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Everything posted by tightline

  1. This man has not even been charged and is only "under investigation" just saying most of you have him pinned allready...like I mentioned Rick would you claim a deer being gaurded by 2 deer hounds...I'd have to guess most of us wouldn't...Sure lots of people loved the deer and thats what is really bring out the headlines...but for once I agree with gbfisher a deer is food and not a pet...the real story is how the misguided kindness of a family put this deers life in danger far more times then I'm sure it would have been had it been left to the wild...this story says there were "shots" fired so if this guy was poaching in front of the house with his muzzle loader he took the time to reload and take another shot at it??? Doesn't sound like a very logical thing to do in mid crime????? Just seems to be more to the story then this kid is saying...it also states in the Toront Sun report that the guy stuck around and said to the family "I just killed Rudolph"??????? so tell me how that is fleeing the scene....This "story" stinks more and more every time I read it!! http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/Article....aspx?e=2209965
  2. Seems most of you have missed the word "alleged" poacher...none of what the boy has said has been proven only that the deer is dead...Pretty quick to hang one of our own...how many of you would claim a deer with two hounds gaurding it, and do you all really think this guy drove up to the house with a muzzleloader and shot it in the front yard like I mentioned previously...especially in sight of a 14 year old boy who was close enough to get a plate number...sounds like a kid who just found his pet killed and wants a little revenge...guess will see in the end...hope I never have the need to find any of you on a jury!
  3. I don't believe thats accurate...if he shot out the car window and killed the deer in the front yard of the house wouldn't he be shooting directly at the house...even poachers aren't that stupid...and maybe he never retreived the animal because there were 2 dogs there as the story stated...to make a deer a pet is a little odd I guess but things are what they are...if I saw the tape I would probably consider it to be debris and take the deer as well and only in a legal situation...sad story who's too say whos right or wrong...gotta say if I saw sombody shoot my "family pet" at 14 I may embelish the story to my parents a little...I'm not saying he did but a guy rolls up infront of your house sees a deer and 2 dogs, kills the deer, takes off, all in front of a boy close enough to read his license plate???? Somthing smells a little about this one
  4. WOW what a monster!!!!!! I fish Sparrow all the time been going there for walleye opener for some 7 years now and have caught a few Musky there none of this magnitude...Too bad it never made it back in but I'm sure it was not intentional...nevermind these guys bashing your story most of them have nothing better to do...they've probablly never caught anything worth posting and therefore feel the need to up-play the fact it didn't survive...great story too bad about the rods but them you can get everyday not everyday you get a fish of that quality...
  5. Heading out to Belle River for the weekend plan on doing some smallie and walleye fishing....anyone been lately??? Any tips or info maybe a map?? Any help would be appreciated have never fishied this area before..
  6. That is a Beauty!!!!! Congrats Nomad...what a way to end a day!!!!!
  7. Great pic Leechman...what a beautiful clean looking fish...can taste him now with some fried potatoes and maple brown beans.....MMMM, MMMM, MM
  8. I find it amusing that the people on here get so wound up about the fact that a seemingly friendly/kind old boy didn't kick off his shoes and run into the water after these youngsters...I'm a 6' 200 pounder who once thought that too was the duty of every Canadian to stand up for our laws and protect our fisheries without hesitation...Until 1 day...I was fishing in Marie Curtis Park, it was the end of the day and as I was heading to my car noticed an Oriental man maybe 35-40 yrs sitting on the bank with 4 poles in the water...I approached the man and explained to him what he was doing was illegal...He informed me that he had a friend in the bathroom and he was watching his poles as well...I waited...sure enough he was...So now there was 2, I again tried to inform them that it is illegal to fish 2 lines in the water at one time where I was quickly responded too with not so friendly a scowl and a few very loud and confusing words in there language...I was sure they weren't praising me for the help when they both stood up and got in my face...As they screamed and ranted (some of which I understood most of which I did not) I knew I was in trouble...little did I know how much...Along comes another man of what I expect the same race who greeted me with a shove...The whole incident started out as me trying to educate these guys on our laws had just turned into a felony assault...As I tried to defuse the situation simply by saying I was only trying to help in letting them know that the fines can be extremly costly and there liscense would be revoked I heard the 2 words that ended it all..."no liscense, no liscense" I knew immediatley I was waisting my breath and that a call to the ministry was in order...I walked over to there car to take down the plates and get a pic when I was blindsided with a punch that landed on the back of my ear followed by a kick to my groin from the other gentleman...I regained my "composure" as hard as it was and was walking away when they continued to yell and follow as one of them got closer I let him have it...now I don't condone what I did but I was scared and it is Toronto...but one punch clearly let them know I was no longer going to be on the recieving end of their brutality and I was now the one in control of the situation...A man who is now a good fishing buddy every time I hit the T-dot...had called the police when he saw the punch and kick happen and they were on the way...The two were caught just exiting the park...You know what happened NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! The officer would not do anything saying in a situation like that it is best to MIND MY OWN BUISNESS....I informed him of the assault and he told me it was my word against theres and in court they would end up throwing it out for lack of evidence....I was mad, frustrated, and insulted to the point I got in my car and left without filing a report...Those kids in the pic look young enough and small enough right, like I said I'm 6 foot and 200 pounds and was only 27 when this happened...the 1 man that pushed me and the 2 that attacked me were no bigger then any of those boys...I understand your situation and think the only thing you could have done was put a call in to the ministry regardless of what you thought the results would be...it IS the right thing to do...posting here was also the right thing to do because now it is out there and has made all of us aware of the problem...I suggest to you people who think that confrontation is the right way to go do it with care and caution and never alone...Trust me the end results could be much more then a bag of frozen peas on your boys for a couple days....CALL THE NUMBER and let the proper authorities deal with them as they are trained to do...I commend you Photoz...Great thread!!!!!
