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Posts posted by douG

  1. Still a sad day to say GoodBye to a 14 year old daughter, niece, sister, or friend.


    How could two cops possibly raise a normal family? What FishnAuto is seeing is the abdication of parental responsibility and attention, not the "total breakdown of the family". Sounds like an impossible situation for these poor folks. On the other hand, some families do jes' fine.


    That number of 84 murders in the GTA is the total for the whole population of 4.5 million, NOT 84 TEEN HOMICIDES, like some suggested. Where do folks come up with this crap? BAD MISERABLE PERSON. Twist yer hankie somewheres else.


    Sadly, a few will follow that lead on this garbage. Hate to say this, but if you don't back up your statements with a credible reference, stifle. Stop it already.


    Toronto had 84 homicides in 2007, five fewer than the record 89 murders set in 1991.


    Based on data from some cities in North America, 2100 killings would have occurred in Toronto, we get 84. Hardly the optimum number, but going in the right direction.

  2. I think it's absurd that accidents on the 400 series of highways can last for 10 or fifteen minutes. Even if the cars are only doing 110 or 120, they are bumper to bumper at that speed! This leaves no reaction time of course, with the forementioned result.


    I tell my kids that it's not enough to slow down in bad weather, the crucial part is more room around your car!


    A safe and Happy New Year to my OFC friends and their families too.

  3. So the fambly is flying apart today with the younguns at work, and the RLG at her sister's place, preparing for the whole fam damly later tonight. I am home without a car, so what do I do? Baked Beans Yea!


    2 cups dried navy or black eyed beans or a mix (that's what I did)

    1/2 lb of bacon, divided

    2 med onions

    1 cup tomato puree

    2 c low Sodium chicken stock

    3 large cloves garlic

    Reserved bean water

    1 tsp worcestershire sauce

    1 tbsp dijon mustard

    1/4 tsp thyme

    1/4 tsp celery salt

    1/4 c molasses]

    1/4 c brown sugar

    1 tsp crushed chilies


    Soak the beans for 24 hours, drain. Add more water to cover and simmer for 1 hour. Drain and reserve the bean water.


    Take half the bacon, dice, and fry until crisp. With the other quarter pound, fry until about half of the fat is rendered. Discard the bacon fat.


    Dice the onions, and mince the garlic.


    Combine the tomato puree, mustard, chicken stock, celery salt, molasses, br sugar, thyme, chilies, WS in a 4 cup measuring cup and put in the microwave, heat until almost boiling.


    I like to have everything hot before I combine them, it reduces cooking time greatly.


    Alternate beans, onions, garlic and bacon in layers, into a deep pan with a lid. Pour the hot seasoning liquid over the beans and stuff, and top up with some bean water so that the mix is just covered.


    Place in a 350 oven, covered, on a baking sheet. Gently cook for 3 hours, replacing liquid as required, using the bean water. For the fourth hour, remove the lid and adjust the liquid as required.


    Serve with fresh bread and Strubb's Full Sour dills. A snappy lager goes nicely too.

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