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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. Why is it that when it come to Conservatives Vs. Everyone else, everyone else just constantly slams the Con's and makes them look like child molesters and mad scientists? You guys saying Harper got the votes via attack ads...are you joking? Did you NOT HEAR THE ATTACK ADS FROM THE NDP'S AND THE LIBERALS??? Open your eyes for heavens sake...they're all brutal. Pick the one that hammers you less... And don't tell me Harper is a Nazi because he's for big corperations, NDP's are just as bad for promising billions of dollars in infrastructure that they don't even have the money to back up, the Lib's are just as bad for their entire campaign of "Hey I'm not Harper, vote for me or he'll take your health care away and wont let you smoke dope." And how do you think the NDP got all these young votes at the last minute? Give you a hint, its green, stinks and makes you giggle like a school girl...
  2. I need the cost on some services too! Didn't know we had a rod builder on the forum. Last summer I had REW over on Walleye Central build me a 6'3" Croix SCIV with recoils.
  3. I'm using suffix on one of my spools right now. At first I was pleased at how quiet and smooth it was. but after about a month or so the green coloring wore off just as much as normal braid. After trying suffix, power pro, fireline tracer, fireline crystal fuse, spiderwire ez braid,and ugly braid, I'm likely to just buy whatever is on sale now. It's all stronger then you need, zero stretch and fairly abrasion resistant....go with whatever's on sale or just close your eyes and grab a spool
  4. Bought time you came out from that rock you were under. You and Graham done playing hide the banana in the Chippewa falls parking lot?
  5. Never seen that video before! Awesome :clapping:
  6. Had this problem yesterday with a bunch of drunk teenagers who's parents owned the property. We were running a river and stopping, anchoring, and wading in the water to fish corners that looked promising. Needless to say when the kids tried saying "This is my dads property what the hell are you doing on it?" We both just took two steps into the water with our waders on and giggled at each other. Its a good thing my buddy knows the whole gang of them and is more than welcomed to fish any stretch of the river we were on, he should have dragged them by their ear up to their parents house and turned them over to the parents for an arse whoopin'
  7. A friend from the Archery Club and I went out yesterday afternoon for some steelhead action, we were in the water by about 1:30 in the afternoon and the fish were on fire the whole time. We started out running bottom bouncers with pink and chartreuse bags. Second cast of the day and Paul's on steel... http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/003-3.jpg Immediately afterwards he hooks into a nice chunky Brook Trout! (sorry no pic) He caught another chromer there and off we moved to the next spot. Spot number 2 yielded 2 steelies for Paul and 1 for me. We each kept one male for the table and that was that. Up until now we were bouncing spawn, but we reached a little snag ridden trough that HAD to be floated...paul being such a stubborn old timer refused to float, so he kept the boat steady in the current for me to hook up (and lose) 2. Paul couldnt resist and tied a float on and caught and landed a nice male...put him back in the drink and we were off to the final spot of the day, one he was sure was going to hold some good numbers of steel. We had to bush wack a bit to get to the pools...I tried making my own trail, and found a nice little hidden cave... http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/006.jpg We got to the pools finally, I went 5 for 3 in about 30 minutes, we decided we had about a 45 minute ride back to the dock, plus loading the gear and heading back to town so we took off....overall a hell of an afternoon http://tinypic.com/r/16humbc/7 http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/010.jpg http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/013.jpg http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/014-1.jpg
  8. Ive switched over to Lindy Exchange jigs almost exclusively. Very high quality hooks (points dont deform in the rocks) and you can swap weights/colours whenever you need
  9. But knowledge is power!!!

  10. You got it Ctranter. Also if you guys look under the normal loomis rods and just scroll through their different sizes/actions they have some hidden ones in there on sale too
  11. Hey guys, I was just thumbing through wholesalesports.com (canadian site) and I wandered into the Loomis rod section. They got GLX, GL2/3 and Walleye spinning and casting rods on sale for STUPID CHEAP. I may buy a few, just because they're too good to turn down . If anyones looking for a GLX for around 50%+ off...check it out!!!! Mainly UL's but theres quite a few normal sizes in the mix too. Besides, havent you always wanted to treat yourself to a 5' IMX UL for whitefish
  12. I hope we get that scum bag out this year Dara. I'm sporting my Hayes pin on my work jacket . And that Cheifs of Police "Ass" well....
  13. Damn you guys, don't say the "S" word. My boat is sitting in the driveway, waiting for me to fire it up and take it to the tail race of the rapids...
  14. Daaaaang. I'm hoping to get down there in may. But life seems to keep conspiring against me!
  15. well said mercman!
  16. Hey we have been civil!! I dont see any cursing or carrying on around here. Oh Luke, you shoulda came out tonight, 2 bucks landed, 3 lost.
  17. Ah never mind...I had a bunch of the NDP's goals as outlined in their platform that are just plain wrong... But anyways I'm going out to look for some bow's. Look for the burgundy intrepid if you're out that way. No political talk if you come out!
  18. Sorry for kind of being all over the place in my argument. What I meant right from the get-go was that I know the Liberals stance on guns IN GENERAL. Not just long guns, letting the Liberals into our gun cabinets in any way is like letting a fox into a chicken coop Thats not to say us "Cons" are perfect, but I'd say we're 99.99% there
  19. Its also not Liberal. The NDP dominate for one reason and one reason only, they are the union, hard workin man with mixed religious feelings (as to not offend anyone) and want to govern the living crap out of Canada (look at their platform, its scarily close to communism, just with fancier words.).
  20. A gun is a gun Luke. I know many people who own 10+ handguns and not one of them has killed anyone...they must be defective I guess I am a law-abiding gun owner, I will stick together with every other law-abiding gun owner wether they shoot trap, hutning rifles, handguns, scary black rifles etc. If the Govt. wanted to ban Walleye fishing and you were just a hardcore steelheader would you let your fellow Walleye anglers get thrown under the bus, or would you help them?
  21. The Sault is NDP because of the 2 economic extremes here in SSM, heavily union based economy and poor, minimum wage earning or welfare candidates. The NDP platform is extremely pro union and has many promises for the more unfortunate in our town. Oh Luke, I know YOU won't take my guns, but the Liberal Party of Canada would if they had the slightest chance... http://andrewlang.liberal.ca/news/blog/jack-gun-control/
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