bert's tracks, hard to say as there are so many add ons and accesories, but I'd say your on the right "track" J.
  9. Yes he does Roy, I've seen some of the stuff Robin has made for the boys, Hitting the Odessy Roy?
  10. Actually Wayne, they used to be the same company from what I understand, some sort of family dispute, they split up and Pursuit tracks came to light. there's nothing wrong with Pursuit, it's basically the same deal, as far as the tracks go, but I beleive the Bert's may be a little better quality when it comes to there DR swivel bases and there new ratchet rod holder's are the "Bomb". Enjoy man, you'll like what your getting. J.
  11. It's all Bert's Wayne, http://www.teclausa.com/bert/products.html Awesome stuff, Gman and fishdawg put me on to it, I was considering trojan tackle tracks, but I like the fact I can buy parts right off the rack.
  12. Gerrit, we'll get out, I'm just waiting for winter to end.
  13. Hey Wayne, Me thinks your gonna like. J.
  14. Odd, both my Big Jon dr's have 12v dc plug adaptor's and built in breaker's on the motor's, installed with a marine breaker on the positive lead of the battery. Hey Pigeon, I have one big jon swivel base and backer plate if your interested. boston PS, I must just live around the corner from yah.
  15. sorry Pete, a picture's worth a thousand word's
  16. luremaking.com ran out of them and their supplier has gone out of business a while ago, this company has got a munfacturing company to make a new die and is expecting and order of the number 7 muskie bills on order and should be in by the end of January, give them a shout, I have had an order in since november, the guys name is Paul Haarstad, have fun boston. http://www.upnorthoutdoors.com/stamina/ edit to add link to the bills them selves. cheers http://www.upnorthoutdoors.com/stamina/plu...plug_bills.html
  17. nothing that case of beer won't handle bud, cheers J.
  18. Where is this info coming form in regards to crossing by boat, if I am fishing the Niagara Bar, and hit the US side with my american fishing liscence, will I need my passport on the boat with me, I do have it and it's up to date, would just like to clarify this, any links for this. boston.
  19. I would like to get 4 sheets of ply wood removed from my garage, , JK PM sent bud, boston.
  20. glad to hear it Joey, congrats, boston.
  21. I have no Idea and don't like it even as a die hard bruins fan, misfish, but if you don't think he could take tucker on his own, you should give your head a shake.
  22. I hear dawg,I gotta be nice about it, they play again on the 28th and again on the 7th of dec,
  23. 3-1 final,two wins in a row against the blue, gotta luv the cash rollin in like that,
  24. play around with this site man, you'll find what you need. http://www.marineplanner.com/
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