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Everything posted by chinookhunter

  1. i change every 5 mins till i catch a fish then i dont change for at least 7 min
  2. I found some on www.h2ocraft.com good site
  3. you are mean there is never a need to call people names.
  4. good you need lots of food.
  5. any cake left?
  6. if we eat the poler bears than we dont have to worry
  7. I think there are to many people whining about this they should lock this forum
  8. can you still afford food? you need food
  9. I am so sick of walking upwards of 100 yards to go fishing and be called names to the point where I have to walk all the way back to the car and drive home. no one else on here gets called names while fishing?
  10. Thank you I will its people like you that make this site great!
  11. I have a glandular problem its all genetics.
  12. I hunted in that valley
  13. So everytime i go fishing people call me fat and say things like save the whales. just wondering if anyone else has been called names while fishing?
  14. i get called a redneck all the time when i go fishing.
  15. batman = food
  16. in the river i fish the fish are in about 5.6' of water hiding in the weeds and only hit a hook with grasshopers on it.
  17. no those are blue gilled goblers found only north east of asia
  18. Musky Northern Pike Pickerel Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Rock Bass Sheephead Perch Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed Sucker Carp Mooneye Hornyhead Chub Channel Catfish Crappie Longnose Gar Tiger Musky Sauger Saugeye Ling (Burbot) Splake yellow and brown bullhead catfish rainbow smelts Atlantic Salmon pink salmon coho salmon pinook salmon king salmon Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring Bowfin Madtom White bass White perch Gizzard shad Bigmouth Buffalo Brook Trout Sturgeon Warmouth (sunfish family) Goby Mud Puppy great white shark batman chub
  19. 90% of people believe a statistic if it ia at least 54.2 % true.
  20. if you know everything than what number am I thinking right now? dont know? not impressed at all it was 5
  21. cool maybe it will be warm again and dinosours will come back. because it was hot at one or two different points in history, right?
  22. I fogged a moter once and by spring time it was all at the botem anyway. If youre manufacture does not recomend it than dont do it. save youre money
  23. yah youre buddy screwed up the cast lol
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