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Posts posted by NAW

  1. I have a question for you guys. 


    One of the old timers where I work bought this auger brand new several years ago.   He doesn’t ice fish anymore, because of mobility issues.  And he is slowly selling his ice fishing gear.


    He’s been telling me about this old electric auger for week, but keeps forgetting to bring it in!  He finally remember, and bought it in today.    


    He told me he used to run it off a 12 volt wheelchair battery (not sure the amperage).   He figured he could punch around 50 holes before needing a charge.   The auger has only been used for 2 seasons, so it’s in really good shape.


    It’s an Electra Laser – Model 208.    If you look at the newer models, they are basically the same, except they have the battery mounted directly off the side of the motor. 


    I’m planning to make a battery tray for this unit and mount a battery in a similar fashion to the newer units. 


    Just wondering if anyone has used the auger before?  And how well they work.


    It’s a 7”. 


    I threw it ok Kijiji as is for $200 on his behalf.  But I really don’t know its value.  There aren’t really any for sale right now that I can compare it to.   He thought it was worth $400, but I squashed that idea…


    Any thoughts on it’s value as is?  And how much value would be added if I put the battery tray on it?

  2. Simcoe takes years and years to get the hang off..   And when it's dead, it's completely dead.  You need to run and gun hard some days.

    But once you get dialed in, it can be an amazing lake!  Lots of fish being caught at our spot yesterday.   There was half a dozen fish caught around us in the morning before we even put our hut up!  


  3. Good stuff brian!!! 


    We put 2 on the ice yesterday.  Plus a 10lb laker.  

    It was a slow morning for marking.  But we pretty much caught everything we marked! 


    And regarding the cracking and booming.  It was insane.  All day long from 7am til 3:30 we where on the ice, and the noise was none stop, all day constantly...  Every 3 seconds non stop.  I've never heard it like that before..

  4. If you drive down town barrie, you can't miss the lots.  There are numerous lots around the lakeshore.  Just look for the one closest to the groups of huts...  


    If you look on the city of barrie website, you can likely find a map of all the parking lots down town. 

  5. Good job! 


    I know they are in that shallow.  But for some reason, I can't stand fishing that shallow.  I need that 15 - 40 ' on my fish finder or I get this mental block....   Plus I usually fish a few holes, and my humminbird doesn't mark multiple lures that shallow... 

  6. Saw to guys today on my lunch break try to go out on Kemp.  They parked at the Go Stn and walked across.  Tried to get on the ice by where all the ducks hang about between the tiffen st launch and the south shore center...  Anyone who has walked the water front knows that little patch stays open all year..... 


    They didn't go far, then turned back..  


    No floater suites.  No rope..    



  7. We had a great time out there!  Nice to meet you Shloim!  Good luck with the Smitty build! 

    Sam worked a night shift last night,  I picked her up at the hospital at 6am.  We where on the ice and jigging by 7am.  We did good today, but caught way to many dinks!   Brought home two dozen nice eater perch between the two days.  Going to have our family christmas tomorrow and fry them up with some chips and a ceasar salad!  Keep it easy! 


    As for the cold Temps there Drifter!  Man, I used to love the cold.  Been out in sub 40 windchills several times.  Always open holing it too.  You know its cold when you need to start a fire to keep your beer from freezing...

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