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Posts posted by NAW

  1. So my GF wants to wake up early on Christmas and do something with me.  So I will need to be home for noon.   But she is happy that I am going to get out on the ice Christmas! 

    Now I just need a firm up my plans for what lake I am going to hit.!  PM me if you want to join. 

  2. I love fishing alone. 

    I'm like you where my girlfriend works a schedule different than mine,  She works every other weekend, and the kids are at the other parents houses.  So I basically spend every other weekend alone.  I really like getting out on the ice solo.  But I also really love solo camping from the kayak.  No radio.  Cell phone turned off. 

  3. 1 hour ago, AKRISONER said:

    Nick, its becoming a tradition of my own the last couple of years with the christmas falling on the weekend to go up north that weekend with a couple of buddies.

    My christmas' fall on off years, so this year its on christmas day, Last year it was boxing day.

    Last year the guys went home on christmas eve and I spent christmas day by myself at the lake...it was a really cool feeling getting up at 7am and going out on the ice solo on christmas morning. you may never hear a quieter time, even the distant highway noises completely subsided. As it got a little later i started noticing a bit more movement around as people were going to visit families etc but it was a morning well spent.

    Unfortunately I have to be back in Toronto for 12 on Christmas day this year or I would be joining you for some crapolas for sure.

    I bet it gets really quiet out there on Christmas morning!  I never thought out that.  True piece and quiet for a few hours.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Shloim said:

    Where are ya going for em? I'm available as it's hard to be a jew on Christmas.. ...

    I don't know where I will be going yet.  Somewhere within a 45 minute drive from Barrie. 

    The weather over the next 4 days will determine where I will go, or if at all... 

    I'll PM you in the near future if my plans come together!  



  5. Just a random question because I have been pondering it myself. 


    My girlfriend works at the Hospital in Barrie.  And she has to works every other year on Christmas day.  We have 3 kids between the two of us, and both have joint custody.  So this year, my GF is working 12 hour night shifts Dec 24 and 25.  And the kids are all at their other parents house. 

    Anyone else here need to deal with this sort of messed up schedule?   Not having your family with you on Christmas....

    The only thing I can think of to do Christmas morning, is to go ice fishing!!  

    Does anyone else here love ice fishing so much to go out on Christmas morning...alone..? 

    I've gone out Christmas eve before (with Jer I think..)  But never actually on Christmas day, 


    I'll be going out for Crappie, if there's any other loners out there that want to join! 

  6. Sounds like you have some fun winter projects!

    I have a modular ice hut design that can be broken down in to 4 smaller (4x8) ice huts.  But they can all be clamped together with a removable wall,   That way you can have a few huts out at different spots early season.  And when you find the honey hole, snap all the huts together and it turns in to a 8x16 sleeper cabin..   Breaks down for easy transport and I can tow the smaller huts individually with my bravo or even by hand.   Snap them together in your back yard in the summer, and you have a big 8x16 shed to store your winter gear (which for me is massive between all the kids toys, and all of my toys/gear, etc.)

    Just working out some of the fine details on how to clamp the walls, and where to put the holes.  How to make them snap together and have the hole orientations still work, door locations, heat source, etc...  

    I have a similar one designed in Solidworks right now.. I just have no time at all to work on the design any more... 

    If you need a hand with any design work, or manufacturing.. Let me know.  I work for a large fab/machine/automation shop with an extremely wide range of capabilities.. If you need any complex machining or welding, I can hook you up! 

  7. 16 hours ago, jerpears1 said:

    Sweet. Lets plan it out. 

    The drive to the parking spot was where I showed you last year. Wouldn't be very far from your place either. Snow is a little deep there. Bring your snowshoes. 

    Lets chat over some early ice crappies.  Weather is looking good for our usual spot, Dec 16 might be good after the cold weather they are calling for next week! 


    I talked to the misus last night, and she gave me the approval!! 

  8. I haven't logged in to OFC for ages!  This is great post to get back in to it! 

    My fishing partner where out off snake island.  White shoal area.  He was on his Artic Cat, and I was on the Bravo.  It was -30 and storming like crazy.  All the roads where closed.

    Well, he stops in front of me, and I knew we weren't at our spot yet.  Motors running, sleds not moving.  Turns out his driveshaft is broken in half.  Lovely.

    So we park his sled, and double back to Alcona on the bravo.  (short track, he's 6' - 250 and I was 230 at the time..)

    He has to drive all the way down to king city on closed roads to get his dads truck, trailer and quad so that we can get the sled back to his house... 

    I didn't want his sled sitting out there alone.  So I drove back out the with bravo, and actually found his sled in the white out!!!  I didn't think I would..  

    Decided this was a waste of time, because we weren't at the "good spot".  Try to fire up the bravo...  Won't start.  So now, I am stranded in a -30 white out, beside a sled with a broken drive shaft...  It took my partner 4 hours to get down the king city and back to Alcona, and another 30 minutes to get out to the broken machines with the quad..  Then two runs back and forth to get out broken down sleds off the ice.  It was nearly dark before the hole ordeal was done, and I didn't even mark a single fish... !!!!


    But we were back out the next day, riding double on the quad hoisting white fish!!  

  9. Not going to lie. I havnt read most of the previous replies.


    All I can say is, my best friend had his dad's suburban stolen from the mall parking lot in London, and it was found on the same reserve. A little worse condition. This was 12 years ago. The truck was repaired by the insurance company. But it was only 5 or 6 years old, and souped up a little. His dad liked it a lot, as it was néw to him only a year earlier. So he really wanted it back.

  10. This news saddens me deeply Brian.


    But your a tough dude. Only met you once, but you radiate strength. And you obviously have the moral support from a pile of people!! And that never hurts.


    Pm me if you want to chat. My grandma is 85 and has been surviving bone cancer for 3 years. She gave away lots of her things years ago thinking she was going to die within the year. And now you talk to her on the phone and she says she's "better"!! She's got many years left, I am sure! Once she finally broke her old school "no pain meds" mentality. For the first 6 months she hardly even took a Tylenol. The pain nearly killed her. We finally convinced her to put on a patch. And that combined with treatment, she started to feel better in a hurry!!


    I'm not worried about you man. Your stronger than this disease. Keep your chin up!

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