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Posts posted by douG

  1. Attaboy, Glen. I didn't care what anyone else said, I KNEW you could catch some fish on this trip. Congrats on fishing with Deg and Ruth, and BCanuck too. All fine folks who, it would appear, will fish with anyone!

  2. Hi, Scootch and welcome (pay no attention to the short furry one behind the curtain).


    A Lil cleo (in glow finish, activated with a flashlight, camera flash or headlamp) is a casting spoon. Chuck it out as far as you can, and give 'er a steady retrieve on the way in. The glow is useful because the best time o day to go after these feesh is dusk and later.

  3. Easy.


    When you are writing your post, you can put pictures in your post. Look below the field that you are typing on right now, the box where it says 'attachments'. Hit the browse button, and fart around until you find the path on your pc that points to your picture. The path might be something like 'C:\Documents and Settings\Doug\My Documents\My Pictures\Sept27-03 029.jpg'. Another way to do this is to look at the picture, right click, and select 'properties'. This will also show you where you have this picture on your pc. Type or copy/paste the path to your upload picture in the type place and hit upload, or double click on your photo that appears in the browse field.


    This is what happens when you do just what I said.




    If you have a recent camera, you might have to shrink your pics. You can do this with Microsoft Photo Editor, or very likely, the sw that came with your digital camera.


    There is also a proper treatise on this on the FAQ forum . Sooner or later, you will just start messing with this until you get it to work. Lots o folks, well everyone really, went through the same learning process. PM me, or anyone, we all can help, but Rick O'Banion is the acknowledged expert, and an admin to boot.


    Mine are 10 1/2s.


    So, that's how we post pictures, how about a drop shot clinic? I'm available anytime, pretty much.

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