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Everything posted by MuskyGreenHorn

  1. So nice to see. We used to have a lot more of these facilities around. Gotta love the cutbacks.. The harris government really screwed the MNR. Which one is this? White Lake?
  2. Do you have a family or are you going just to fish?
  3. I woudl focus on shorelines. Like I was saying before, it is pretty deep and has steep shorelines/dropoffs. there are a couple of shallower area at either end of the lake where water enters and leaves from what I can remember. There is also one island in teh middle of the lake from what I remember and we caught some bass around it. If you are going for lakers, bring soem sonar unless you are going after ice out. Its small enough, so exploring the whole thing won't be too much of a challange. Good luck and have fun, I think you will like it there.
  4. We were all youngins' at some point, some of us outgrow it. Not all of us can afford to go to the track. Speed kills for sure, but to soeme the rush is instantly an addiction. Honestly 230 is nothing though. Think about supercars and superbikes... Well in excess of 300 km/h. At least they had the though to do it somewhere where wiping out wouldn't injur or kill anyone else
  5. It is a very gorgeous quiet lake. I have a camp near there. It has some excellent smallmouth fishing and apparently lakers and walleye. It is a fairly deep lake with most shorelines droppping off ratehr quick. It is also very clear. Blue moon retreat has the most info I have ever found for fishing on Purdy. This what teh have to say about purdy. Blue Moon Retreat has about 1,500 ft (300 m) of frontage on Purdy Lake which is 1.38 km in size – not a large lake; but, definitely big enough when you paddle around it. There are 3 docks at which are moored the complimentary canoes, pedal boats and row boats (which you use at your own risk). We urge you not to go onto the water without the provided life jacket – all requirements and special needs in this area please contact JoAnne. Of course, all standard rules of water safety should be followed (e.g. always having a bailing pail). We are sorry to say that we do not provide fishing gear; if you do not have your own, you can always pick up an inexpensive rod and reel at one of the local stores (e.g. general store in Combermere (also have bait) or Canadian Tire in Bancroft or the hardware store in Barrys Bay). Our smaller guests have a lot of fun catching fish right from the docks. What a joy to watch their reactions. The guests interested in more serious fishing normally take one of the water craft out. One of the favorite spots in just at the drop off to the west end of the island. Another is across the lake where the creek comes in. But as always with fishing, you never know, often a fisherman returning from further out will catch some right along in front of the resort. Purdy Lake is designated a lake trout lake and to protect them a building freeze has been imposed. We are told that lake trout will only live in very clean water and thus their presence attests to the quality of the lake water. In the lake there are also bass and pickerel. Some of our guests have quite some luck in catching fish.
  6. May 2nd, hope the ice is out! I am envious, I did a bi trip about a week later than that a couple of years ago launching from canoe lake. Caught some nice lakers, no bugs and it was surprisingly warm.
  7. I hate snow just as much as the next guy, maybe even more. I hate shoveling and blowing it, seems like a waste of time when its only gonna melt eventually anyway. What I hate even more is all the bad drivers out there. But I guess it teaches us to be patient and also get some stuff done around the house and maybe get on here a bit more often! Although a lack of snow may seem beneficial to us individually, but I am concerned what it means for mother nature. Isn't snow cover important for insulatng the ground? Further I know for sure that no snow on the ground means little to no spring run off which we all know is important for the cycle fo life in all streams and rivers.
  8. White Suckers start their runs after the rainbows, but of course their is plenty of overlap, they will still be hanging around after the majority of trout have left to go back to the lake. After their spawn they will disappear from trout streams and you will only see smaller ones. Any of the larger rivers in southern Ontario will have resident populations of larger ones. Rivers like the thames and grand have populations of various redhorse, including black, silver, golden and greater. I have hooked greater while carp and smallmouth fishing on the grand. They get quite big and run hard just like carp. Lake Erie has lots of Redhorse in it as well. Your best bet is to fish deep slack water in a river. Be quit and patient, much like carp they are easily disturbed and chumming with corn or whatever you think up can help draw them into an area and get them into a feeding mood. i am not sure what the regs are on redhorse because many species are actually endangered, so if you target them you may want to check it out. I only ever caught them incidentally while fishing for other species as I already mentioned.
  9. Man are Quinte Eyes pigs.
  10. I grew up a leaf man but gave up on them years ago, basically they just took out the trash and its about time. There is still more to go... Burke and Wilson are the only ones that have enough balls to get anything done with the Leafs. And for eeryone moaning about losing White, its easy to look good when you are compared to everyone else on the leafs roster. Now if they could only get some fans who booed them when they sucked, they might some motivation.. So typical, every leaf fan defends them to the bitter end.... Ever been to a montreal or Pittsburg Game? The fans are Rithless and Its awesome. They get chewed out in public when they stink and then they smarten up.
  11. The 20lb braid would be a better option than 8 lb in most situations, and you can also definately go heavier than 8lb on the flouro leader as well. It all depends on what your situation is. i run 30lb power pro on a lot of bass casting gear with a 5-6" section of 25lb seagar flouro leader. On spinning gear i would down size to 12-15 lb braid for clear water situations or when i am not worried abbout gettng hung up or damage to the line, but run 20 around cover or in stained water. i generally match the lb test of the leader to my line, or run sleight;y less. why run a 20ln main line only to have an 8lb leader? It makes sense for you rleader to be sligtly weaker than teh main line so you can break of impossible snags. Flouro is next to invisible in the water, which is the main reason I use it as a leading material. I run 80lb on my muskie gear ahead of 80lb braid. I find the Uni to Uni knot works great, but there others that work as well. Some knots won't work well when the line diameter is different, so you have to watch out for that.