  9. I fish both Guelph and Belwood ....just spent sunday and monday on Belwood...if your a bass fisherman go to guelph...the far shoreline near 24 holds alot of buckets fish tight to the cover there holding in there hard....if its walleye your after Belwoods your lake..drop in in town at the launch and go straigh across the lake...it's not far there...fish the 16-20 ft zone....about 30 feet off the far shore if you don't have a finder...fish going the opposite way of the bridge!! theres rock all down that side...keep going back and forth across there you'll find them forsure...hope this helps have a great week...If you decide guelph let me know I go out 2-3 times a week there(I live 1 km away) maybe see you out there can show you some spots
  10. What an awsome trip and a HUGE congrats on the smallie....My cousin and I (me being the net man on that one) got a 221/2 inch 6 1/4 pounder at Wasdell falls a few years back...I know exactly how you feel when you land a Monster!!! Great pics....I'm jealous!!!
  11. Just wanted to bump this post to hopefully get a little more info...I know the water is tea stained up there as I was there last year with limited results...any colour or pattern better for this...any advice would be appreciated....thanks all
  12. sounds like you have everything you need...I keep my wallet and keys in a dry bag...pretty cheap and a good one will hold air so blow it up a bit and it floats...we generally sit on our jackets but being a swim instructor most of my teen years pretty confident on the water...if your not wear them...you can get zipper jackets for about 20 a piece if you look around...now get out on the water so we can see some pics!!!!!
  13. Hey all heading to the Spanish River next weekend...was there last year for a week and limited out on walleye everyday...anybody else been?? Were staying at the Blue Heron Resort...anyone fished the area lately...looking for info on hotspots or anything that may help...thanks
  14. Hey Jason sweet catch....where you going in Nunavuit...I spent 2 months in Pangnirtung last year building a hospital up there....take plenty of spoons and for sure extra line...nothing is cheap there...one jug of peach juice was 26 dollars and here its about 3...if your a smoker take'm...can of coke 3 bucks!!! we caught a bunch of arctic char there was pretty cool our cook at the hotel would cook'm all for us....drop me a line on where your headed...maybe I can help you out with some things...where we went it was a dry town but had bootleggers...60oz of rye 800 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!! no we did not purchase were smart enough to bring a few of our own
  15. thats where I get mine
  16. for the 10 bucks its worth changing...undo the top screw not all the way but just eoungh you can hear air come out when you squeeze the new oil in from the bottom hole...tighten it back up when you see the oil come out...put in the bottom plug again and your in buisness
  17. the beauty of the carborated engine is for the most part only two things can go wrong...no gas...no spark...like mentioned above check your plugs check your grounds and the oil mix....dump it in a bucket and giver a pull...a marina in belwood charged a buddy 200 bucks for a starting problem he had...turns out one of the bolts holding the starter wasn't getting a ground....25cents for the bolt $199.75 labour...thinking of changing careers!!!!!!!!!
  18. Does anybody have experience with this, is it easy...I'm fairly mechanically inclined and was just wondering...reverse has a serious grind...have the same 74 thunderbolt 50hp...it also works but needs to be tweaked..the one on the boat runs incredible but reverse has just started acting up and I would like to swap it out...any info would be great....thanks all
  19. A friend of mine put me on to Heroes...after the first 2 episodes I have been hooked....start at season 1 though it's in 3 now...you'll be a couch potato in no time!!!
  20. I got your point and respect it...it just doesn't apply to this case like you insist it does...
  21. The story has never changed just wasn't aware you needed a play by play...pretty sure your the only one looking to get your ego stroked or you wouldn't be monitoring this post so close...if this is such a concern to you the number is 1-888-MNR-TIPS and I would gladly tell them the story and have it confirmed by people who were actually there...if you've benn fishing there for 35 years you would know what I said about the shoreline is true and I was actually warned by people on this site of the dangers...we hit rocks 4 times that weekend trolling....anyway have a great day I'm off to snag another one drag it around the lake till it floats gut it then throw it back in just for the hell of it!!!!
  22. If you have ever been to woods bay or blackstone harbour you would know that trolling the shoreline can be pretty dangerous...I hooked the fish trolling about 30 feet behind the boat...I yelled at my buddy to throw it in neutral before you know it the motor was bouncing the fish was fighting he was panicking...I fought the fish for about a minute longer we were banging on the rocks so he took my pole I stepped out of the boat gave me the pole he got out we landed the fish I took pics enough is enough....why are you so adament about this is your world really this small????????
  23. Looks like a great day out...nice pics too...welcome to the board!!!
  24. I'm guessing theres a slit under the spring for your line to go in...you can just put it through once that way its a quick adjustment or if you wrap it once will keep it locked in place
  25. Go to the mouth of Bayfield river right in Bayfield if your a smallie fisherman take some white tube jigs and cast them on the bend at the opposite side of the marina...far side always holds smallmouth and they love the tube jig there...it's a great spot and theres plenty of them along that stretch after the bend...haven't been there in 3 weeks but has paid off everytime I've gone...good luck!!
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