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About Flappn

  • Birthday 03/18/1976

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    Anything to do with the Great Outdoors!!!

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  1. I have a 2015 F150 with the 2.7 ecoboost and yes it does turn off when you come to a complete stop. I don't like the option personally but the good news is you can manually turn it off which I do every time I get in the truck, it can't be permanently turned it off. Other than that I love the 2.7. I am getting close to 1000Km's on a tank of fuel and man it’s a rocket. I tow a 5000 lb boat and towing is not an issue plenty of power. It's leased so I am not that concerned with longevity/future issues, however I have heard from others who have the eco-boost's that they have had good experiences. Every vehicle has it's issues.
  2. On the trailer topic, I was wondering if anyone has experienced what I am experiencing. When pulling the boat (roughly 4000lbs) at about 110km per hour my truck starts to vibrate/shake. The truck is a 2015 Ford F150 so I want to believe it's not the truck. So if it's not the truck, I am assuming it something with the trailer. The Trailer is 3 years old and is a dual axle. When not towing the truck does not vibrate/shake at any speed. Any idea's of what it might be? I have heard square tire, bad bearing, bad tire....but being 3 years old and no visible tire wear or square issues it has me confused. I checked all the bearing buddies and there was no lack of grease. Tire's say 50 PSI and 50 PSI is what they are at. One person recommended balancing the tires..has anyone heard of that? I've never heard of balancing trailer tires. Any feeback/help would be very much appreciated.
  3. Well said however all you can do is shake your head. Nothing will change...it will only get worse.
  4. I'll take a 2 door stick diesel pls.
  5. We where fishing out of Innisfil this morning, a little slushy but the ice was good. Tons of guys out there...even some cars...not mine ha ha.
  6. Living in the country is awesome but as some have stated it does have it's negatives. We moved from the City to a rural property 3 years ago. Our well is a 40 ft dug well and on a good week has about 14ft of water. We have really learned how to conserve water...we have converted everything from toilets to taps that conserve water. We have thought about a new well however for the cost of filling it the odd time it runs out...just can't justify the cost. Gas and Milage has gone up on the vehicle's and there is no such thing as poping out to the store. No late night walks and no parks for the kid to play at. We run electric heat and wood most think we are crazy but as someone mentioned above they spend $400 a month on oil, with our high efficiency electric furnace our complete electrical bill runs $400 a month in the dead of winter....everything in the house runs on electricity. There is no option for gas and propane conversion costs would be high. Internet is Rogers High Speed Hub which is not cheap...but we don't spend a lot of time on it and it's mostly for work so not a big issue. With all the above aside, we are 100% happy and I could not imagine moving back to the City. We take many walks in the bush, keep our selves busy with the garden and other projects (fire wood, clean up, building things and maintenance on equipment) and my Daughter is involved in it all. Fresh air, no noise and low traffic. I'm lucky enough to work from home most days so my commute concerns are low. It definately keeps you busy and healthy. Never bored.
  7. Be careful with Champix it has recently been known to give many users increase risk of heart attacks. Zyban has also been known to create bad depression in users. My Doctor is convinced the only way to go is cold turkey with an aid like Nicorette or patch. I only know this as 3 years ago when Champix came out I tried it and quite. I stayed a non smoker for 2 1/2 years and as people have mentioned above the "one" cigarette got me right back into it. I have been speaking to my Doctor recently about quitting smoking again and she explained the above about Champix and Zyban to me and is reluctant to prescribe it again. Damn smokes. The weight that comes with quitting concerns me as well...but the last time I quit I stayed fairly active so I didn't pack on a lot of weight but I did put on a few extra pounds. No easy answer or way to quit.
  8. So we have seen a bear in our trailer park up north over the last week on a few occasions. 2 nights ago at about 12 midnight sitting around having a few drinks we hear some noise about 20 feet behind us around the BBQ. Turn around, there standing is a black bear. So of course panic set's in, people started to scream which woke up a buddy inside the trailer sleeping. When he awoke to the noise, looked out the window and saw the bear standing beside the BBQ. He grabbed some fire crackers, light them and threw them out the door. Bang Bang Bang....bear is gone. So the owner of the Park was informed, he new the bear has been hanging around and he called the Ministry. He told them he saw the bear on a few occasions and last night was a little to close for comfort for some of his occupants...can you come trap/remove the bear. Guess what their answer was. We have no money to come trap the bear!! I guess someone needs to get mauled before money isn't an issue. I hope it's no myself or my family. I love nature and everything in it, however I am not cool with a bear hanging around instead of passing through.
  9. Ya about 10 years ago Scugog was a regular for us and regularly produced. We noticed the numbers dropped significantly over the years. Just not the same. I agree 100% with no ice fishing in the winter.
  10. I had a 25 four stroke Merc which had intermittent issues with a fuse holder...the fuse was loose and due to movement would blow the fuse. Called Merc and they told me to put a little piece of foam between the fuse holder cap and the fuse to hold it in tight. Not sure if this will fix your problem, but it fixed mine. Just a suggestion/idea. thx
  11. Wow that sucks...drinking beer in the dark's no fun.
  12. Nice grab. Great looking boat!
  13. There is a place in King City called "Discount Marine" (on keele just south of king vaughaun townline) who friends of mine have used and always been happy with their service.
  14. I purchased something for my Truck from the US on March 7th. Still haven't received it. First and last time I buy something to be shipped to Canada. IN 2012 we should not be having issued moving product.
  15. The only thing I have heard about the Rav4 v6 is that it shares the same motor with the v6 Camry which was rushed for Nascar and blows Cams. I have a friend that works at Toyota who services our 4 cylinder Rav and tells me every time to be thankful I purchased the 4 vs the 6. Toyota tacome is ROCK SOLID!! Nothing else to say. I have a 1998 Toyota 4runner with 406K and still going strong.....
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