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Posts posted by douG

  1. Good point, Paul, I agree. That is wrong in so many different ways.


    Mooseroo, the only problem with that guy's approach, is that he moves too fast and makes some folks uncomfortable. He does a great job of slicing and dicing, and makes his point very well.


    The only thing Global warming will do is give some kind of excuse for the rich to ignore the poor. And for millions of more people to perish because of something we all take for granted, Electricity and fuel. It's like giving them a death sentence and then blaming them also.


    So there is a very big negative to acting.


    I think the point made in the utube vid, and by the transparent ethanol initiative, is that this stuff is happening ALREADY. The rich are already ignoring the poor - see the riots in Mexico and Italy over price increases in corn / tortillas and wheat / pasta. Climate change will only benefit the rich, as during times of stress the stronger become even more strong. Acting now is the big positive, not negative.


    When you diet with a tiger, the tiger eats last.


    Holdfast, the geek in the movie said that global depression would happen regardless of whether this whole climate change thingy was true. His point was that a whole other world of crap was there as well. Watch again.

  2. No, that's not funny at all. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Doesn't look like that so much to me. what the heck is that?


    Reminds me of a sign outside an Orlando toll booth. "Warning. Robbery prevention program in effect. If approached by a Peace Officer, Do Not Reach For Your Weapon".

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