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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. Throw the idea of a Utility sled out the window and buy a MOUNTAIN sled. Summit, RMK, ect. Get a 144x2 or bigger and GOOOOOOOO
  2. dont waste your time...
  3. You guys make a good point about sharing anything. I usually stay well away from this. But I figured it would work since the only person he ever fishes with is me. But you all make a good point. I suppose I've gone without a hut for this long already...why not a little longer .
  4. People really love jumping at the mouth with out the facts here on the interweb Nice catch!
  5. Me and a buddy are looking at going halves on a portable ice hut we were looking at the following... Clam Summit 6'X8' 78" center height. 30lbs...249$ USD on Cabela's. HT Insta Shak 92"X92" with an 84" center. 249$ CDN 22lb weight on Lebaron.ca Is something too good to be true here with the HT? Bigger, lighter AND cheaper? Anyone who has seen these beasts up close and can compare material for me feel free to chime in!
  6. We're growing!!!
  7. This is why....I could see you ripping some pine up to laminate together for a cabinet using a Husq or a Stihl Kidding Oh thats one way of putting it
  8. That is a very good point dude...hate to be in the middle of no where and blow a binding...wait, I already did that . Take your old school ways and get the h-e-c-k outta here!!! Ya gotta look cool on the trails Glynn...it's all about lookin cool .
  9. Well I was cruisin through some Corb Lund and this song came up. Then I remembered looking at your X-mas threads....enjoy EDIT-This song could also apply to Worm Dangler
  10. You have no idea how badly I want to grab those sexy ass GV Polar Trails.....
  12. Great video Limey . I love when people show that fishing/hunting/shooting isnt always picture perfect!!!
  13. You...might wanna find a buddy to pitch in on gas
  14. Niiiiiiice Lakers dude How do you do on thos jiggin raps?
  15. Like I said...those Liberal Hippy loser bags aren't getting a dime from me...
  16. go for it, a mossberg 500a is about as reliable and has as many aftermarket parts as the Rem 870 does
  17. Wingnuts??? Yyyyyuck! Madisons wings bud!!!
  18. do what you gotta do...
  19. Sounds like an OFC LSPP trip needs to happen? I don't have a vehicle, but don't mind splitting gas/bait/food costs down the middle
  20. This is why my Daiwa Tierra comes ice fishing with me . Seems every ice reel out there is garbage. Thats all I need it a reel blowing its clutches out when I hook onto that once in a life-time fish .
  21. Finally someone who drinks REAL coffee...not only would I never give a Liberal-Hippy company like Starbucks a DIME of my money, I'd never drink instant coffee, especially in the bush . Whats wrong with this?
  22. Well me and a friend went into the park yesterday in search of the usual speck/laker combo. Fishing was slooooooooow but I managed to pull out a 15" Brookie and a little minnow of a Laker also had my worm stripped in the same hole I caught the speck in. The speck was caught on a small eagle claw treble hook with a worm and no weight...just let it sink to the bottom and slither around . The Laker was caught on my trusted Williams Whitefish in gold/silver hammered. My rant as it is, is about my Canadian Tire Gerber folding bone/wood saw seen here...http://www.gerbergear.com/index.php/product/id/83 Well after cutting half way through a dead 4" Cedar all i hear is "SNAP", and watch as the blade blows apart...well thats no good I figure, so I had to use the bone blade for the rest of the day, and that didn't make me too happy. I have a video to follow it up. EDIT- Video here...**WARNING** I say the F word not once, but twice Heres the Speck next to a 6" bladed Buck Knife. Like I said in a previous post, cowboy coffee looking out on the lake My partner all ambitious to get some poisson.
  23. I did as soon as they showed me that video I understand the debate of wooden/float vs. aluminums, but as Dr. Sal said, skiing down 30 foot hills on wooden rigs isn't fun That price on your website for shoes, is that with taxes and shipped? This is a very good idea RattleTrap, while I don't have a Costo near me there are lots of stores that sell beginner brands, I'll have to take a close look at them. This right here, is great. I love hearing from businesses that sell more than one brand...keeps the bias out of it
  24. Damn straight, I never do too well in Gamit but it's always nice to be drinking cowboy coffee on the shore watching your lines. I only got 2 fish today 1 15" Brook and a little Laker and missed a brookie...so not a bad day I guess I'm BEAT, FAT and OUT of shape...I'm going to bed, nite guys...
  25. Excellent posts guys! I just got back from Gamitagama. I'll reply to each of your replys tomorrow and post a report of Gamit
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