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Posts posted by NAW

  1. 15 hours ago, misfish said:

    I seen this Saturday. It,s a sweet set up.  Now to add hide away wheels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I have been pondering some clip on wheels that I can remove once on the ice and toss in the tub.  Something very simple, and light. 


    The UHWM is 3/4", and the screws are countersunk  1/2" deep.  So I have a lot of material to wear through.  Optimistically, I think I would get a few seasons out of them.   I made 2 sets of runners, so I have another identical set waiting as replacements when these ones do wear out. 

  2. This year I sold my pop up hut, and started running a 2 man flip over. 


    The things must weight 150 lbs loaded with gear.  Even empty, it's very heavy.  It has the fold down bench seats and heavy metal poles.  Throw a 20lb tank and a buddy heater, 2 fish finder, 15 beer, etc.....  

    It was such a pain in the butt this early season lifting the hut on and off my old wooden Smitty.    So I designed and build a folding Smitty. 

    Build it last week at work with a few long nights.  And was able to test it this weekend.  I would say it's a success!!    

    Just pull to detent pins, and the entire hut drops down on the ice.  Put your foot on the ski, and lift one side up, and it swings up almost effortlessly.  Sure will make the run and gun faster !!!






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  3. I've been on 6 lakes this year..  But no way I am saying there names online..  Been on the ice since dec 1st.  But I can say they are in Muskoka / Perry sound district.  And have had 4" + of ice for several weeks now.  Guys running sleds all of them now... 


    The only one I would mention is Couch.. But everyone knows it's safe. 


    This weekend (and likely the rest of the season) will be Simcoe.   Just going to be very very sketchy this weekend.  


    17 hours ago, Sinker said:

    Macho minnow/mr. Champs and buckshots have been working best for me. Gold is always my go to. Sidewinders, smoothies, and jiggin raps are always in the line up too. I prefer mud minnows to shiners, as do most quinte anglers. 

    If you want spots to try, pm me. I wont post those details online, but be happy to help. I was there all weekend. Kinda slow saturday evening but sunday morning was decent. 





    Thanks Sinker!  PM Sent

  5. I have never fished Quinte before.  But I have a few days off mid week Jan 30 to Feb 1st. 

    We thinking about heading down that way for 2 nights. 

    I have been doing some general research on the area and know some spots that I want to try, near Belleville.   But I am just wondering if it's worth the drive down that time of year.  


    It's my understanding that the walleye are NOT in there all year, at by that time, they may have already moved further out the bay.

    Certainly not asking for anyone's honey hole.  Just wondering your thoughts on where the walleye this time year. 

    Depths, lures, etc.. 


    Any help would be greatly appreciated! 


    I posted this in "fishing news" by accident as well.  Still getting used to the site. 

  6. I have never fished Quinte before.  But I have a few days off mid week Jan 30 to Feb 1st. 

    We thinking about heading down that way for 2 nights. 

    I have been doing some general research on the area and know some spots that I want to try, near Belleville.   But I am just wondering if it's worth the drive down that time of year.  


    It's my understanding that the walleye are NOT in there all year, at by that time, they may have already moved further out the bay.

    Certainly not asking for anyone's honey hole.  Just wondering your thoughts on where the walleye this time year. 

    Depths, lures, etc.. 


    Any help would be greatly appreciated! 


  7. 19 hours ago, misfish said:

    Well I can tie a uni to uni quicker then that, and my tag ends are the same.  Too each their own. LOL


    Hope all is well Simon.



    I can tie a double uni nearly with me eyes closed and in a fraction of the time.    They really are very easy to tie once you get used to it.

  8. Thanks for posting this Brian. 


    I used to see him downtown Barrie a few times. 


    He was in a pretty bad state of mind in his later years.  I hope he's in a better place now. 


    He kept trying to knock out nurses and PSW's at the RVH Hospital where my GF works.  Everyone was terrified of getting caught with one of his punches.   He sure could do some serious damage. 



  9. I have a buddy that bought a high powered pellet pistol.  He carries that while moose hunting, because it's basically silent.  And he can pound grouse from a decent distance with it. 


    However it might be totally illegal.  Not sure.  Just throwing that out there.   Might be an option for you. 

  10. I wonder if he had a big fish on, and was hanging over the side of the boat getting one of the notorious underwater shots he was so good at.  

    I never had the pleasure to meet Kevin.   But I certainly watched a lot of his Simcoe ice fishing videos to get me all pumped up pre-season. 

    Condolences to everyone who held him close to their hearts. 


  11. I should sail right over those rocks with my canoe this evening! 


    I was sitting at a campsite on Mcrae lake this summer.  Not to many people get motors in that lake.  But someone brought one over from G-Bay with a 20 tiller.  Running wide open, hit a rock out in front of our campsite.  


    They got the motor ruing again, but it wouldn't plane out after that.. 


    It's funny, because I was mid sentence with my GF said " Hey, i didn't think motors where allowed in this lake" .. Then kapow!!   Nearly ripped it right off the back of the boat.  Likely leaked all the bottom end oil in to the lake...

  12. Hey everyone.


    Been a while since I posted last.  It's been a busy year. 


    I have a camping trip this weekend set up for the Marten River area.  But with all of these fires, it's not looking all that good.  I called the general store in Marten River, which is very near my camping spot, and she told they are on standby for evacuation.  She strongly suggested I re-think my plans. 

    That being said, we are leaving Friday morning, and not I am scrambling to find a place to camp. 

    I am meeting a few friends from Ottawa.  So the Marten River area is nice, because it's pretty much an equal length drive for both parties. 

    I am thinking about trying to find some crown land in the Kawartha's.  But I have no clue whatsoever on where to ever start looking. 

    If anyone knows of any waterfront crown land camp sites, it would be amazing if you could enlighten me!  It would be a one time thing.  Not like I'm going to move in to your camp site if you let me know the location!   And your spot would be safe with me, I'm not going to tell the world about it. 


    We plan on running a 14' tinner.  But we can also do it in canoes. So basically anything will work!   Lake, River, Anything....


    All the interior campsites at the provincial parks are booked...


    So I know it's last minute.  But if anyone could help me out, it would be very very much appreciated!   PM me plz.








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