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About bigpikemike

  • Birthday 04/30/1975

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  • Location
    Aylmer, Quebec

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  1. yep thats is what i do
  2. my friggin wife uses a jitter bug in black every night at dusk and creams me...i never get anything but follow ups...and she catches pigs with them!
  3. 9.9 and 15hp in johnson and evinrude are the same motor just diferent carbs along with a couple other miner differences.....couple tweeks and u can get it up to 25-30hp...if u want a number of a mechanice that can do it for u pm me
  4. i found the 14lb amazing on my spinning gear....didnt like it too much on my baitcasters...my gf only uses fireline and shes been out fishin me lately
  5. so my step son francis who is my best fishin buddy in the world next to my wife...oh ya guys my wife loves to fish....so yeah francis turned 9 on june second...so thrusday he gets his boaters liscense and water and since his school was doing a boring feild trip on friday he gets the day off school to go fishin the ottawa river for walleyes....hes pumped...and hes driving!....he handler like a pro....i was real impressed....so anyways we start the day late at around noon no later....we fish until 1:30pm...in this time he nails 5 bass and i get 2 walleyes and a bass....no its time to meet mom on shore for a late lunch...back on the spot for for 2:15 and fish until 2:45 with nothing...we go back in and pic his older sister up from school...putter around at the boat launch with grandma and grandpa get to the spot for like 5pm....tosses out his line while trolling and bam...now hes using a 7ft medium heavy ugly stick with 12lb diawa samuri green line on a shimano 4000 rg and a berkly 13inch 80lb leader....i firgure its a snag cuz the boat stops dead....(14ft princecraft fisherman 9.9hp johnson)....he says its a fish!....im like snag...then the head shakes!...now the boat is goin backwards and his drag is screaming....and now hes screaming....'i cant shut the engine off or i will lose my rod!!!!' ....i say be a man ur on ur own....hes like oh yeah...boat goes backwards for about 40-50 yards and still havent seen a thing....he gets it to the side of the boat and lets out the biggest scream....57 inch musky!!!.....and did it all himself....since it was OOS and im with the boy it was released in the water with a pic boat side....it was never out of the water....i soooooo wanted a pic of him in my hands....also ther is a pic of one of his bass cuz he wants to show you all he can drive and fish at the same time...bad pic cuz i had to follow the rules boys and girls.
  6. first...santa fee sucks for towing....cant hold tongue wait and and to small of brakes....really if u buy the hitch couples turns of a wrench and ur done....but go to any uhaul dealer and ur done in a jiffy
  7. wow thought u guys would have had it all covered by now....i love the water added in above....but one more thing guys exspecially if ur in a boat....extra sweater and rain gear and always matches or a lighter
  8. im a sens fan so i too am bias....he may be a pretty boy but he has great skill
  9. any tires that fit will be good...mine are the small ones and i have been using them for near 20 years...they need to be replaced and the replacements are the same tiny ones and they r in the garage....and i travel huge distances on them...truely u want the biggest ones u can fit for clearance and less rotation
  10. ok i like this guy!....this is what u should do...and i would love to see the pics....me myself....i would have beaten him with his own oar then dragged his boat way out then beat him again....punk ass....if i was the other boat in the distance i would have come and helped u bud....u should have just kept driving circles around him...lol
  11. except for their sales,,,ct sucks...and their auto dept sucks big time...i too only use them for emergencies....the one in my town has this big thing about carts leaving the store so they lock up it all up so if u have a baby or disabled u have to wait to be let in or out...and sometimes the wait is long and they have to call the manager repeatedly....oh ya ct sucks
  12. bingo!!!....and the next thing u will say is fish on
  13. get rid of the bobber and put a shrimp on the hook
  14. havin trouble uploading the other pics...and yes with a cell phone....my other camera is pouched
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