  12. Sweet jesus man, nice cave for sure! Where is the couch for the rest of to sit on when we come over to watch WFN and play pool? Also when are installing the beer tap on the bar?
  13. That Gator was after those lakers!
  14. I just remembered, Esox Edge Bucktail from Crappy Tire in Kenora. That thing blew apart on a solid backlash last summer. I am glad it happened then and not with a lunge on teh end of. Come to thing of it, it got a lot o follows and bites but the fish never seemed to hook up. Conclusion: total piece o' crap.
  15. Do you want to run it on spinning or casting gear? Braid is way more limp than mono or flouro. For that reason i always up the lb test I use. It makes it way more managable and less prone to tangles and/or bird nests. The really light stuff is much more prone to getting caught up in the wind as well. I run power pro and I am happy with it. I run several different lb tests in several different applications. The fact that it has little to no memory means you can get several seasons of use out of it if you are just a weekend type of angler. Tapingthe spool before spooling as archie james suggested is a very good idea or using a short piece of mono as backing also works good.
  16. X-raps really are just mass produced crap... You pay for the marketing really. I broke lips off, cracked them, wore the paint off and destroyed them everyway possible. But I had to keep buying more because I couldn't keep the fish off em'. tehy caught everything for me, huge pike and musky, to bass and walleye. I read on here sometime ago that if you send them back to rapala, they will send you new ones. So I sent in half a dozen and got new ones back. It cost the shipping, but it was better than a kick in the butt.
  17. .05 is the not the limit in all states, only some. .045 after 6 beers in one hour? what machine? yeah 6 beers in hour, of course you were in shape to drive. You would have blown way over .08 in a real breath analyzer.
  18. How long has this pond been around? What is your aquatic vegetation situation like? Just because there are no fish does nto mean it isn't a healthy and thriving ecosystem. Have any amphibians taken up residence or use it as a seasonal mating place? If so, adding fish to the mix will definately change that. If you do decide to add fish: For minnows, just throw in a mix of stuff. Nature will sort out what does well and what doesn't. Mudminnows are some of the tougest customers around in terms of surviving through not so ideal living conditions. Old spruce trees or pine trees that have dropped their needles make for great structure for baitfish. Unless it stays relatively cold and has a decent amount of shade, I wouldn't bother with trout. Panfish, bass, or even cats would be more ideal.
  19. Both have their time and place really. What about the worden's rooster tail?
  20. John, I think there is some merrit to what you are saying. Still, it boggles my mind that 16 000+ people get nailed for DUI in this province alone every year. 80% of tehm are first time offenders. That adds up almost 130 000 Ontarians being charged with a DUI at least once in the last 10 years. Scary isn't it... I think tax dollars would be better spent on educating people about drinking and driving, rather than handing the money over to the a program that ends up drasticly changing people's lives as a consequence of being charged with a DUI. The law is now 0.05 for a 3 day suspension. Most people would be in shock to know two beers with a feed of wings or 2 glasses of wine with a nice meal would easily put them over that limit. Simply saying don't drink and drive is obviously uneffective. People never respect that they are gambling with other peoples lives when they get behind the wheel, they only think about what may happen to them, and if people realized just what might happen and how serious the consequences are, we wouldn't be talking about this. Anyways this discussion topic really isn't about RIDE programs per say, its about teh Police spending our money in a productive manner. The problem bloils down to, who polices the police???
  21. Go talk to Dave at Hirk's in Coutice. He's the best guy to deal with in Durham.
  22. I couldn't Agree More. LOTW is paradise.
  23. I just got my new Musky Hunter mag in thr mail and an ad for Cortland Master Braid caught my eye. I use power pro, 80lb on my Musky Gear, and 30 and 40 on my bass gear. But this stuff has a sweet looking brown colour and of course promises to be the best braid ever using some new patented technology. Any thoughs or opinions?
  24. that generation of chev was arguably the best 1/2 ton ever mass produced... 99-02 chevs though, thats another story.
  25. Thats what we are sayin. Buy the leader material and tie a few feet on the end of your line. Technically that is a leader. I use 30lb power pro as well and I run a few feet of seagar leader flouro and I think its makes a hell of a diference. Being stiffer than braid it helps when sing jerkbait and glide baits as well. They tend to tangle with braid as it is too limp. Faster presentations don't require it, but anything slower and in clear water I think you will see a big advantage to running Flouro on the end of your braid. I use it in clear water my musky gear as well, although sometimes I really don't think they are line shy anyway. Actually I like to use it when I am fishing around rocks and wood as I think it is more durable that braid as well, plus it's easier to determine when its time to re-tie when compared to braid. The only disadvantage I can see to using a few feet of flouro at the end of yor main line braid is when you are fishing in heavy weed cover as the knot used to join the two becomes a spot for weeds to get caught up on and braid does a better job cutting through weeds.
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