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Posts posted by douG

  1. LeXX, that question was what started the research, that and Lake On the Mountain. I've learned that LotM has the same water level, hour by hour, as Lake Erie.


    As for the Reach, it was formed from a combination of glacial push to form Sandbanks, tectonic rebound after the glaciers retreated, and some tectonic movement not associated with the other two.


    I really have no idea.

  2. Glen left Merland Park around 11 am on Sunday morning. He seemed refreshed, with intelligent plans to take it easy on the way home, even spending the night in a hotel. With a total driving time of about 22 hours, we might see a post from him late tonight, but more likely sometime tomorrow.

  3. What would you recommend to go along with a porchetta and provolone gweech?


    That's Italian ham and stinky cheese on a Calabrese bun. If you're not down with Calabrese, call it an 'Italian country style' bun. A sangweech.


    Thanks, Meely, for the advice and correspondence. Since that icefish trip with Ron, Rattletrap and you 4 years ago, I never go fishing without a bag full of gweeches. Especially since I don't have a boat.


    Best to the gweechmaster.

  4. At 1:15, Glen called to say he was in Whitby, pushing on through to Belleville and then to Merland Park. I wonder if Merland has a spot for him tonight? I guess he could sleep in his truck again.


    This guy must be a little excited, even tho he didn't sound excited on the phone. I remember why now, he's from Alabama.

  5. Lake Arenal, cool. If you like to windsurf, that is prime. And the volcano as well. That must have been an incredible trip, rainforests and waterfalls and toucans and mountains and everything. Bougainvillea too.


    Best coffee I've enjoyed was out of a 2 gallon dispenser at the breakfast buffet in Ocho Rios. I'm sure it wasn't the best, but it was delicious. It tasted a lot like coffee, most don't.


    It seems that the best Jamaican coffee can be had for 30 - 50 $ / lb. That seems a little steep, guessing at 30 - 40 cups per pound. Then again, I pay a buck a cup for coffee made from sweepings a coupla times every day.


    Get out the grinder, RLG. We gonna kick the java up a notch.

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