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Posts posted by douG

  1. In these conditions, it's hard to beat (Like MorS said) a single egg under a float or an attractor. The shotting pattern is important, try to match the feeding depth with the flow of the day. An esl pattern in these waters will rock as well.


    Look for the eddies and the current seams. especially under overhanging cover. Under the trees, use a pattern that looks like the bugs that fall into the water under the tree.


    I just make this stuff up.

  2. Was bequeathed a Roemer release by a board member whom I wish to remain nameless, and I'm trying to figger out how to run the line through the release.



    The release looks like this:




    Thanks for the advice, and Merry Christmas!



  3. Some might be missing the point here.


    Hockey according to Cherry is crap. The hoser toughboy talk contributes DIRECTLY to this stuff, and that stuff is OVER. Cherry should be retired for the good of the game.


    Fer crissakes we now have 7 year olds beating the stuffin out of each other, with examples provided by coaches and parents too.


    The game will clean up or die, because this current interpretation will ensure that we end up with UF and MMA tournaments instead of our beautiful game. I like MMA, but it doesn't look like hockey. Why should hockey look like MMA?


    "I love the tough guys". If you don't want to keep those things separate, then you contribute to this mess.


    Shame. Put it all together already.


    As for my kids driving cars at the limits of their ability and the car's mechanical limits, no thanks, I can't see a price tag on that visit by the local constabulary. How many million was that priced out at?

  4. The Gulf of Mexico moisture that is fueling that storm is our "payback" to y'all for letting that cold air creep down here!!!


    Our high is only gonna be +6C tomorrow... y'all are screwin' up my fishin'!!! mad.gif


    I have a feeling that Glen meant 6C. After all, he said 6C. Very unlikely to see 6 F in Alabananas, although it did dip to -27F way back in '66, so it could happen.


    That would be around -33 C, the rednex musta been putting on t shirts all over the place.

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