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Posts posted by captpierre

  1. We want to put up a 9x13 ft shed that will have one corner on our septic bed due to space limitations at the cottage.

    The septic bed is about 20 yrs old. We bought the place 6 yrs ago.

    The bed is a deep spiral type. Apparently the pipe spirals down in a wide circle, about 15-20 ft in diameter down about 10 ft.

    The neighbor says he saw them install it.

    It's about 100 ft from the lake and 20 ft from the cottage which is closer to the lake.

    The shed is to sit on 2x2ft patio stones. At the 4 corners. The corner in question will be 1/3 of the way into the spiral.

    I know you shouldn't weigh down conventional septic beds.

    Does anybody know anything about these spiral types?

    Will the shed work? No other place to put it.



  2. Ok..so I'll start by saying that I firmly believe in recycling and consider myself a pretty 'green' guy.


    We've had a place in Trent Lakes for about 10 years and during that time I've witnessed a transformation of the waste dump.

    10 years ago it was pretty informal, well managed and pretty easy going. You got a once a year free day tipping pass for spring cleanup and the only thing you really got charged for was refrigeration appliances...completely understandable.


    In the last five years its transformed into something very different, limited number of bags ...not only per year, but for each quarter..use em or lose em. Clear bags only and massive chargers for other waste. I dropped of a small pile of construction waste, filled a quarter of my small trailer...35 bucks. The same would have cost me under 5 bucks at the Mississauga dump. Also a transfer station.


    The real frustrating thing is that today when we did a dump run it took 25 minutes in line. They are going through cars like your at the boarder...its easier to get on an international flight then to get into the Buckhorn dump...but that's not the frustrating thing. I counted 14 people working there...for a dump?!?!


    Anyway I'm all for advancing the manner in which we manage our waste...but the manner in which they are doing it seems counter intuitive.


    ...and I didn't even mention the massive cardboard compactor (about the size of a truck trailer) that they purchased and I have heard doesnt work.


    I hate feeling that I'm funding their inefficiencies and bad business decisions.


    Curious is others are seeing similar transformations.

    Glad you brought this up.

    Took 1 garbage bag and used oil over.

    Took the oil but not the garbage because it wasn't in a clear bag.

  3. Get a coarse file and rough up about 1 cm or more around the existing broken skeg both sides. Remove paint and rough up metal. Provides more surface area to adhere and gives lateral support. Then cover this area with JB and extend out further than you need. Make sure hardens straight. Once rock hard can cut to shape with hacksaw and smooth with file. Paint if you want.

    Did mine 3 yrs ago. Still good.


  4. I can relate on both of your points. I was raised in NFLD, and my family were commercial fisherman. The FISHERMEN Know more about the actual fishery than your "scientists". Fishermen were crying for better regulations LOOOOONG before the fishery was closed. I don't know one single fisherman who was cursing a closure. I was there. I lived it. I am in ontario now because of it. Do you really think a degree in fisheries is more valuable than people who have spent a whole lifetime on the water?? I don't. My family had 4 generations of fishermen on the water before it was closed. All the science in the world has no value over experience. ( and don't say we raped the fishery, because the inshore fishing families never hurt a thing. The real reasons are a whole different post.) We caught enough to survive.


    Same thing on the kawartha's. I've been fishing them for 30 years. I've seen the changes, and how they have progressed through the chain lake to lake. The fisheries people who make the decisions make them too late. The people on the water the most know more about whats actually happening out there than some guy in his office who pulls a net a few times a year. Even the guys in the field know more than the decision makers about the actual fishery. I could have told you 15 years ago, at least, that scugog needed tighter regs on the walleyes.


    Don't get me wrong, I see the value in science etc, and on paper and am one, but you can't put it up against the people who are out there 2-3-4 times a week over 30 years, or families of fishermen who have spent lifetimes on the water fishing. When do we get to have our say with the fisheries? There needs to be more in put from people who are on the water, and have years of experience. It would make a big difference IMO.


    Getting a decision made in this country is a big problem. Most times, its too little, too late, and the wrong decision is made.



    I guess that's why the MNR sends teams of students out to take surveys of fishermen and their catches. I've been approached on Simcoe and Lake O many times.

    Never on Pigeon though.

  5. frig gulp alive and their containers...i literally just wrap the hell outta mine in like 3 plastic bags and just deal with it leaking everywhere. I try to store them upright but they are brutal.


    You can buy some special scented bait tubs at bass pro..but whatever i just deal with it.


    Capt, the juice leaks everywhere.

    I buy my Gulp in 10 packs like you would other plastics. There's very little water in them and as long as you zip seal them they keep a long time.
  6. Hoping for the very best for you guys

    Early diagnosis of everything is key.



    Prostate rectal exam

    Gynaecological tests

    Blood pressure

    Skin cancer check. Especially for us fishermen.


    Push your family Doc to keep an eye on this.

    They won't call you

    It's up to you.

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