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SRT8 smoker craft

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Posts posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Anybody see fish blood, or your own for that mater, in the water? Not hollywood blood, real blood.


    Yep I always put bleeding pike in the livewell for awhile to make sure they will make it even had a hammer handle with a big clot of blood stuck to it's belly get hammered by a bigger hammer handle when I released the smaller one. the thing was directly under my boat and I had just let go when it latched onto the smaller one scared the bejezuz out of me. it's very visable in clear water anyways



    My dad had a problem as well and resorted to trapping them.


    He would actually spray their butts with orange spray paint so he'd know if the same ones made their way back to his property.


    One day he trapped a big old gnarly one and put it in the back of his truck meaning to release it enroute to work. 'Course he forgot about it and it just so happened he was working in downtown Toronto that day.


    Upon arriving he let the beast go in a parking lot behind a high end mens wear store then went inside the back entrance.


    About 5 minutes later there was a huge commotion out front. Apparantly the coon (painted butt and all) was running up and down the sidewalk terrorizing the local yuppies.


    My dad loves telling that story. :)



    Now thats funny right there :rofl2:

  3. I can't speak for all tourney guys but my tourney partner and I always give lots of space when passing other boats that are anchored or slower and slow down when we can't give room and we always get waked almost got sunk on the st clair river last year by a 30+' cruiser .


    BTW Tillson Burgs a beautiful little town to live in ya jerks LOL

  4. No frame... Uni-body


    I don't trust tieing to the roof racks only.... it is mere glue that holds most of those down ;)

    A good gust of wind from a passing transport truck and.... hey is that my canoe in the windshield of the guy behind me :w00t:


    I would think there's 8 bolts holding those roof racks on. they hide them very well check the weight capacity in the owners manual if it has one they are bolted down if the are asthetic only there will be no weight cap in the manual and cross bars won't be availible if they are boltaed just tie it down to the racks and the front, won't budge.

  5. Interesting thread, I've learned a couple things.


    And it seems that some tournament anglers believe their rights on the water are more important than everyone elses.


    Why am I not surprised.

    Not very many have this out of my way attitude but some do I find pleasure boaters are far worse for crowding and passing at high speed.

  6. I love how everyone blames Toronto Crazies. I am not from the city but always get a chuckle from people who blame things on people that they do not know and assume that they are something that they do know. Those guys could have been from Tillsonburg for all anyone knows. Damn Tillsonburg crazies. They have never been the same since the tobacco industry gave way to soy bean. Weirdos.

    HEY I'm right here LOL :dunno:

  7. There's a season on bass... :dunno: why, never keep any and taste like :asshat::rofl2:


    Have fun you bass chasers....less anglers fishing walleyes... :)



    I prefer a cold water smally over walleyes any day smallies are great if they are 1-2lbs out of cold water

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