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Everything posted by lookinforwalleye

  1. Please say it aint so,it can`t be just about the money!!!
  2. yes but right wing nuts know they are nuts,left wing nuts just think everybody else is nuts! Don`t take me to seriously boys and girls just havin a little fun,I luv all my birkenstock wearing,latte sipping,hybrid drivin,pinko brothers!
  3. You mean the earth is not flat???
  4. As do I for the exact reason you mention and not because some pinhead is spewing their voodoo science!!!
  5. I actually met David Suzuki years ago up in Owensound he was driving a big gas guzzling Toyota land Cruiser at the time, I think back then he was pounding the table about the pending ice age so the carbon foot print wasn`t a big deal back then. Whats Al Gore`s bigfoot carbon foot print lookike these days?
  6. Better dead than Red!!!
  7. I dunno do you look like David Suzuki or Al Gore?
  8. That and the Solar program the Liberal forced down our throats is the reason why we should be having a provincial election in May instead of a Federal election. McGuinty and Ignatieff now there is a dynamic pair but I must say these two nobs will propel the Conservatives back to power with majorities!!!
  9. That would be David Menzies Joey, a.k.a. "The Menzoid" as Chuck Adler likes to call him!
  10. Ditto, That reminds me I have to vote!!!
  11. BPS is my favorite store and I am glad its an hour drive to get there or I would be there every week!!! BPS is no different than any other store you just have to watch what you buy and pick your spots, I like sales and as a general rule I keep my purchases down until sales are on and that goes for BPS,CTC or any other store. I love the Redhead hiking shoes I bought on sale for 39 bucks,I like the deals on Trilene that I got on Thursday,I like the 10 spinner baits I got for 20 bucks yesterday, I love the JMS reel I bought yesterday for 89 bucks(should have bought 2) and I love the fact that every thing that I need is under one big roof! I will admit I paid the extra 50 cents for a couple of those Live Target frogs hey can Bass see the fancy paint job on the top of these frogs
  12. No left wing socialist hippie is telling me what to do I will turn on what ever lights I want too and for good measure I just may go start the Jeep and let it idle for an hour!!!
  13. I thought it was Pflueger!
  14. I have a couple other BPS reels and have not had a grease problem and like you say BPS stands behind their products unlike another store and reel company that shall remain nameless!!!
  15. Me tinks the big pike are eating the little pike!!!
  16. I would have loved to get in on that deal!
  17. There was tons left at 9:30 they had a few tables full and a couple of carts full!!
  18. The last couple of pages in the Spring flyer!
  19. Picked up 6 spools of 660 yd trilene for 5 bucks a spool yesterday aswell!!! super deal.
  20. They had a whole pile of them there at 9:30 in all 3 gear ratios, there was quite the feeding frenzy at the spinner bait bins though!!!
  21. Stopped by my favorite store this morning and picked up the Terminator spinner baits 10 for 20 bucks and picked up a BPS JM signiture bait caster for 89 bucks, man what a smooth reel that is way smoother than my new Curado. I should have bought two!!
  22. Same here Brian I have tried several brands of braid and really haven`t liked any of them, but like you I think I will try the new Suffix line due to the reviews. We`ll see how it goes!
  23. Ditto and many more!!!
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