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Posts posted by NAW

  1. Very cool Nick! Gotta be the most fun you can have training a dog.

    I couldn't agree more!! I've been working with dogs for a long time. And this training session topped them all!


    Your reports always make me think, wow, what a great day.


    Post a pic of the stew when it's done.


    I didn't have any bacon... So I sliced up some leg meat and fried it up in seasoning. Let it dry a little bit, and tossed it in!




    It was made with what I had kicking around. Some peas and corn. Seasoning. Some canned soup. Brow Rice.



    Looks like a fun day in the field. Hunting behind a good dog and watching them work is one of the most rewarding aspects of hunting, IMO.

    The dogs trainer was on cloud 9 all morning. Likely one of his most memorable hunts in a long time. And he has been hunting for 40+ years.


    Hunting with a good dog is probably my favorite things ever. You get the excitement of the hunt and the shot, then you get to watch the dog go to work. Awesome!

    This guy's still a pup, so there was some shenanigans! 2 times we winged a bird, and they dropped about 150 yards out, and the dog basically caught them before they hit the ground and ran them back to us!


    HI great pics, just wondering what something like this might cost?


    It's $75 per hunter. That gets you either 3 Phesant, or 5 Chuckar Partridge. 3.5 hours of hunting. He charges extra to guide you with one of his dogs. It's actually not that bad.


    Your report makes me think I need to fence up my property and start raising some game.


    Was the farm, fenced all around?? I guess the escaped birds just end up as wildlife food?

    There was no fences.. The partridge we didn't shoot are still out there. The hunter in the afternoon may have blasted them. If not, they may make their way back to the pens, by the sounds of the other couped up birds. But I think most blend in to the ecosystem in some way. He has some pheasants that are running around that like to hang out in the area. They are very gun shy. And I think they are unable to re-produce.. Not sure though..


    Good looking dog! Pudelpointer?

    Yep. Great dog! Non shedding.


    Howd the birds turn out?

    My 8 year old step daughter refuses to eat anything I have not bought at a grocery store. But she told me that she thought this was the best meal I have ever cooked her. Ever...

  2. A cream base of your preference, with wild rice and celery, seasoned to your liking and chunked up partridge meat is an all time fav of mine!


    Ill make a big batch and eat it for 2-3 days straight.


    Make it nice and thick, mmmmmm


    I'm gunna do exactly that. I have both cream of mushroom and cream of celery soup in my cupboard. Do you cook it with the rice? Or do the rice separate then mix together at the end?

  3. So as some of you know. My hunting partner has been training a NAVHDA hunting dog. It's been a boring winter for the dog.


    We booked a private game farm yesterday morning, and hunted chukar partridge.


    The owner of the farm set 20 birds out for us across over a 100 acre farm.


    Then myself, the dog, and three other good friends set out to see how many birds the dog could find.


    We flushed 17 of the 20. Shot 13 of the 17 we flushed



    It was a great morning with some really good guys! Lots of laughs and cheering after some spectacular shots.


    The dog is 13 months. But pointed like a champ! And retrieved every single bird to hand!!


    Special thanks to ROB!! Those grouse wings you gave me where used heavily during the dogs winter training!!



    Here's some pics of the day!

    We are going to make it an annual event

    We all had the time of our lives!!



    The dog is bird crazy... He sat like this for the entire 2 hour drive!













  4. What you do that for... you're just going to get it dirty again!!


    I have an '85 Moto 4 in the hangar. Has the original oil in it. You can't kill it..

    Step one is get the book for the bike. The charging circuit is separate from the spark and igniter. Most of the tests needed to be preformed are measuring the resistance of the igniter circuit. First thing to check is the easiest answers like connectors for path and then go one to the possible failure of components. The book will give you the paths as well as the resistance values of what you are testing. Do not just change parts it will be expensive and or you will try a coil from another vehicle and has a different circuit or value and then damage the cdi or worse. Art

    I was going to call royal tomorrow and see if the can order me one. Unless you know where I can get one super cheap or free??My neighbour also suggested I get the manual, so we can get a 100% reading on what component is malfunctioning. I have never bought a manual like this before. I'm hoping to do some online research and maybe down load a free copy that I can print.


    I'm hoping it's not the stator. That looks like a pain in the ass and a few hundred bucks to change.

  5. What are you going to do with the old sled if you get this one working the way you want?

    One can never have to many toys! Specially free ones. The same aunt also gave me the bravo many years ago, after it not running for nearly 20 years. It's a first pull everytime machine.


    Thats funny, my girlfriend's grandpa has probably the same year moto4, and pretty much the same back story, only this one still runs like a top! Probably the most fun you can have on four wheels, he even welded a shifter out of an old pickup onto the foot shifter to change gears by hand lol


    They may only be 2wd,but they can pull a lot of weight and if you get it stuck just pick it up and move it...

