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Everything posted by luv2drift

  1. I desperately want to fish for Rainbows throught the ice tomorrow. Does anyone have any suggestions. Some friends of mine went to Georgian bay and there was slush under the ice as far as the auger would reach???? If you have any suggestions please let me know. or pm me. Thanks.
  2. Love 2 Fish Simcoe...His name is Vito. HE's the ONLY one I would rent from or buy tackle from in that area!!!!!!!!!! You want perch you go to him!
  3. Love to Fish Simcoe....Owner's name is Vito and he'll put you on the perch! 456-8745
  4. Lookinforwalleye I wouldn't dare deny the fact the some locals have poached??? and you probably have not scene it all the time....most likely just once! And one last comment before bed...which could very well be a hole other topic on its own. .... Aaron Shirley you said the mnr is doing a good job of managing L. Simcoe. Not at all!!!!!!!!!!! They can't manage it . The lake for the most part is not managed at all. The lake has little government help except for a few conservation authorities. Infact after giving my fishing license to the mnr officer. I talked to him for a while and the federal government has slashed the budget for the mnr dramatically..... He told me and I quote " I have been doing this job for twenty five years and this is the worst I have ever scene it. We are only allowed three tanks of gas a month." How can the mnr possibly manage a Lake like Simcoe when that mnr officer burns a quater tank of gas just getting to the Lake????
  5. Point taken Aaron shirley. I happen to be quit good friends with one of the local bait/hut/fishing business guys and to let you know he and his family sure can't live on the tourism alone around Simcoe anymore. Late ice and depleted fish numbers and selling minnows for 5 bucks a dozen is just scraping buy. Many of the hut operators work construction in the summer. Herring off the list of species to catch and depleted white fish and lake trout action in Cook's bay is pretty much the culprit. What is left.... the Best Perch fishery in N.A. and it is declined alot in just the last four years on the west side any way! So I am going to be a little outspoken about ethical fishing....With the Gobe on the east side How long before the perch are doomed???
  6. Good detective work Terryit all makes sense now. I will lower my anger meter to simmer.
  7. Well allow me to retort about the perch and the catch and possession limits....Maybe its just an ethical/moral decsion someone should have. I don't think I should be allowed to catch 400 fish keep 50 and know that at least at the bare minimum 5 % of the catch and release will die....alledgly. Yah I guess your right perfectly legal...so is going and filling your pail with 13,14, and 15 inch jumbos perch and taking 50 of them home. A little stewardship towards Simcoe I think would be nice....and I don't see it on Lake Simcoe when it freezes. Infact, as soon as it freezes the tourists/icefisherman come out.....Leave garbage rape and pillage the lake and drive home.
  8. I have just recently read to Lake Simcoe ice reports from OFC' ers. Both have obviously not read the regs! For example, when you keep herring from Simcoe it is illegal...end of story. THat would be like me going to Mayalsia hunting for Bear and shooting a Panda. Still a bear BUT not the one I am suppose to shoot. Second story....."The two of us caught well over 200 perch"....Hey guess what that 's wrong too. Read the "catch" and " possession" rules in the regs. Catch limit is 100 per angler and can keep 50...for a sport license. Accidental Poaching is still POACHING!!!!!! I live on Simcoe and fish it regularly it is pressured until no end! so at least read and obey the rules.
  9. I hope your endangered herring were good.
  10. THERE"S NO SAFE ICE ON COOK'S BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live on it. and Jesus won't be pulling you out of the water. He'll be sending you to hell for being an idiot and walking out on and inch and a half of ice.
  11. I do feel bad sometimes. Last year I caught a 30inch laker and the next jig later I caught a 27inch whitefish. THe laker could have been 30years old. I vowed I would never keep another laker from Simcoe again. I doubt I will keep a whitefish either. I like to catch and eat fish that are small, young, plentiful, and reproduce rapidly....i.e. perch and I don't keep jumbo anymore either only 10 to 11 incheres. I did eat both of those fish and have mixed feeling about the taste of both of them.
  12. I totally agree. I would like to take it a step further and say to fishermen and hunters everywhere its not just garbage at the river we need to clean up, its our attitudes. At the rate we are destroying the enviroment there will be zero plentiful trout rivers to fish in 40 years. I personally made a change and now drive a more enviromentally friendly car. Instead of the 4X4 to drive down to the river I am now in a golf tdi which goes 1150km to 50 bucks worth of diesel and I run biodiesel in the summer. All my gear still fits in the hatch. By doing this in a small way I have pressured the big truck producers to start to produce a more efficient truck and affordable truck for the outdoorsmen. I have in a small way taken just a little less money out of the big oil companies pocket. And I am not dumping the emissions into the air like I would be if I was driving a truck that are causing the catastrophic global warming. We are and need to be the stewards of the enviroment. The fishermen are the ones that are seeing the causes of global warming and fish habitat destruction...so we need to live our lives "greener" than the average person! I just hope in 2030 I can take my Grand kid fishing for trout and not Gobe. Don't reply back and say 1. You try sticking a moose in the back of a golf 2. You try driving a golf down a logging trail 3. You try towing a boat with a golf.
  13. My first pin is an Okuma Adventa...really good value for the dollar. But if you are willing to spend that much get the islander....and MAKE SURE you budget for a reallllllllllly good rod! Learning to cast is a challenge and I swear the rod has a lot to do with it. There are also alot of good used deals out there. I personally would get a good used combo....Most of the combos are in near mint condition because pinners tend to take care of their gear!
  14. I am a paramedic in Toronto. My co workers had to do that call. I have always been in water safety from Lifeguarding to my former job as a commercial diver..........the government MUST institute the Red Cross swimming system as a mandatory requirement in schools!!!!!
  15. It looks just like that one Harv posted only there isn't any writing on it....the guy who sold it to me thought he did have a spare spool with it. "The guy" sold it to me as a combo with a g loomis 13foot Gl2 for 150 bucks....But I want to find out if this is a stream runner?? and it is heavy. and Harv I think I asked you this question on another board about this reel. You'll figure it out by the questions even though the names are different.
  16. This question if for all the centrepinners out there. I recently came across a centrepin float reel that has no identifiable brand names on it. It is heavy and brass colour. I think it might be a stream runner? Has anyone out there heard of this and if so who sells them.
  17. I bought a canoe off ebay and there was no problem. It was from ontario and even was able to go and pick it up. Ihave bought several big ticket items from the states and the sellers will usually write a lower value on the customs receit so you don't get dinged a lot of tax and duty.
  18. Listen to Fishfinder. I just started float fishing with a centerpin...NOTHING beats it. Just spend the money and get a good used reel .....and get a 13 foot rod the longer rods are easier to learn how to cast. Most hard core anglers that are targeting these species on the river are using pins! There is a bit of a learning curve but I tell you when you hook into the first steelhead on this set up you will never forget it.....I was at Thornbury and no one was there (surprise) and I caught six in one afternoon and was hoooooooooked ever since.
  19. Does anyone know if G. Loomis garantees their rods for life?
  20. thanks for the opinions...I am going to check into a yamie, hondo and or polaris....what ever price range looks good I guess.
  21. Hi everyone need to start a little debate! I need to get a four wheeler. What's the best bang for the buck? Honda or Polaris...or others? Do you go new and make payments or do you get one used for like 4000 g's. What do you stay away from ... what's a must have. The primary purpose will be ice fishing on Simcoe and the cheaper the better!
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