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steelie hunter

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About steelie hunter

  • Birthday 07/19/1990

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  • Location
    Wherever the steelhead are

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  1. A chunk of cheese. It wont break down and water log like bread and dog food.
  2. I was on scugog tuesday aft/night for a few hours. Was out half a km or so in 9 feet of water and had a solid 12 inches of clear ice underneath me. Things must have changed quickly. Was a nice night to be out.
  3. I dont know if they will warranty laying the reel in muck to take pictures, but hey, it doesnt hurt to try.
  4. Caught several gobies in minnow traps during the spring and summer, in Rice Lake. They are in thick there.
  5. Paul Castellano. Cast Adventures. Give him a ring. Had a great time last spring with him, lakers, steelies and browns!
  6. Hello all, looking to purchase a good hiking boot, mid cut, just seeing if anyone has any suggestions. Preferably waterproof as well. Something to wear outdoors fishing and hiking/canoe trips upnorth etc. Looking around, dont see much on sale, and I have a couple months to sit on it, but figured some on here might have some good leads for me. Thanks.
  7. Other than the fishing, I have no complaints whatsoever. And of course, no one can guarantee days full of fish.
  8. Did for a few years, a few years back. The cottages are excellent, warm, big kitchens, tv, dvd player, great after a day in the hut. The huts were of good size too, with a nice propane stove, could wear t-shirts inside, even on the coldest of days. The fishing was hit or miss. One year about 5 years ago, couldnt keep the eyes off the hook, a few whities, lots of perch. Then the next couple years it was just whities and perch, and a couple eyes, the odd pike. Due to school I havent been in a couple years, as well as the fishery being in rough shape, but it sounds like it is starting to make a recovery at least.
  9. If you dont like, dont buy it and dont fish there. Plain and simple. We already have the cheapest licences in the world. You pay $20 for a conservation licence and the possibilty to fish 365 days a year. That must equal out to a nickel a day? lol
  10. It is illegal. I have seen a few people questioned by CO's while perch fishing on Lake Erie. Not sure if it could be because it contaminates the water even more, being a drinking source and all, but a lot of people do it.
  11. Why eat them when you can release them? They are a great fighting sport fish!!
  12. Agreed, a glove is a must for me. Can tail them with ease, pop the hook and off it goes.
  13. No offense, but youre probably better to take your daughter to a trout pond maybe, if youre unfamiliar with trout fishing. Your daughter will have a better chance at catching a fish. Them stream steelhead are a fish like no other....hard to catch. Best bet is maybe head to the local tackle shop and they can get you set up with supplies. As for where, any river or creek that goes into a great lake is likely to have trout in it. Just stay out of the sanctuaries and be sure to the know the regs.
  14. I agree, very fishy. Something is up here, mods need to explain themselves.
  15. I dont think banning roe is the answer. I for one, use roe all the time, but either chinny roe, or hatchery rainbow roe. Roe can be used without having to kill a rainbow.... The OFAH did the same thing a few years ago, and then a few years ago, with a similar trout proposition. The MNR wanted a sanctuary to protect spawning trout on an unnamed creek, about 3/4km long. The fact the MNR was proposing this, you would think they would know best. As a lot of "sucker" fisherman would be in there targeting trout. The OFAH was dead against this for 2 reasons a) They didnt see the need for a sanctuary??? and it takes away a fishing opportunity and spot for people (only open season was suckers...) even though the proposed sanctuary was only 3/4km long, and the rest of the river (a good 40+ km's was still open for sucker fishing)... what stupid reasons... and this happened twice... I for one dont support the OFAH anymore. I sent my email in, hopefully the lake limit will get reduced.
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