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Posts posted by douG

  1. Jeeze, Skeeter. Now stop that.


    Folgers is mud. Max house is tolerable, but Nabob is a little better. Or you can check out those $$$ coffees, catsh!t coffee (go ahead: 20,000 googles) at $600 / lb.


    It's really tough to beat Jamaican quality coffee. Blue Mountain Jamaican coffee is like an appelation controllee for French wine, the designation is licensed with strict boundaries, quality control. That's what I think coffee should taste like.


    If Tims coffee had any more caffeine, you'd need a prescription. Legal crank.


    Hope you tie into a scrapper musky, Snag. Pictures.

  2. Deb, I've watched this 30 times over the last couple of years, since Irishfield first showed us this. I still get smacked each time. The verse that hits me most is this one:


    God forgive me for wanting to strike him.

    Give me strength so as not to be like him...

    My heart pounds in my breast, fingers pressed to my lips,

    My throat wants to bawl out, my tongue barely resists.

    But two minutes I will bide.

    It's a pittance of time.


    Then I'll slap him silly.

  3. OF COURSE! That the official board policy on these Get togethers. Morer is merrier. Don't be shy, introduce yerslef to folks that look likely, and tuck in to the best meal to be had on the ns of LO.


    Don't forget your name badge. "Hello, My name is ..."

  4. My Polish is a little rusty, but Raf and Keram can edit this as they see fit.


    "Hi to all you avid fishermen who are fans of fishing with Polish line. When I saw this forum, I thought it would be a good idea to have our own Polish forum where we can talk about our hobby in Polish.


    Unfortunately, we are few and very busy. Whether or not we can create such a forum, we should be able to talk together and maybe even organize a G2G.


    I've registered under the Polish word for pickerel, so that other Poles can recognize me easily. I'd like to suggest that other Poles do the same, maybe even add PL to their board names. We did the same thing for our small cars in Europe.


    While I am waiting for your replies and opinions, I am adding a picture of my 6 1/2 year old daughter Cory, who is a big fan of fishing. She is showing a big channel cat, 21 lbs which is close to the Ontario record of 25 lbs, caught in GB close to the Moon River.


    Break a rod!"


    I think the last is equivalent to 'Tight Lines'.


    How did I do?

  5. A ''freezer full of walleye' is a figure of speech. I understand that it is true that no one will actually go out and try to catch a ffow.


    Substitute 'white bucket' for 'freezer' and what do you get? Is there a difference? I think there is, and I don't think the optics are good for your pov.


    Please, rethink that banner. "Catch a White Bucket FULL of Walleye Every Time!". Still a figure of speech? I'd rather someone take a pail full than a full 22 cu ft deep freeze, despite the offers of your sponsor.


    I believe that this sort of blather harms what we have. It also misdirects new Canadians in important ways, as we have seen north of Kingston with alleged poaching being interrupted by local folks. Our job is to educate, and it is clear that we have some work to do. Is it really only a 'select few' that feels like this?


    Take it away, please.

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