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Everything posted by rylan
Very Good point --- for more information please check this out: http://www.dump.com/2009/12/13/the-facts-a...-bottled-water/ http://www.dump.com/2009/12/18/its-pretty-...-a-point-where/
Sometimes you have to give them CANDY.
and everyone forgot about the best Christmas movie: PLATOON
GBW Can you send me those plans as well... please and thank you.
The easiest way to make a tip up is this: Grab a few 2x4's... cut to size -- normally about a foot or so-- both pieces ( the height above the water) then connect them with some screws- Make a T. At the top of the T, drill a hole. Place a spool of ( whatever ) line with a screw- Dont have it to tight. Done. As you are making your way out on the ice-- make sure you pick up a few long but flexible sticks. Drill your hole, place the tip up with the T and line facing the hole. Drop the bait in the water. Once you are at the depth you want, make a loop in the line and place the loop on the stick. The stick should act as your rod. You may want to place something red or orange on the line, as an indicator -- Wait--- If you go to your local home hardware store-- pick up a 12 foot 2x4--- go to the dollar store and buy some cheap line- You can almost make 10 tip ups for under 30 bucks....
Dara, that new table would look really nice in my living room-- are you selling that? PM me with a price.
Please stand back nothing to see here--- please try and forget about the hacked CRU "climate gate" emails, and how the cap and trade tax is almost wiped out-- now back to tiger. just a distraction people-- keep focus on climate gate.
Thanks for posting this-- Here is just a thought, but I am sure all the intelligent people of this board all ready SHOULD know this--- The scam here is simple- Al Gore and many others are trying to take something that is Science and turn it around and make people pay for something created out of thin air--- Al has already invested millions if not billions on creating a company to sell CARBON CREDITS- ( more or less-- the same as what Ken Lay did with ENRON) Those carbon credits will be purchased so that YOU can have heat, and other things--- My question is this: What are they going to do with that money----( i know many will reply with-- it will create green projects) Thats fine-- If there were a OZONE store- where we can just simply buy more ---wouldn't we have already fixed this problem. If the world was really serious about Climate Change--- then the world needs to TAX the corporations that are spewing the most pollution out. Tax them to pay for this NOT the people --- dont you all think we are taxed enough all ready?
Hi everyone, Was wondering if someone could help me locate some minnows for this weekend? I will be traveling north of Kingston and the closest town is Verona. Does anyone know any place where I can get some nice minnows?
Boy- I guess you can say that whale took half the fun out of that day!!!!! Good one- if anyone else has any more like these videos or stories PLEASE share.
ok, people. You have to check this out. Can anyone share similar experiences. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c7c_1253314577 :clapping: :clapping:
Thanks alott guys-- I honestly have never used a bottom bouncer and worn harress, but NOW i think I will try it. But --Can I still drink my beer while doing this?
Awesome-- now where can I get those....
Update::: \\\ Looks like the company http://www.gsk.ca/english/index.html has won the contract for the making of the Canadian Vaccine. Please research the corruption on this company, then make your choice on taking it. Goggle it!!!!
Sorry -- was this caught in Port Hope?????
FLU UPDATE What is the difference between Bird Flu and Swine Flu? For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need oinkment
thanx sa lot guys-- that is a nice looking eye---
I want to get back on the subject of this site--- Fishing If this is a repeat i am sorry: Wanted to see if the nice people of this site could possibly share there best practises when trolling for walleye. What I am looking for is: time of day/night, color and size of bait? what depth , and finally what speed? Additionall points for Spring.summer/fall information--- thanxs
Thanxs alot everyone for your input. I really did not want this to turn into something out of hand. And I have been reading this iste for a long time only joining as a member recently. I have found ALL of you Great people and again Thank you very much for this information. Take care-- wash your hands and stay healthy-- and I hope to see all of you on the water soon.
We all know what a Vaccine is,..a 'dead' strain of the same virus that kills you. Problem there is with mutation and entoro/retro viruses that evolve faster than we can keep up and can survive conditions we fail to understand. Dude--- look at a company called BAXTER- it is run by Don Rumsfled. You know the guy that was on National TV on Sept 10/01 saying that there was 2.3 TRILLION dollars missing from the Pentagons budget, then the very next day a plane smashes into the Accounting department of the "pentagon" -----uuummmmm There are two types of vaccines-- those with and those without the live strain- this is of course so they can infect more thereby making more MONEY and then they can say -- "you see its justified" And if you look hard enough you will even find that BAYER- actually sold the LIVE virus of --- wait for it----AIDS... thats right they sold the live strain to 3rd world countries so they did not have to throw it out-- they made money off of that. Boy and girls-- we live in a time where money and profit RULES, and the psycho paths of today do not care about you or your family --they care about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Bob, you are so right and thank you for sharing that information. Everyone needs to research everything before they put anything in there bodies. Whatever happened to the OLD eat healthy, get some exercise -- wash your hands. and PLEASE everyone needs to remember that there are companies out there right now foaming at the mouth with all the PROFITS they think they are going to make over this... And crap -- they have not even tested the vaccine. Wake UP PEOPLE
Anyone here going to trust the vaccination? Who is going to take it?
Thank you Roy, you are so right. I myself LOST someone on that day. I very dear close friend of mine. He was working in Tower 2. I miss him dearly, and I still talk with his family. I find it to be an insult to the families that we still have not charged anyone for this crime. I am truly sorry for the lives lost, and we as human beings should only trying to figure out WHY this happened. I am sorry to come off as a nut- but I morn my friend very year and for the last 8 years I can only believe the nuts. All the families of this day that lost someone just want to live knowing that there is JUSTICE. Let me ask: Hotrod, and Bill, and even the DR--- how would you feel if you lost someone that was very close to you, and you know the killer or killers were walking free? Roy, and all members of this great site- I am sorry to vent. I did not want to offend anyone. I am sorry for MY lost.
Bill, The Only thing the victims need is JUSTICE --- I am sorry to turn this into something that it shouldnt but BILL do your own research then comment. < RESEARCH nano-Thermite -- it is public knowledge that we have found more then 2 tons of nano-Thermite in the rubble. Sorry to say that no man from a third world country living in a cave with no electricity can make that. It is only made in a USA military LAB Bill, please before this gets way out of hand- PLEASE look at this http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtc_charges.html If you can give me a better answer - I will listen...... can you