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Posts posted by douG

  1. When your baby is born, the blood contained in the umbilical cord (maybe placenta too, I don't know) is full of stem cells. These are the most basic and versatile of human cells, and can be used to treat a whole bunch of ills since they can change to be anything from bone marrow to liver cells. They are genetically suited to help your new baby or even other family members recover from things like radiation treatment for cancer.

  2. Ed Zachary. Seems a little obnoxious, without knowing all the info. Heard that one before a time or 2.


    This is really a question of and to the Moderators.


    Be it resolved that, for a positive and involved experience for the members and readers who drive traffic and income, that posters judged to be in contravention of our agreed rules be informed why or in what way their submissions are are in default, by direct communication, with clear direction for remediation where it is appropriate.


    I can argue for the affirmative. Anyone?

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