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Posts posted by NAW

  1. I've eaten a carp before!


    A small one, about 18" long. It was very good tasting. Very tender meat. This was back 10 years ago, on the Maitland river, in Huron county. Good clean fish.


    I bow fish for carp in Simcoe in the early summer. Last year we hammered a 33lb carp. Definitely wouldn't eat that size of carp.


    If my aim is on this year, I'm going to try to shoot a small one for a meal. I have a friend from Belarus, who loves to eat carp. I'm planning on letting him cook it up, and compare the taste of the carp from Simcoe, to the carp from Belarus. Like you guys where saying, it's a delicacy over there. Very common to eat.


    I'll let you all know how it turns out.

  2. I was on the other side of the lake. I fished mostly in Ten Mile Bay, and around Dorset. I was marking them in the same depth too (60' to 80").


    I was talking to some locals, and they said the trout have been a little harder to catch this year. Maybe the cool weather this spring has effected them a little.


    First time on Lake of Bays. It's much bigger then I thought. I was going to try to make my way over to Dwight, but I only run a 15Hp motor, and that would have taken me a forever. I'd rather spend my time trolling around the other end of the lake.

  3. I was marking fish down in the 60' range, but don't have the tools to get my lures that deep.


    I guess I'm a little to late for the shallow lakers the spring. Now I need to spend some money and get my lures deeper.


    Any tips on the cheapest way to rig your tolling set up to drop down to the 100' range (without buying down riggers!)



  4. I fished Lake of Bays all day on Sunday.


    Trolling for lakers mostly.


    Didn't catch any lakers, but I did catch a bunch of MONSTER smallies.


    Fished 30' - 15' of water around the river mouths with crank baits, and spoons.


    Talking to some locals, they've been catching pike (some over 40"), and lakers, and the odd eye.


    Maybe I'll have beter luck next time. Probly try tolling a little deeper.

  5. I've been using my Spirex for a year or two now. No problems with it yet. Love it actually. It's a 2000 series I think. The only thing I don't like about it, is the taingles when casting a thin/flexable braided line. The line gets caught up on the trigger sometimes. Mine came with two spools, so I have one with Mono, and one with heavy braid. Good drag, and smooth action.


    I'm in the same boat as you fishing the quick-fire rig my hole life. I just bought a shimano symetre, and had to learn how to cast all over again! Another good reel for the price.


    I've had quantum reals, (not the one you are looking at specifically). It took a good beating, and kept on realin' in the fish. Paint all chipped off though. Can't comment on their new products.


    Good luck,



  6. I've bought a few out-boards, and have been burnt more then once. And I've seen both of them running before the purchase too.


    You have to be carefull testing motors in a water filled drumb. You can't really open up a 15 Hp motor in a water filled drumb. The water would be every where.


    If you can't put the motor on a boat to test it, then be very thorough when checking it over.


    Can you pop the carb off, and look in the cylinders for any signs of rust? Also take note of the fasteners on the motor holding on components (specificly the carb). If they look like they've been taken on and off a hundered times, you may have a lemmon on your hands, or a miss treated engine.


    Good luck,



  7. This is my first post on the site. Hello to all you helpfull members!


    I am going up to Lake of Bays this weekend for the first time. I was hoping to latch on to a few lakers. However, I would love to catch anyother species that's in season. I've heard there's ling up there, and small white fish. (small compared to the stocked simcoe snot rockets)


    I'm used to vertical jiggin' for lakers during the hard water season on Simcoe. Any tips on how to latch onto the LOB lakers??


    I have a detailed fishing map of the lake, so I have an idea of where to go, I just don't know what rig to use. Do they like Minnows (Gulp, or live??), tubes, williams ice jigs, etc. I'm not much of a troller. I don't have planner boards, or and good trolling gear.


    I have an Adventure fishing map of the lake, and it doesn't say anything about Pike. Is there Pike on LOB??


    Any tips or advice would be great,


    F to the Is-H

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