    The towing ratings are so low on these this by the book. I should be able to toe a light permanent fish hut eh? If I can get traction that is.






    is that the snowmobile you and chis have standing in front of the beer cases

    seems basic...lol



    I wish my track was that long!!

    No that's off a Indy 500 that he bought with a bad bottom end and is parting out.

  6. My grandpa bought this Yamaha Moto4 new in 86. Parked it at the cottage in muskoka and used it maybe one or twice s month to haul loads of wood and do some light road work.

    A few years ago we sold the family cottage. My aunt took the quad to her farm where it was used for hauling wood. Again. Only run a few times each summer

    My aunt recently called me and asked if I coukd take the quad and give it a tune up and list of thing wrong with it. Reason being, is it wouldnt start in the cold. And as of recent, wouldn't start at all!

    So I took it, stripped it down, and gave her a list of things wrong with it. Mostly minor things.

    And guess what she told me!! "do you want it?".. Yes I want it!!!

    So I am the very happy proud new owner of a 1986 Yamaha Moto4, YFM 225.

    Chris Brock and I have the same canoe and the same snowmobile. I'm half expecting that he also has a Moto4 and can chime in with some input.

    I think it needs a new stator. But changing it looks like it may take A little time and money. The machine has intermittent spark. No spark most of the time. Tried a new coil. Tried connecting and disconnecting every connector I can find. My neighbour is a small engine mechanic / snowmobile mechanic. So we are in the process of weeding it out
    But aside from a new (expensive) stator, I don't know what else to check.

    does anyone know of common issues on these old MOTO4's??

    I'd love to get it running like a top. Then possibly get some chains for it and use it on the ice next winter, on those days when it's to warm or not enough snow for the bravo.

    Not to mention the hundreds of miles of trails in my backyard.! Man I'm excited.

    I'm going to shine this old girl up. There's not a spec of rust anywhere on it! well, maybe some specs... But it will shine up nice!

    Here's some pics.




    I know it's a small machine. And only 2 wheel drive. But they are little work horses. And fun to drive. It's basically a blaster race bike with racks.


    i was just thinking the same thing, its been -15 at night up on GB the last few nights, not 100% sure about severn, but i do know that Pointe au baril is still locked up and guys are on the ice still. :dunno:

    I was thinking about heading out for Crappie one last time saturday morning. The lake / back bay that I fish had 12" of good ice 8 days ago. it hasn't been that warm around here to burn through that. There's gotta be 6" still there now...

  8. " I didn't realize asking a specific spot on a lake I'm new to was a kiss of death. "


    Not the kiss of death... But close. Specially to the people who may or may not fish that particular spot on a regular basis.


    But the real reason everyone is jumping on board with this little mini "Linching", is because you are speaking about particular GPS coordinates, on a specific lake is blatantly breaking the rules set out by OFC. The rules that you had to read before becoming a member on this community.


    You have to be a little slow in head, or maybe just incredibly ignorant to think it's a good idea to post exact GPS coordinates for a potential honey hole on a website open to whomever wants to read it.... in the world.


    My apologies for being blunt. But based on your last reply where you called us all "rude" and "unfriendly", you obviously don't fully grasp why the rules are in place in the first place.


    Your OP was wrong, and broke the rules laid out by OFC. Instead of calling us rude and unfriendly, maybe you should be apologizing for breaking the rules, and offending several long time members of this community.? I can tell you with 100% certainty, that you really pissed off several people with your actions thus far. And not because they are rude, or unfriendly.. But because you did something you shouldn't have.










  9. I can't seem to post the link for some reason.


    But this is my rant...


    Last night, There was an amber alert for a boy that was seen being forced in to a vehicle presumably being kidnapped.


    Turns out he wasn't, he has just run away from home, and had just been found.. Or something like that.


    Either way, Ontario for the first time ever, used the amber alert to disrupt local TV programming, and had a red screen with all the pertinent info about the abduction.


    The system worked, because 911 received several calls about the abduction, and where able to locate the boy, safe and sound.


    Now for the part that ticked me of, and is causing me to vent on OFC....


    911 received many calls from TV viewers who where only calling to just to basically yell at the OPP and 911 for disrupting their TV programming!! What the hell??? 911 is for emergencies only, and I am pretty sure you can be charged for calling 911 if you don't have an emergency.



    I for one... I saw this amber alert, and the last thing I thought about was being angry that my TV show was disrupted for 30 seconds..... Who cares about a TV show, someone's child was just presumably kidnapped..



    Rant over.

    Sorry, I know there's lots of NF content on here right now... But I just needed to vent.

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