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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. i really wish i didn't open this thread.


    it makes me feel "that" much worse about my obsession.


    i mean, 13 pages, and well....i was hoping to find someone who was as sick as me....


    i'm hoping that person is still out there...


    my only response is....i fish really hard for largies, smallies, walleye, brown trout, salmon, catfish, and muskie....


    christ. :blush:


    Were's the pics of said obsession :dunno: we really like pics. :whistling:

  2. yep.

    i would also be willing to volenteer.to help get this going.

    sounds like a good idea.

    i have a couple other sudjestions if your intrested?


    Shoot me a PM I am all ears as far as I know this hasn't or isn't being done so it will take some planning and some trial and error but most important for this to work would be the kids have to catch a tonne of fish and have the time of there lives that is my first priority in this venture.

  3. Ok so I have had this idea for a few years and I might pull the trigger for the 2012 season .What I am planning on doing is setting up 2, 1 week fishing camps for kids ages 8-13 .I am posting this to see what kind of interest there is for this ,would anyone here send there kids to something like this .I would be taking the kids out for bass and pike for 1 day(on long point bay) and a charter for bows and walleye as well as camping and fishing instruction each child would get a fishing rod and some tackle and learn how to tie lots of knots, cast a bait caster, stuff like that. It would be held at a reservoir camp grounds so the kids could fish every day if they like and I would provide canoes and supervision for these activities .I still have a lot of details that have to be addressed like insurance possible sponsors and what it would cost per child . I won’t be doing this to make money but would like to have it self supporting but if there’s enough interest I may consider doing this as a business in the summer months .Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] .Let me know your thoughts and if you would be interested in sending your children to a camp like this .

  4. At the end of the day, what interests the OFAH is money in the bank.



    If OFAH does ultimately fail to support this, the message will be clear - this is an organization that cares more about protecting its advertising revenues than it does about protecting the fishery. Simple as that.

    I'm pretty sure this is all OFAH cares about is keeping the bank full of $$$.

  5. lets hope so, i doubt it though, it should be good this year, being their coming up later, and it hasn't been warm enough yet



    Yeah lots of fresh fish around I kinda hope the waters high and dirty to protect the big girls that are still on redds should be a good year though.

  6. i have seen that.just confirming.Usually it is last sat of Apr but this time there is 5 sat in Apr.Just got little confused



    I'm pretty sure it's been worded the 4th saturday for a few years now hopefully most of the once or twice a year opener fisherman will miss this and wait till the next saturday :whistling:

  7. if your in a group and all your limits are in the same bucket, as long as all anglers are there the fish are not in your "possesion" just because your carrying the bucket or charter captains would get nailed every time they unload there coolers. I am sure the fine was for over his limit because he admited to keeping more than his limit to try and fill the other guys limits just my take on it next time I talk to a CO I will ask I seem to get checked more than anyone I know LOL see them all the time just goes to show ya how easy the regulations are to understand :wallbash:

  8. "Party" fishing is illegal in Ontario... they got ya fair and square!


    Also.. everyone needs their catch seperate or immediately identifiable. Paper punch thru a tail fin would probably hold up in court.


    Not trying to pick on ya Wayne but I took your word as the gospel LOL and got proven wrong on another board so I checked the MNR site and found this .



    •Possessing more fish than permitted by your fishing licence or the fishing quota. Catch and retain and possession limits may vary by region, fisheries division, individual body of water, or even parts of a body of water. You must determine your “daily” fishing limit for the waters you intend to fish and follow these limits. Remember you may only catch your own limit – there are no provisions for “party” fishing or for excluding fish that you may have consumed or plan to consume that day.


    so the OP's problem was admitting he caught over his limit not that their fish were all in 1 bucket which had nothing to do with the fine had he said he only caught part of his limit he would have been OK.BTW I went through the 2011 book and there's nothing about "party fishing".

  9. To quick Woodsman. :)

    That's almost humorous considering they can look to see if you have a license but they don't. :D

    It would be a worth while Bet I'd wager for. :lol:

    They WILL call in to see if you have a previous convictions or fines saw it with my own eye's last weekend guy forgot to renew his lisence and because he had no previous convictions he got a warning and 24 hours to get his lisence and prove it which he did the CO was really nice and treated him fairly :thumbsup_anim:

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